4 : Late Night

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It's been a day since those cute boys had bought from her coffeeshop and haven't showed up yet today. Perhaps he's busy and I mean not everyone goes to a coffeeshop to buy expensive coffee and food to eat. She thought to herself while wiping the counter with a rug.

It was almost closing time, 10:50 and they have told the customers last minute order before they start to clean up. 5 minutes before closing there he came by himself, his hands inside the pocket of his jackets while casually walking towards the counter already had a smile on his face.

He seems happy even at this certain time. She said.

Kirishima noticed that they were already cleaning up and he hesitated to order. "Um, I see that you're already cleaning up. I might just come back in the morning."

(Y/N)'s eyes widened and shook her head before bowing slightly. "I apologize but I can still take a last order from you and you can come back in the morning if you still want more."

Kirishima chuckled. "Well I'm buying for me and my crew. So I'll be having one large iced latte, one medium cappuccino, one medium iced mocha, one large espresso and 10 pieces of your glazed donuts."

"That'll be $15.74, sir." She smiled politely as she punched his orders and printed the receipt. He handed her the payment and she began to make the coffees.

"So who are you with at this time of the evening?" Kirishima asked as he leaned on the counter. "Plus I noticed you didn't have to ask a name for you to write on those cups. I thought it was a thing you do here?" He had his eyebrows furrowed with a sudden confusion.

"Oh, they went home already. It's my turn to close the shop though. Plus, I don't have to do that since you're the very last customer I'm having for the night so it's not that much necessary as we need it in the day." She flushed him a smile while finishing the orders and placing them in the paper bags. "Thank you, sir! Have a good evening."

"Please, call me Eijirou. Sir is too formal, doesn't really suit me well." Kirishima chuckled as he picked up the paper bags. "Well then, see you around," he paused. "I haven't even got your name yet."

"(Y/N)." She eagerly replied as if she already knows what was he going to ask. "(Y/L/N) (Y/N). It's nice talking to you Eijirou. Stay safe on your way home though. Take care."

"Thanks (Y/N), you too though. Stay out of dark alleys okay? You don't want something bad to happen, alright?" With that Kirishima turned on his heel and left the coffeeshop giving her a final glance and a smile before walking away.

(Y/N) began to clean up the place since it was getting late and she still needs to be early for the next day. It didn't bother her if she was alone talking to Eijirou, it made her feel like she's socializing and she felt she was noticeable for a cute guy like him to notice her. While cleaning she couldn't help but to smile as those red hair and red eyes and that toothy smile he has have left traces of images inside her head that she couldn't shake off.

She finally turned the signage on the door "CLOSED" and turned all the lights off before locking the door and leaving. While walking home, she made sure she was careful about not going to the dark alleys he warned her about and tried to pass by the streets and areas where there were enough lights to see who were walking and passing by.

She was deciding whether to have a day off tomorrow so she could visit her mom at the hospital and take care of her and read books and do errands around the house or go duty for the sake of seeing Eijirou again. It doesn't matter whether he comes tomorrow or not, there are plenty of days where I could get to serve him and talk to him and see him. There's no rush in that for sure.

She pulled out the keys on her pocket as she unlocked the door of her apartment and entered, locking it again behind her. She placed her bags to the place where she stuffs her things organized and decided to text Hoshi and Kiyoko telling them she won't be able to go to work tomorrow because she wanted to have a day off at least before continuing to work 7 days straight with no day offs.

And as the both replied an "okay" to her text message. She brought her pen and notebook out and began writing her to do list for tomorrow.

To do list:
⬜️ Do grocery to buy new stock for foods
⬜️ Clean the apartment
⬜️ Laundry clothes
⬜️ Flower the garden
⬜️ Pay bills
⬜️ Visit mom
⬜️ Brainstorm new ideas for the coffeeshop with help and opinion from mom

For what seems to satisfy here to do list, she put it aside and decided to take half bath and rest so she can do her tasks tomorrow early.

There shouldn't be no time to waste when it comes to being productive. All I have to do is rest and have my alarm set and do these tasks as early as I can before I run out of time. I think that'll be easy.

Red Riot // Kirishima x Reader ✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora