3 : Encounter

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The coffee aroma were all around the area as the customers were busy having their own little worlds while having the finest coffee and sweet pastries. They were all busy working and didn't have much time to talk due to the customers who would come and go and order. It didn't bother them not talking while working, actually it helps them to think of other stuffs that needs to be thinking.

"How's your mother?" Kiyoko finally broke the silence after serving the last customer in line. "Is she close to recovering?"

"She's fine and she's recovering just fine. She just needs to stay in there for much longer for some tests and for her safety." (Y/N) smiled sheepishly.

The door opened as the bell chimed indicating someone had entered or left. (Y/N) looked up to see two guys who were walking towards the counter and stared at the menu. She couldn't deny that she found them both cute but the other one was way cuter. He had his long red hair all over his face that he didn't seem to care if it gets in his vision or not. Sharp teeth, shark-like but a positive aura was clearly shown from this guy. While the other had a yellow hair with a hint of black streak on his bangs and seem to be naturally smiling even though there's nothing to be smiling at.

"Um, hello." The red haired guy greeted, leaning on the counter. "I'll have one large cappuccino, one large iced latte and two croissants. For dine-in." He beamed.

She punched down their orders, printing the receipt. "That'll be $10.35. Can I have your name please?"

"Kirishima. He's Kaminari—"

"No." (Y/N) blushed as he introduced themselves. "I meant a name to write on your coffee cups so when your orders are ready, we'll just have to call you out." She explained, still blushing at the thought of committing that mistake.

"Oh, right. Yeah, I'm sorry." Kirishima chuckled while scratching the back of his head. "Kirishima."

She wrote down their names and asked them to sit and wait for their names to be called. She began to make their coffees as Kiyoko began to place the croissants on the plates with chocolate dip on the side.

"There's seem to have a massive fire downtown." The news on the television started to play on the screen. "There's still no sign if it's an accident kind of fire or possibly another villain that decided to attack our city. We'll look closely and see what's happening." The newscaster and the camera man were on a helicopter trying to record everything and say what they see or what they think is happening.

And as the scene shows, a man who were throwing cars and whatever that's in his way, causing destruction around the city. Kirishima and Kaminari exchanged looks before running out of the coffeeshop without (Y/N) realizing it was them leaving. And the scene continuous to look just like that and before the villain caused more damage the heroes had finally come to save the day.

(Y/N) did a little clap in her hands with a smile on her face once the heroes were seen on the television. Once she saw Red Riot she jumped a little, feeling a little hyped at how she had seen him in action again. She finished making their coffees and called them but no one seems to claim their orders and there were no red nor yellow hair guys were seen.

They must've gone to the comfort room or something. She thought to herself and continued to watch the news. Once the heroes had finally defeated the villain she smiled to herself thanking them once again in her mind.

A few moments later, Kirishima and Kaminari went in again. She noticed the two who had entered again, "Where have you been? I was calling out your name for you to claim your orders but you guys didn't seem to be around. Where were you two?" She asked curiously.

"Kaminari had to use the comfort room because he couldn't keep it in anymore and I had to escort him." Kirishima blushed.

"But we have comfort rooms there." She pointed where the comfort room was but he just shrugged.

Kirishima had his mouth open ready to speak when Kaminari hit him a bit on his sides. "It was occupied when we tried to use it. So we decided to go to the other stores with comfort rooms and took it out there." Kaminari explained, his heart beating fast while giving Kirishima an eye contact.

"Oh, I apologize for the inconvenience then." She bowed a little and apologized. "Soon when I have the place renovated I'll try to make the comfort room bigger." She smiled a little.

"Anyway, thank you for serving us coffees and pastries. We appreciate being here for the first time and felt welcomed for the rest of our lives, but we have to go." Kaminari excused and began to walk on his way to the door.

"B-but you haven't p-paid yet." She muttered making Kirishima's eyes widen before pulling out some money from his pocket and paid.

"I'm sorry about that, glad you never fail to remind." He picked his coffee and started eating the croissant. "Thank you!" He waved before leaving with Kaminari.

(Y/N) smiled as she put the payment on the cashier and she could never get Kirishima out of her head ever since. All she could ever think of is the sweet aroma scent the coffeeshop she's in right now, how Red Riot appeared along with his pro heroes and how this cute boy named Kirishima who had his red hair flat on down on his face and those shark like teeth. And she felt like her days are becoming better at least.

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