1 : Flashbacks

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One stormy evening when the most tragic event happened to her. She was sitting in front of the television watching close to the news that was live. Her parents were there fighting the giant villain, a muscular gigantic roaring villain. Her mother was there flashing waters through the vision of the enemy to keep the villain unable to attack directly and as for her father, he was speeding around and throwing lightning bolts to its body, trying to make a critical hit. Other pro-heroes were also there helping the best way they can to make the villain be defeated. Her father was making hits due to the rain and his electricity but it was not enough to make the enemy fall to its knees.

"Akari!" Izumi called. "There is only one way to defeat the villain!"

Akari abruptly stopped on his heels and gave Izumi a terrified look while shaking his head. "No! I can't risk us on anything like that."

"But you know it's the only way to have this monster killed." Izumi smiled softly as she turned to her co-pro-heroes. "I want you all to listen up! Clear every building near and save every single citizen and bring them as far as 5 kilometers!" She ordered.

"But there is no way we'll leave you both on this." Isamu answered. "We know what you have planned in mind and Akari is right, we can't risk you or the both of you just like that!"

"Just trust me on this one, it'll be alright." Izumi smiled as if it wasn't a big deal. "You have maximum of 5 minutes to clear the place out. And as the others do that, let's do our best to distract the villain."

And every pro-heroes did their job saving every citizen and secure every building if there are still citizens, fortunately every building was already evacuated.

"Mommy, Daddy, I know you both can do this!" (y/n) whispered with both fist clenched continuing to watch her parents.

Once everyone was 5 kilometers away from the spot. "Isamu! Cover up the citizens this is going to be tough." Izumi smiled as the other pro-heroes went their way back 5 kilometers to protect the rest. Isamu gave her a small sad smile before saluting and leaving.

"Izumi, we can't." Akari said as he stood beside her.

"Honey listen, we can't defeat this if we're not going to do it." Izumi frowned as she caressed his face. "I love you and our daughter. You two are the best thing that's ever happened to me and you both made me happy. (y/n) big, tough, brave and smart and I couldn't be any proud mom because we made her. She may be quirk less and she may seem unbothered by that but I am glad I had you two for 17 years of my life."

"Don't make it sound like this is going to be our last day. Dear, we can do this, we can get through this. And (y/n) is also proud of us for being the heroes we always were. To this town, city and especially for her." Akari smiled as tears were brimming in both of their eyes. "I love you, let's do this."

And with that, they began to work. Akari ran around the villain in circles, causing a hurricane to where the villain was standing, making it hard for the enemy to walk and stand still. As Akari was making a hurricane, Izumi was waiting for an opening and the signal from Akari.

Once the hurricane began to have small sparks of electricity, Izumi was waiting for it to grow bigger to shoot her water. This was it, the electricity was visible and she began to shoot a large amount of water and the villain cried in pain, cursing at the pain he's feeling but Akari was still there dying along with the monster. The large amount of water Izumi released reached her limit and her skin was breaking but as soon as no noise has heard, she stopped and fell onto the ground in an instant.

"No!!!!!!!!!" (y/n) yelled and the alarm went off.

(Y/N) rose from her bed turning the alarm off. "Oh fuck I'm late!" She hurriedly left the bed to take a shower and decided to eat at the coffeeshop for breakfast. I must have overslept from that dream again. She thought to herself as she finished dressing up and leaving for work.

That night kept haunting her but she was proud of her parents and what they've done to save the city. Her mother has recovered slowly from the injuries she had that night but will not be able to leave the hospital. Izumi can never use her quirk ever again and if she does, her skin might break causing more damage to her. So instead, she needs full recovery of her body but will be forbidden to use her quirk.

(Y/N) was relief that two of her friends were already there to do their duties by serving customers and the people started to come in and order coffees and pastries and breakfast they serve.

"Someone's late." Hoshi smirked.

"Oh, I'm sorry I overslept and didn't hear my alarm go off the first time." (Y/N) smiled in embarrassment. "Thanks. Where's Kiyoko?"

"She said she'll be the one in charge in the kitchen while I work here in front. Also she said she wanted to try in the kitchen but later on she'll be here with you." Hoshi explained with a smile.

"Thank you so much, but you can go back to the kitchen and tell Kiyoko get back here." (Y/N) smiled as she wore her apron and hairnet and started to continue what Hoshi started.

Hoshi shrugged and mumbled an "okay" before heading to the kitchen and told Kiyoko to get back to the counter and work on the pastries.

I may not have any quirks but I am proud that I have built my own coffee shop, my parents' dream and I am pursuing whatever they didn't and make them more proud. Mommy, Daddy this is for you. (Y/N) stated in her thoughts smiling as she serves and makes coffee for every orders of their customers.

Red Riot // Kirishima x Reader ✔️Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu