21 : The Big Fight

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"She's been kidnapped!" Red Riot called Ground Zero. "Alert others, this is going to be a one big fight."

"Send me your coordinates, I'll alert the others." Ground Zero said before hanging up.

Red Riot did not waste any time by sending Ground Zero his coordinates. The city does not look good and there were villains that started to show up. Red Riot did all his best to take them down and kept them tied so they couldn't escape until the Police Department would reach the area. "I'm coming for you, (Y/N). Just wait for me." He muttered, running opposite to where people were running from.

He stopped in his tracks when he saw three large rockets, the ones he saw that Isamu was building. "No fucking way." He couldn't believe his eyes that he is seeing this.

A hologram appeared above the rockets and the monitors on the street's screens became a face of Isamu. "Good Evening Japan!" He beamed. "I am Maul and I'm with Phantom. We are here to tell you that this is Japan's last night before everything else would fall. After this, we will become your new leaders. You will obey every of our command if you want to have your precious life."

Red Riot ran towards to one of the rockets and crawled to find it's circuit and cut every wire within it. Shoto spotted Red Riot among the rockets on his way and yelled, "Kirishima! What are you doing?!"

"I'm finding it's circuits to have it deactivated!"

"You can't!" Chargebolt, out of nowhere, appeared. "Due to my sensors, it's automated with voice recognition. If there's any way we could stop this, it's only to have it voice recognition."

Red Riot groaned, muttering profanities as he got off the rocket. Isamu on the background continued to speak about what's going to happen and how they will rule the world. "Bakugo called us to say your pretty little girlfriend got kidnapped by them." Shoto spoke.

"Yeah." Red Riot sighed. "I need to find their secret hideout. I have to bring her back, I have to save her."

"Dude, calm down. That's why we're here right? Team work, we're heroes and this is what heroes do. They help each other." Chargebolt smirked.

"Thanks, Kami." Red Riot smiled as Uravity dropped on the ground, releasing her quirk.

"I don't know if this would help but I think I saw a huge satellite above with blinking lights and a cage." Uravity spoke. "I think they're somewhere there but don't you think it's like dangerous and a little too obvious to have them up there?"

Red Riot stared at Uravity. "We need to take them down as soon as possible. Kami can you check with your sensor about the signal to where Uraraka was talking about?"

Chargebolt looked at the satellite with tons of blinking lights and gave Red Riot a nervous look. "I'm afraid that Uraraka is right. A large wave of electricity is being used according to my sensors."

Deku came with Ground Zero. "Fuck this! One rocket is equivalent of kill people in three cities. That's how fucking huge this mess is." Ground Zero spoke.

"As much as possible we can formulate a plan." Deku spoke as everyone gave him a look that they were ready to listen. "I've gathered the others but only to tell them what they could with their quirks. I asked Sero, Iida and Tokoyami to save the citizens within the perimeter, since they're the one closest to this area. If we're going to part ways in group, is much better idea but they're expecting that. Even on your part, Kirishima. They're expecting you to be the one who will be the one running up there to save your girlfriend. How about we turn the tables? Someone else would save her as the rest of us would do offense and defense."

Everyone was nodding at Deku's explanation, agreeing with every word he says. "What if the one who saves her up there will be Kaminari? After all he can detect anything with his sensors. Uraraka might be useful for us against defense." Shoto spoke as Chargebolt and Red Riot exchanged looks. "Kirishima and Bakugo on offense Midorya along with Uraraka on defense. I do both whenever I can help."

"Got it." They all replied. "As much as possible to take down villains while doing the mission, let's do so." Red Riot said as they all nod and he looked at Chargebolt who was standing and waiting for him. "Bro, you got this right? Keep her safe. I know she's expecting that I'm coming to save her but for now you have to do that because that's the plan. Take care of her alright, I trust you bro."

"Bro." Chargebolt chuckled. "You know me, we got this. I'll be bringing back your precious girlfriend."

With that they all went with the plan. Red Riot and Ground Zero leading the way for offense as Deku and Uravity went behind for defense along with Shoto. Chargebolt ran towards the skyscraper to where the villains were and Red Riot's girlfriend and made sure he would be cautious.

"Hey Shitty hair!" Ground Zero called as Red Riot glanced at his partner. "You're gonna have your girlfriend back to you, just calm down and focus on the plan."

"Thanks, Bakubro." Red Riot smiled as he earned an eye roll from Ground Zero.

They took down small time villains that were on their way. Tying them up so the policemen won't have a hard time arresting them. They made it towards the building and Shoto did his first move, shooting ice at the satellite causing the hologram and livestream of Isamu to turn down.

Isamu was confused and when he looked at the satellite it was broken. "FUCK! They're here! Izumi get ready." He ordered.

"I'm always ready." She spoke, wearing her new mask. "I'm gonna take care of them, you stay here and do whatever that needs to be done."

"Aye, aye, captain." Isamu chuckled and waved at Izumi.

"Don't dare touch or hurt (Y/N) or else you know what'll happen." Izumi disappeared from the building, jumping down at the ice Shoto caused. Sliding with ease using her quirk, she successfully reached down.

The rest of the group hid, including Red Riot to make them think he was going to be the one who's saving (Y/N). Izumi grinned underneath her mask as she doesn't spot anyone. "Great work, kids! You've turned off the satellite! Now come out." She called.

Ground Zero being the reckless he is, he appeared above her, used his grenade with his hand which Izumi blocked in a swift move of her water quirk, making a shield. "Too slow." Izumi said as she was pushed against the ground with a debris.

"Tch, slow?" Ground Zero growled. "You're slow, old geezer!"

Izumi didn't like how the words were coming out of Ground Zero's mouth and pushed the debris off her with her quirk and didn't run to attack. She stood firm on her ground, waiting for another charge. Deku appeared behind her and kicked her as Red Riot came out hardened himself and grabbed Izumi.

"How dare you!" Red Riot screamed at Izumi's face. "She looked up to you and this is how you're going to do in exchange of every hard work she's done?! Joining Isamu in his destructive plan?"

Izumi laughed, "Hard work? She's fucking useless! She's quirkless! I don't even know why you even bother sticking up with her!" Izumi said. "She's weak! She's nothing but a complete worthless child!"

Red Riot's chest ache at the words he was hearing. "Don't you dare say anything like that! She's one of the best people I've ever met. Quirkless or not, she made me happy! She-she's my source of happiness, strength and motivation!"

"Yet you lied to her, didn't you?" She barked. "You lied to her, how come you say that she's your source of happiness? You didn't even told her the truth!"

"I was only doing my job to protect her!"

"Protect her? What is she some 3 year old little girl?" Izumi chuckled. "If you wanted to protect her, you shouldn't have even dated her in the first place!"

Red Riot was taken aback with all the words Izumi was saying until he was caught off guard and was pushed with her quirk against the building.

"Kirishima!" Uravity called as the rest of the group ran to attack Izumi.

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