Bonus Chapter: The Interview between Eijirou and (Y/N)

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(Y/N) decided to cook dinner for her and Eijirou who was coming over in about an hour. The cafe closed today and for the following few days, maybe 3 days? (Y/N) offered to have at least a short leave which Kiyoko and Hoshi agreed to and didn't have any conflict about having the cafe closed.

She was making ramen and dumplings for dinner and a nice cup of homemade cafe latte for Eijirou. There were a lot going on with her mind, after the incident about everything. The revelation of finding out what Tenacious and her mother was up to and having Bakugo and Eijirou and their friends as heroes that she never gotten any idea even the slightest bit.

(Y/N) had finally set up the table complete and made sure she doesn't miss out a spot. She made sure the dinner would be perfect even if it's home based dinner and at least it's something cheap and she'd not beg Eijirou to have them to go out just to eat expensive shit she's not comfortable with.

An hour passed, (Y/N) was sitting on the couch watching television, cartoons to be specific. Eijirou knocked and came in, "Hey baby." He greeted as soon as he walked in and spotted her. He removed his shoes and put it on the corner properly before walking towards her and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"Hey Ei. How's work?" She asked, smiling at him as she watch him sit down beside her. "I made dinner for us."

Eijirou smiled, "That's great babe. Well bummer, we were scouting around the hospital where your mother stayed to see if there were other evidences we can find and use for the case." He started. "But I guess there weren't any."

(Y/N) didn't know what to feel. She was feeling relieved and desperate knowing all these and what her mother did was unforgivable but she knew her mother had a purpose behind it, she's just not sure about that yet. She remembered that her mother mentioned about doing villain stuffs for the revenge for her father but revenge wasn't the answer, everyone knows that but kept doing it anyway.

"Oh," she said, looking at him. "Hey I've been thinking of interviewing you throughout the whole dinner. I want to know everything about you. No lies, no more hiding, and definitely no more faking. Deal?"

Eijirou chuckled as he was shaking his head as if (Y/N) was telling a complete joke. "Of course, babe. No more lies, hiding and faking. Deal."

They walked towards the dining area and sat across each other and served themselves ramen and dumplings. She gave the home made cafe latte to Eijirou as she served herself some water. As they began eating, they let the comfortable silence to begin with their night.

(Y/N) grabbed her glass and took a sip of her water and placed the glass down before speaking. "Is Eijirou Kirishima your real name?" she asked.

Eijirou almost choked on his own food but managed to swallow it properly and drink his coffee to help him digest the food that he almost choked with. "Of course."

"So why didn't you tell me in the first place?" She asked. "Not that I'm mad or anything, I was just wondering. Most people back from my High School who decided not to go to any hero school kept flexing their quirks which made me wonder why did they not proceed to any hero school's if they're going to keep flexing them."

He laughed at her short story and smiled at her before answering. "I honestly wanted to tell you that back when we had our first date." He answered. "But the rest of the squad told me to keep it a secret for your safety, to keep you out of danger and to avoid any villains coming after you if they found out my true identity."

(Y/N) nodded, she wasn't mad at his friends for convincing him to lie. It was a pretty little white lie that he had to keep just for her safety and to keep her safe which she completely understand. "So who convinced you to tell me that you work as an accountant at a downtown hotel?" she smirked.

Eijirou blushed at her question and scratched the back of his head. "Honestly? You wouldn't believe it."

"Try me."

"It's Bakubro."

"No fucking way?!" She gasped. "Why on earth would he tell you to lie being an accountant? No offense baby but you suck at math, I've noticed that."

He laughed, "I told him that too but knowing Bakubro, he's just like that. He walked out on me when I asked for other suggestions. So, I then decided for the sake of Bakubro, I'm going to lie I work as an accountant at a downtown hotel. No big deal, right?"

(Y/N) couldn't contain her fits of giggles at his explanation. "Blasty is such a fucking nerd."

"He is, he was my tutor back then in UA. He keeps telling everyone that he is the best and he's going to be the number one hero."

"Too bad he didn't reach being the number one but not bad for being the number three right?"

"He was furious at first about it but eventually just gave in and accepted the fact that he still got to be one of the top three heroes."

After that short question and answer, they continued eating again. Filling the room with comfortable silence, exchanging glances with matching pulling off silly faces. (Y/N) admits deep inside herself that she's proud and lucky to have Eijirou in her life. It's not like you could work on any cafe shops and a hero walks in to order and then eventually began liking you by the fact that you were quirkless.

"So why did you choose me?" Out of nowhere, she asked. "I mean, I just work on a coffee shop which just so happens you walked and passed by and decided to order. Besides all that, I'm quirkless."

Eijirou was about to eat a spoonful of ramen noodles with dumplings on his mouth until he heard the question. He stopped and put the food back on his bowl and gave her the most genuine smile he could pull off for her. "Baby, what kind of question is that?"

"Question asked by dumb people especially dumb girls."

He chuckled at her reply, "You wanna know why? Besides the fact you are quirkless and you work on a coffee shop, I see potential in you. I see how hard you work during your shift. I see how much you cared for the people around you including your mother. You're so innocent and you admire all these heroes and not get jealous. How your parents have quirks and how you don't, I've never heard any complaints from you and I like that all about you."

(Y/N) felt like she want to tear up hearing his words and explanation to her question and she felt like she just want to tackle him onto the ground and love him forever. "I love you and you know that."

"I know and I love you too."

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