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Woozi didn't see (y/n) for a few days after they came back to Seoul. She didn't come to the company building at all and did not answer his texts as well. It was almost the same like the last time, but he still couldn't help but feel a but worried about her.

He tried to get to know about her well being from Baekho too, but his friend almost dismissed him, telling his that he was busy. But Jihoon could feel that something was off. From the way he tried to avoid talking about (y/n).

And his worries came even bigger when he got a text message from her, almost two weeks since the end of their trip. He was busy, since the group started the recording of some songs by now, and as a main producer he had to keep an eye on everything.

But he almost instantly left the room after his phone lit up and a notification of a new message popped up. He only glanced at it but when he saw a familiar name he picked his phone quickly and left the recording room.

The text was short and it didn't easy his nerves at all. Just a couple of words.

hi, wanna meet up soon? i got news

He felt his heart clench. Two weeks of waiting and this is what he got from her. He couldn't help but feel hurt, how could he not.

But he knew that he couldn't just let his emotions take over him. So he just simply replied with short agreement.

And that was it. Nothing else came. For another days.

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Woozi was busy. Maybe that's what made him not think about (y/n) that much. The pressure of upcoming comeback was high, he couldn't hide it. But at least it made his mind occupied.

And he had to say, thinks we're almost like before. Like during times when (y/n) wasn't working in Pledis. It was only four months but it seemed like forever ago.

Jihoon fell into a routine again. He only focused on the album, and got rid of every other thing that may disturbing him. At least that what he intended to do. But those quiet thoughts about certain someone that sometimes crossed his mind.

And then one day, when he was working late on the album he got a text. He lifted his head up from the paper he was focused on and looked at his phone that was laying next to him.

He picked it up and read the message. It made him furrow his brows in confusion. It was from (y/n), and like most of her texts, it was short.

you did it! thanks!

He scanned the text few times trying to understand, but he really had no clue what it was about. Just as he was about to put down his phone, it vibrated in his hand. He brought it back up to his face.

It wasn't a text this time. But a new mail announcement. It was also from (y/n).

He put down the phone and logged into his mail account on the computer. He opened the latest message and looked at it surprised.

Nothing was written the mail, not even a title. It only had few attachments.

He knew what tl they were without even opening them. They were songs.

She sent him all that she worked on.

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harmony // lee jihoon x reader [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now