23 : After

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Maul lifted (Y/N) from his shoulder and ready to toss her but Ground Zero melted the glue and ran to where they were only to have them three fall off the bridge. Ground Zero held tight onto (Y/N) as Maul had no strength left as he was on his limit.

They hit the water and soon, Deku on his full cowling released him from the glue and helped his friends. Red Riot didn't waste time to ran to the bridge and peeled to see if they were okay. But there was no one on the surface yet.

Ground Zero began to swim gripping onto (Y/N)'s waist and Red Riot was relieved to see them. Phantom was stirred and escaped the glue but Deku had her down but that didn't stopped her. She ran to the bridge and saw Maul chasing Ground Zero and (Y/N), pulling her away from his grip and wanted her to die instantly.

"You're not going to lay your filthy hands on her." Phantom said, ready to jump but Red Riot stopped her.

"You're under arrest, Izumi. I'm sorry but we are the ones who's going to save (Y/N)." Red Riot spoke.

Phantom smirked. "You haven't even turned the rockets off—"

"Todoroki has already taken down two rockets and it looks like one more to go." Uravity spoke, as she saw from the big screen on the news about what's happening.

Phantom screamed and jumped but no one caught her. She dove into the water and Ground Zero was shooting explosions against Maul who almost used (Y/N) as a shield to his explosions. Phantom was seeing all these and it angered her more at his actions. Phantom splashed onto the water causing a huge wave that made Maul lose his grip on (Y/N), even Ground Zero stopped his attacks once the wave got onto them.

"This isn't part of the plan!" Phantom screeched at Maul, grabbing her daughter in her arms. "I should've known you're a two faced!"

"Oh no, Izumi, that's not who I am." Maul protested. "I have no intention of hurting your daughter I was saving her!"

"Saving?! By using her as a shield from his explosion?!"

"I wasn't—"

"Liar!" Phantom blew Maul away with her quirk making him drown. Killing him in process but Ground Zero landed a punch against Phantom and was knocked out cold.

He carried Phantom and (Y/N) as Uravity jumped and before hitting the ground, she floated and touched the ground safely. "I'll bring her to the hospital."

Uravity carried (Y/N) and left Ground Zero and Phantom. He tied her up and pushed her against the wall before Red Riot appeared from the water with Maul on his hands already tied. "It's too late for you. For all of you! You're all doomed! With us leading and all those other villains causing distraction and destruction, you're nothing but weaklings!" Maul said through gritted teeth. "Those two rockets you speak of are nothing but a decoy. The last rocket is not as easy as it was than the two. Last rocket touches the ground and everything else goes boom!"

"You're fucking kidding me!" Ground Zero groaned, feeling tired. "You are going to make it stop! Use your fucking voice recognition to stop it!"

"Make me." Maul threatened with a smirk playing on his lips but until then his lips falter when Chargebolt and Shinso came to where they were. "Bringing this useless electric guy won't make me stop it, nor does his electricity."

"Nope." Chargebolt grinned popping the 'p' and glanced at Shinso. "But he can."

Shinso was so bored as if everyone reminded them of their Homeroom teacher when they were in High School. He activated his quirk and stared in Maul's eyes, "You're going to turn of the rocket, stop this madness and get under arrest."

"You're not gonna—" Maul stopped talking in his mid sentence before standing, making Ground Zero untie him and Maul used his watch to activate the voice recognition to make the abomination stop and surrendered both his hands up.

Ground Zero smirked before tying him up again as Shinso deactivated his quirk and sighed. "W-what happened?" Maul asked as soon as he regained his consciousness. "You fuckers!"

"Well I guess work here is done." Red Riot spoke as he grabbed Maul's shoulder and began to walk. Phantom was still unconscious and no one knew how hard did Ground Zero hit her.

The police were there to put Maul and Phantom on restraints to avoid them using their quirks and from there it's the Police's duty what to do with them. The other villains who were caught was done the same and for those who escaped, they're gonna be captured one day.

Red Riot did not waste time to rush into the hospital to go to where (Y/N) was brought by Uravity. Once he reached there, they told him visitor time is over so he just went outside her room to see her so calm and just resting. Uravity and Red Riot came back in the street to help them clean the mess they've made.

The very next day, (Y/N) woke up with her boyfriend already in the room, asleep as he was waiting for her to wake up. She slowly sat up and poked Eijirou. "Eiji? Eiji, wake up."

Eijirou stirred only to have himself finally waking up and gave her a small smile and held her hand. The first thing he did was, "(Y/N), I'm very sorry! I'm so so so sorry about lying to you. I know I shouldn't but I just—"

(Y/N) chuckled, "You're forgiven. I know you were only trying to protect me from what heroes mostly fear." She said. "After all, you did protect and watched over me pretty well."

"You know what?" Eijirou spoke as he held her hand tight in his grip but not enough to hurt her. "Your mother saved you from Isamu. She actually was the one who saved you. I'm sorry about Izumi though."

(Y/N) was speechless. She didn't know whether to thank her mom from saving her or stay mad for turning to the bad side. "I'm just glad that I'm saved. That's all. And I'm glad you're safe." The door to her room opened only to have the rest of the crew who was there during the fight. Carrying flowers and foods and even fruits. "Um... Eiji? Did they come to the right room?" But then she noticed Bakugo but still unsure of the others.

"It's time for you to know them." Eijirou spoke as he gave his friends a smile and wave. "They're my classmates when I was in UA High. Basically, we were the one who came into action once you were kidnapped. The Zero Gravity, Uraraka. The Explosion Hero, Bakugo. Half cold and half hot hero, Todoroki. The lightning hero, Kaminari. The brainwashing hero, Shinso, and of course the Symbol of Peace, Midoriya."

(Y/N)'s eyes widen and were in the brim of tears as she gave them all a wide smile and bowed her head. "Thank you for the hard work. Thank you for saving me and everyone. Thank you for doing the right thing. I admire every single one of you." She said as they all chuckled and said their 'welcomes'.

Their day at the hospital was spent eating, laughing and telling stories. Eijirou couldn't be any happier than this. (Y/N) was so proud of her boyfriend and his friends about all these. Meeting more heroes and knowing she's been dating Red Riot all along was a plus and they all knew this is the beginning of a new friendship between the heroes and her.

Ever since then, Kiyoko and Hoshi would visit her as well. Then the heroes would always come and stop by the coffee shop to take breaks and just visit them but also buy their favorite drinks and foods.

Phantom and Maul were on Tartarus locked up but Phantom did not regret having her in that place. After all she became a bad mother and turned into the bad side, so it was just right for her to stay in that place. Maul has still not gotten over the fact that he can't remember how he deactivated the rocket.

More or less, (Y/N) recovered and was ready to get home. And starting from that day on, (Y/N) and Eijirou had finally come to decide that they should live together. He sometimes take her to his agency and meet people there and she was just so happy. And seeing her happy is what makes Eijirou happy.

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