Bonus Chapter: The Week in Life with Bakugo

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(A/N: I'm giving y'all a bonus chapter of (Y/N) and Bakugo living together when Eijirou asked a huge favor from Bakugo to watch over her. Comment below what bonus chapter you want next! Sending all my love to you beautiful/handsome readers out there. Thank you so much for your love and support for this book! Will do a sequel soon, better watch out 😏)

Kirishima left (Y/N) to Bakugo in their shared apartment. Having Bakugo to "babysit" the red headed's girlfriend made Bakugo itched to spill everything and throw tantrums for having him to watch over someone who's legal enough to watch themselves.

"Why the fuck did he even bother to have you here?" Bakugo asked, squinting his eyes over (Y/N) who was sat on the couch as she watch television and Bakugo who was holding a spoon eating cereal.

"It's not so bad to leave me alone here if you have to go to work." She smiled sweetly, making Bakugo scoffed. "I promise not to blow the apartment off."

"That's not just fucking it. Why does he have to–" He cut himself short before his tongue slipped words that weren't to tell. "Leave you alone here and not bring you to work instead?"

(Y/N) frowned, "Are you saying, you don't want me around? After all the safety Eijirou is trying to keep me."

"Fuck that hair for brains." He muttered as he finished eating and put his bowl on the sink and drink his water and washed the dirty utensils and dishes. "What do you want for lunch?"

"I'm fine with left overs if you have any." She shrugged.

"I'm not feeding you shit." Bakugo rolled his eyes. "I fucking promised shitty hair to take care of you–"

"Shitty hair?"

"Yeah, his fucking hair is shitty."

"It's no different than yours."

"Fuck you, shut up. You have no fucking rights to cut me off while I'm talking."

—3 days later

"Hey Bakubro!" (Y/N) giggled as she walked into the kitchen, caught Bakugo in act of cooking them lunch. "What's for lunch?"

"Something you won't eat and probably poison you with it." Bakugo smirked, taking a short glance towards her.

"Well fuck you, I'm telling you on Ei." She grinned.

"Try and lets see if you'll make it alive before you get to him." He taunted.

"Ei! Bakubro's fucking poisoning my food!"

In a matter of minute, Eijirou walked down the stairs, shirtless and wearing his boxers. "Oi! What's the fuss all about?" He asked, eyeing the two. "Wait, (Y/N) did you just cussed?"

"And so what if she fucking does?" Bakugo smirked, a little happy dance inside the smirk as he have taught (Y/N) very well.

"Yeah, so what if I fucking do?" (Y/N) giggled as she crossed her arms.

Eijirou blinked before shaking his head and ran a hand across his hair. "That's not a manly thing to do, (Y/N). Hey Bakubro, is this what I get for having you watch over her? For babysitting her for me?"

"Ya bet, you fucking hair for brains."

"But I thought it was shitty hair?" She pouted.

"Yeah, that too."

Eijirou groaned, "You did not teach her the nickname you gave me way back High School!" He whined. "You're teaching a pure kid here. Well maybe she does cuss and all but she doesn't do it nearly everyday nor every second like you do!"

"Fuck off and enjoy the sushi I just finished." Bakugo rolled his eyes and served the sushi's on the table. "Thank me after the week is over."

—Last day

"You fucking stay safe and keep out of danger, ya got that ya piece of shit?" Bakugo ordered as he pat (Y/N)'s head. "But for now, I got you something."

Before she could ask what was it, she felt wet. Did he just threw a water balloon at her face? "Oh no you did not just fucking play with me!" She yelled as she chased Bakugo all around the house, almost wrecking things around them.

"Fucking stop before I explode you off!" Bakugo threatened. (Y/N) did not know what that meant but she just shrugged and continued chasing him. "Fucking hell you do not understand basic english and instructions! How about we play Mario Kart!"

(Y/N) stopped dead on her tracks and blinked at Bakugo before responding. "Depends how competitive you are in this game." She spoke as she squinted her eyes at him.

"Oh very, very, very competitive. Don't even fucking ask how." Bakugo smirked as he walked towards the living room and set up the console. "You're gonna suck it up, buttercup."

She gave him the weirdest look she could ever pull after hearing Bakugo say words that she don't usually hear from boys. "Uhuh honey, let's see about that." She said as she sat down on the couch. "Don't be such a sore loser when you lose from me, alright blasty?"

Bakugo glanced at her, "Blasty?"

"It's a nickname for you since you have an explosive attitude and you like to shout things like 'I'm going to explode you' which I don't know what that means. Is t literal or something else." (Y/N) shrugged as he gave her player 2 controller.

"Fucking weird shit." Bakugo muttered before sitting next to her and they began playing Mario Kart. "Just don't cry your ass out to Shitty hair once you lose, alright?"

"Never will I fucking will." (Y/N) grinned proud of herself. And the competition between the two started with a silence until (Y/N) began screaming when she tried to hit Bakugo a power that the mushroom gave her which startled Bakugo. "I got your fucking ass!"

"Oh no you fucking don't!" Bakugo screamed as they continued to compete with each other without noticing Eijirou had finally come in with groceries on hand seeing the two play. "You won't fucking win from me!"

"I fucking dare you!" (Y/N) taunted.

Eijirou was not used to her screaming profanities but this is what he gets in return for having Bakugo watch over her. "Hey (Y/N) babe? I don't think it's appropriate to cuss."

(Y/N)'s head spun as he heard his lover's voice and let go of the controller to jump at him. Luckily, he was fast enough to put the groceries safe on the table and catch her. "I'm sorry Ei, it's blasty's fault."

"Blasty?" Eijirou asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Katsuki." She said.

He gulped as he looked at Bakugo who won the race. "But why blasty though?"

"He's got an explosive attitude and he keeps yelling at me that he will make me explode." She pouted.

"Oi, quit talking shit and for the fucking record you are a sore loser." Bakugo said, turning off the console.

(Y/N) stuck her tongue at Bakugo, still in Eijirou's arms. "Alright, enough you two. Have you finished packing your stuffs again? I'm going to send you home today, we got no issues any longer within the perimeters of your place. Due to the hero I talked to earlier this morning, he said the place is clear."

She cheered and hugged him, "Thank you so much, Ei!"

Red Riot // Kirishima x Reader ✔️Where stories live. Discover now