22 : The Big Fight pt. 2

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Chargebolt has finally made his way to the top building but only to have Maul watching over the screens and who looked like he was busy with the computer. He tried sneaking behind one of the rockets but his heart was racing until he spotted her, on a cage, curled up like a ball. (Y/N) looked the most fragile thing Chargebolt has ever seen but Red Riot already got dibs on her, so as a very good friend, he knows his place. He ran towards the cage and whispered, "I'm going to get you out of here."

(Y/N) looked over to see a blond with black lightning streak on his hair then behind him to see Maul gone. "Watch out!" She screamed as Chargebolt was being pushed away from the cage and hit the wall.

"You think you could sneak up on me? Not so quite the sneaky person are you?" Maul grinned at Chargebolt who had his feet on the ground. "You can't get her out, I was expecting to see Red Riot but I guess everyone's too smart huh?"

"Do you really talk this a lot?" Chargebolt groaned, shooting projectiles over Maul's way which he swiftly dodged.

"Aim perfectly next time." He smirked.

"Nope, I just aimed perfectly fine, mister." Chargebolt shoot his finger gun towards Maul and shoot his lightning that caused Maul to shake aggressively and got knocked out over the volts Chargebolt just produced. He ran towards the cage and found something to break the cage open and set her free. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"No." She spoke too softly. "I'm okay, where is Eijirou?"

"He sent me to have you set free." He spoke, guiding her out of the place. "I'll answer your question but first we have to get out first."

On the ground, the rest of the crew were saving everyone from the huge danger that's about to happen. They kept battling with Phantom but no one seems to be getting any close combat with her.

"Anyone got any news from Kaminari?" Red Riot asked as the rest of the group shook their heads at him. "Shit, we need him."

"Don't you think it's bad to send someone to save my useless daughter that who could actually oppose me?" Phantom laughed. "Well that's a stupid idea."

Red Riot muttered to himself for being stupid since he was the one who originally suggested to put him up there. "And so what? You're saying we cannot take you hand on hand?" Red Riot asked.

"I'm saying, you just underestimated Maul." Phantom laughed as the Satellite begin to move and create a countdown of 1 minute and 30 seconds.

"We need that Dunce Face fast!" Ground Zero demanded, shooting explosions towards Phantom. "FASTER FUCKERS WE DON'T HAVE ENOUGH TIME!"

With that Chargebolt came out from the building with (Y/N), holding her close to him. He saw the rest of his friends fighting and yelling, "There they are. You have to stay somewhere unseen, leave this to us."

"No! I'm coming, I'm coming to help. She can't fight with you if I'm here. I'm still her daughter." (Y/N) pleaded as she held Chargebolt's hand tight, not asking but telling him.

"Kirishima would kick my ass if he sees me there with you. I should be the one to keep you safe not drag you into a mess!" Chargebolt freaked.

"I'm not asking, I'm telling you!" (Y/N) shouted as Chargebolt was left with no choice and ran towards where the fight was being held. "Mother! Stop this!" She screamed as she reached the spot, making everyone stop battling.

"(Y/N)?! What-I thought I told Kaminari to send you somewhere safe—"

"Oooh what do you have here?" Phantom grinned. "Is this a bait? Because one thing for sure is I'm not going to fall for that bait. It's a useless bait, I might add."

(Y/N) stared at her mother. "This is enough, mother." She spoke but her voice was shaky. "This will not do any good!"

Red Riot stood beside her, grasping her hand in his. "(Y/N), stop this it's no use talking to your mother out of this." He frowned which she did too. "I want to keep you safe."

"Oh bullshit (Y/N)! We can do whatever we want to do, whatever pleases us! We've gathered different small time villains that we know who has full potential of making a better followers." Phantom spoke with a smirk.

"But it's not what dad wanted—"

"Jesus fucking christ! For once can you not bring up your father on this one! He's dead, he's not fucking here even!"

(Y/N) was taken aback at her mother's response. She's never spoke like that to you nor to your dad in your entire life, or has she? Deku took the perfect opportunity to have her tied which he successfully did with the help of Shoto turning the rope on ice to have her not move or even use of her quirk.

Out of nowhere, Maul left the building, jumping down and appearing to where they were but only to have a grenade thrown on the ground. Unfortunately, it hit near (Y/N) and knocked her unconscious. "Enough the talk, let the invasion begin." Maul said, as the first rocket begin to take off.

"I'm on it!" Shoto shouted as he chased the rocket.

Red Riot had caught (Y/N) before she could fall onto the ground. Smoke was still visible but everyone tried to find and anticipate where Phantom and Maul would attack them next. Red Riot carried his girlfriend bridal style and tried to run but he was caught between Maul and Ground Zero.

His partner took the hint of what Red Riot was trying to do, escaping along with her girlfriend to bring her to safety. But as soon as the smoke cleared, Phantom glanced to where her daughter and Red Riot was only to see her unconscious which made her blood boil.

"I said not to fucking hurt her!" Phantom pushed Maul, making him stumble.

Maul was confused but he was irritated and mumbled an apology to Phantom. Red Riot continued to run as Deku and Chargebolt were the ones who faced Phantom, kicking and punching but she was just too quick for Chargebolt's lightning.

Maul knocked Uravity and Ground Zero away and tried to chase Red Riot and (Y/N) without having Phantom noticing. He wanted nothing but those little brats gone. "I don't think you're taking her anywhere else." He spoke, appearing to where Red Riot was running that made him halt.

"You're not going to lay a finger on her, do you understand?" Red Riot was screaming, clutching her close to his chest. "You're going to have to go through me." He said putting her down on the corner and made sure she was alright and began to fight with Maul.

Maul was shooting glue towards his direction but Red Riot was now too quick to dodge, memorizing and have Maul's move to be able for him to read. Maul was having a hard time focusing because he wanted (Y/N) to just disappear, wanting Phantom all for himself. Red Riot would not let him, he may not know what's going on through the villain's mind right now but saving her was his major priorities.

"Just give up already!" Red Riot screamed. "You're never going to win, not now, not tomorrow, not ever. And you're never going to touch her or get her away from me, ever again."

Maul smirked before shooting glue towards (Y/N)'s direction only to have a rock block as Uravity made it on time to have (Y/N) cover up. "Why you little." He was fuming in anger and shoot at Uravity but Ground Zero deflected the glue by sending an explosion towards Maul. "You're paying for all these!"

Maul screamed, making Deku, Chargebolt and Phantom glanced at him as he was growing frustrated. Uravity has the rock covered along (Y/N) thrown on the side. Red Riot ran over to (Y/N) but before he could reach to her, Maul shoot his glue everywhere in a swift move making everyone stick onto the ground or walls, even Phantom herself.

Maul limped his way towards to where (Y/N) was and grabbed her by the shirt and threw her on his shoulder and began walking to the nearest bridge.

"NO!" Red Riot screamed hardening his hand and punching the glue on his feet but it was no use for it. Ground Zero melted the glue and chased after Maul who seem to have reached his limit but managed to shoot another glue towards Ground Zero. Phantom knew what Maul was doing and she tried to escape even the glue.

"I'll have this brat taken away." Maul muttered to an unconscious (Y/N) and stood firm on the bridge with people running away, screaming at the top of their lungs.

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