11 : Disneyland

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It was landing time in Hong Kong. Hoshi found the cheapest hotel rates and Kiyoko found less expensive tickets for the flight. Everything was settled two days before the flight, Hoshi brought her daughter Megumi who was 8. Kiyoko tagged her boyfriend of 5 years, Toshi, along. (Y/N) had booked 5 tickets for disneyland and will be claimed tomorrow when they start their adventure inside.

"Is anyone hungry?" Hoshi asked as (Y/N) shook her head and Kiyoko and Toshi nodded. "Alright, we'll meet you later in the evening, I guess?"

"Yeah sure. You guys have fun. I'll be on my hotel room." (Y/N) smiles before picking up her bags and headed to her hotel room.

There was still no sign of him but that was slowly slipping away from her mind. She didn't mind and stressed herself enough about him not being around nor even talking to her. She sent a text message to her mother telling her that they already made it to Hong Kong. She laid on her bed and closed her eyes temporarily but suddenly fell asleep.

(Y/N) woke up to the sound of the doorbell that echoed on her room. She quickly sat only to regret it because it made her head thump. She stood slowly and made her way towards the door and opened it.

"Hey." Kiyoko smiled.

"Hey." She said as she opened the door wide. "Where's everyone?"

"Hoshi's making her daughter sleep. Toshi is on the other room watching some television." Kiyoko shrugged. "What were you doing?"

"I just woke up from my nap." (Y/N) yawned. "Aren't you going to sleep too?"

"Well its kind of early to sleep. It's just 9, I was thinking maybe I can ask you to our room and order some beers and just drink?" She suggested as (Y/N) thought it was a very good idea.

And so it happened. (Y/N) went not because she has nothing else to do or just because she doesn't want her friend to feel bad, but because she wanted to. She was at least thankful Kiyoko knocked on her room and so they gathered, Kiyoko, Toshi and (Y/N). Music playing from the Bluetooth speaker Toshi brought along and mellow music playing on their background as they began to drink.

"How are you Toshi? It's been a while since we've last met, huh?" (Y/N) was the one who started to speak after they've gulped the drink.

"Oh you know, construction is still a hella breakthrough for me." Toshi chuckled. "This Architect sure knows what he wants for a design. I'm actually liking his taste for his passion in drawing plus this is a huge project that I accepted in which they paid me enough to make a future for me and Kiyoko."

"That's actually nice, what project are you working on by the way? An office building? A mall? A hotel?" (Y/N) asked curiously.

"An amusement park." Toshi chuckled as (Y/N) gasped unable to believe that he had a project to build an amusement park. "I told you it's huge."

"He's been working extra hard since he doesn't want to disappoint the architect and so the boss." Kiyoko chimed before drinking.

"How are you (Y/N)?" Toshi asked before giving (Y/N) a small smirk. "I heard you've been out of your shell, is it true?"

(Y/N) glared at Kiyoko who gave her an innocent look but you were fine with it since Kiyoko and Toshi are living in a same apartment, it wasn't shocking. "Well I did, just once!" She answered defensively. "Just once and I never gone back out again."

"Let's not avoid this topic, you might need a little talk from us." Kiyoko added. "How are you feeling? You can't avoid the topic because you know to yourself sooner or later it'll appear and you can't just dodge all these questions forever."

She was right and (Y/N) knows it as well deep inside her. It was one of the things she dreaded the most, answering all the questions she wanted to dodge. But there was already no way out, she only has to be honest with her true feelings talk to them, after all they're her best friends and they're like a family to her since they were always there ever since they all became friends. Hoshi on the other room took a pass since he has to look and watch out for his daughter, as much as he wanted to drink with them too, daughter comes first and they totally understood his reasoning.

"I don't know what I'm feeling." (Y/N) sighed. "I'm starting to forget him but you know memories stay. It's like I was stabbed back then for a week and with those memories left, it's like the thing was stabbed onto me is just being pushed more and more whenever I thought about the memories we both shared."

"Maybe because you were expecting and already liking the person?"

(Y/N) paused, thinking if she had already liked the person and was expecting. She didn't want to admit loudly in front of the lovers but they were awfully right and it just pains her more thinking. She already likes Eijirou and expecting him to appear late night after closing the cafe, he was already standing on the corner waiting for her. She liked that small walk home, or the short conversation they had when he tries to order and the small gesture like smiling and waving and she already liked those simple and small gestures. She sighed and hung her head low and groaned before chugging down the drink on her hand.

"Well no shit sherlock." (Y/N) muttered. "Well, I guess I am. Just denying the fact that I am having feelings over this cute customer who happens to be just the same as the rest of the guys that's ever to exist!"

"Hey, not me." Toshi surrendered both of his hand. "And also not Hoshi."

"Well yeah, except you two but man boys are assholes." (Y/N) rolled her eyes, grabbing a new drink in her hand. "And what's worst about boys? They don't give a single damn if they've hurt someone and act so normal as if nothing even happened."

Kiyoko on the other hand was too busy scrolling through her phone but was listening until she scrolled over and saw the familiar red haired on her timeline and she wasn't sure if she was friends with him but she doubled check who posted it. It was her classmate in middle school, Eijirou has his arms around her middle school classmate and a smile on their faces. It was posted 7 hours ago.

"You're not going to like this but I think you need to see this." Kiyoko said, turning her phone towards to (Y/N) and she sat there, staring at the red haired boy who gave her butterflies in her stomach whenever he was around that she was denying but this-this was unacceptable. "I'm not even sure if that's his girlfriend but you don't normally have your arms wrapped around someone when taking a picture."

(Y/N) was speechless before grabbing two more bottles of drinks, chugging each bottle. She remembered she hasn't had her dinner yet but she didn't give a single damn about getting drunk because that was her plan that just came up in her mind. Everything rushed back to the night where Eijirou had waited for her and told her stuffs about walking a pretty girl home.

Maybe he was lying. Maybe he just wanted to lead me on until I catch feelings for him. What if he knows that I already caught feelings for him that's why he wasn't contacting me? What if his girlfriend was back that's why he didn't showed up? What if?

"I need to ask you a huge favor on what you should do." Toshi spoke, shaking (Y/N) out of her thoughts, making her look at the couple in front of her. "When you see each other again, pretend nothing was wrong. Don't confront him just yet about why he hasn't showed up to you the following days or weeks or months. Just act natural, you don't want to freak out your customer do you? After all he's still a customer, just serve naturally. Act like nothing's wrong, it may not be your forte doing stuffs like that but it's for your own good."

"So you're saying I should just be normal whenever he's around? Pretend nothing happened?"

"Yep." Kiyoko nodded. "I'll help you though and as much as possible don't act like you're trying to avoid him when he's around. He'll sense something was wrong."

"And if he is the first one to confront you, listen to him. Just listen to his explanations or reasons and from there it's from you if you're going to believe the things he had just said to you or not." Toshi added.

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