8 : Tea

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"Kiyoko! I don't know what to do! What to wear or what to fix my hair or do make up!" (Y/N) shrieked in nervousness while waiting for the shop to close in 10 minutes.

Kiyoko laughed at her friend's sudden reaction and the terrified look on her face. She couldn't keep it to herself that (Y/N) was the most innocent friend she ever had. "You know what? You suck. What am I for? Display? I'm going to help you, you innocent." Kiyoko smirked.

(Y/N) sighed in relief. It was already closing time and there was no sign of Eijirou the whole day.

Did he seem to be bothered by our walk home last night? Did he seriously think I suck at flirting and there is no way on earth he could go out with me? Did he come to his senses?

Her thoughts were cut by Kiyoko handing her a rug as she began to clean the counter and tables. Kiyoko worked on the floor. Hisho called in sick so he couldn't come to work, which was fine by then, not much big of a deal to be honest.

Once they were finished cleaning, they grabbed their stuffs and left the store. (Y/N) locked the store and walked to where her way home until she saw the familiar red haired boy leaning against the wall already smiling at her. She blushed at the sight because she was not expecting him.

"Oh well you're just in time tonight." Eijirou smiled.

"Is this a thing? Where you appear on this wall waiting for me to go home?" (Y/N) raised an eyebrow, unsure what was happening.

"Well it would be a shame if that's the way how you turn down my offer of walking you home after your duty?" Eijirou smirked, grabbing the bag from (Y/N).

"The last time I check you're just one of my customers. Not some chaperone who waits me after duty and now carries my bag." (Y/N) teased. "I don't have enough money to pay you your job, you know?"

"Who said I was asking for money?" Eijirou chuckled and sling the bag on his shoulders. "Besides, I don't have work so why not use it in something else. Plus, walking a pretty lady home is one of my responsibility from now on."

(Y/N) was confused at the last statement Eijirou had just said. "So you walk other pretty ladies home too?"

Eijirou's eyes widen while scratching the back of his head and chuckled. "I'm sure that I didn't say 'pretty ladies', it was on singular form. Therefore, there's one pretty lady I am walking home."

(Y/N) blushed deep red and looked down at the ground while walking. She never thought he would be this charming and gentleman to be walking her home. "How was work?"

"Same old. Tiring but fun." He beamed. "How was yours? I bet the usual, huh?"

"Yes." She nodded and stopped once they reached her front lawn. "Do you wanna stay and have a tea with me?"

Eijirou shook his head, "I was only here to make sure you were safe. I had no other intentions than that. Securing you would be one of my responsibilities from now on."

"Is this how you say 'no' to my offer?" (Y/N) smirked, finally getting the same line he used to her.

Eijirou rolled his eyes playfully before shrugging. "It won't hurt a little to stay, huh? Well then, that's fine by me. Thank you."

They both entered her house, leaving their shoes on the side. She had a visitor in her house which made her decide to open the television to make it less boring and avoid any awkward situations.

"You live alone?" He asked as he sat on the couch, looking around the house. "Seems pretty big for a single person to live here though." There was a short pause before he spoke again. "Don't tell me you live here with your boyfriend that you haven't brought to our topic ye—"

"No!" She defended and blushed while making them teas. "I-I just live here alone. I don't have any b-boyfriend, never had any. Seems big for a person to live alone, huh? Well, I think this will do. I'm not planning to move out anytime soon. Maybe ask my future boyfriend to live in here with me, so this place would seem less boring and sad."

Eijirou frowned at the thought of her living alone here. He was about to speak when the teas were already served in front of him, on the coffee table when the news appeared on the screen.

"A villain is on the lose!" The reporter said, making Eijirou shift uncomfortably on his seat being cautious since no one has to know that he was a hero. "Luckily, there was a hero on duty to capture him! Shoto was there to save anyone who was in the villain's way." There was Shoto running chasing the villain using his ice quirk to block his way and melt it afterwards once they passed by the blocked so it wouldn't cause trouble. Once they were in a dim-lit ally, there was no escape from the villain. Before the villain had the guts to escape, Shoto had knocked him down. "Thanks to Shoto's powerful quirk, he stopped the villain in an instant."

Eijirou sigh in relief that he didn't have to leave so soon making lame excuses to (Y/N) for leaving early. He grabbed the tea from the coffee table and began to sip.

"I always love the heroes. They never fail to put a smile on my face since I was little." (Y/N) began speaking, tearing Eijirou's attention from the television to her. "I mean, it's amazing we never ran out of heroes to save anyone who is in danger. I admire the new batch of pro heroes today and of course the sidekicks are definitely still part of being a hero, they save and fight crimes."

"I don't mean to sound rude or anything here but do you have a quirk?" He asked softly.

She shook her head but with a small smile on her lips which made him confused about not having a quirk. It was so rare these days to have no quirk, there has to be something at least little. "From the new batch of heroes today, my favorite is Red Riot!"

Eijirou's heart might want to beat out of his chest due to nervousness. Could it be that she recognized me? There is no way. He thought to himself. "Red Riot is nice. Not so much flashy of a hero but he's alright." He smiled, the humble Eijirou.

"He may not have flashy quirk like any of those other heroes like Deku or Shoto. But I see how he's so working hard to fight off villains like the rest of his comrades." She explained and it made Eijirou smiled. "I silently thank every hero who saves everyone, including Red Riot. Life's busy, I'm pretty sure he has no time lingering around."

"Heroes are busy, but they have rest days too, you know." He smiled. "And they pretty sure don't leave their comrades alone."

Red Riot // Kirishima x Reader ✔️Where stories live. Discover now