25 : The End?

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9 months later

(Y/N), Kiyoko and Hoshi had finally succeeded extending the café and hired man power to do their job for them. After all, Hoshi needs to focus more on her daughter and wife. Kiyoko and Toshi are planning to get married once Toshi's project is done anytime this month. And as for (Y/N), well she's happy with Eijirou and how they're living together. The café is still earning more and more, usual and same customers who orders and loves to stay.

"Hey babe?" Eijirou called as they lay down on their shared bed, just finished having vanilla sex. She hummed in response as she glanced at her boyfriend. "Have you ever thought of getting married?"

(Y/N) was confused at her boyfriend's question. "Of course, Eiji. Why'd you ask? Have you?" She was quite nervous at the sudden question.

"Well yeah." He said. "I mean, you told me how Kiyoko and Toshi are getting married soon. Midorya and Uraraka are so too."

"Are you like jealous because they're gonna get married and we're not?" She asked as he pulled her close to his chest.

"Not really. I was just stating." He said as he slipped the ring to her finger. "I know, I should've asked in the cheesiest and most romantic way, but let's change ours a bit. Will you marry me?"

All (Y/N) did was laugh. "You're so plain. But yes, yes I will marry you, Shitty hair." (Y/N) learned that Bakugo calls her boyfriend 'Shitty hair' and she grew fond of teasing him with that nickname.

"Hey, you're hanging out too much with Bakugo. You're learning his ways." Eijirou exclaimed as he pouted. "I do not tolerate this."

"Aw, come on Eiji, it's not so bad." (Y/N) laughed. "After all you still owe me a romantic proposal."

"I'm working on it, don't just keep rubbing this shitty proposal on my face."

"I didn't say it was shitty, I said you owe me romantic proposal." She said. "There's a difference."

"Yeah sure." Eijirou shrugged, closing his eyes. "I love you."

"I love you too."

Later that day, they both decided to visit the coffee shop and have a mini coffee date together. While they were outside the café chilling and looking around the streets.

"It's nice being engaged to you." (Y/N) spoke after she sipped at her iced coffee.

"It's nice to think I'm getting to marry you." Eijirou shot back with a smirk.

"What if we get to have babies and they're quirkless?" She questioned, looking at her fiancé worriedly.

He shook his head and held her hand. "Quirkless or not, they're my kids, I'm going to protect you and our babies. I will love our kids will all of my heart."

"You mean it?"

"I very mean it. Plus it's not manly not to accept your kids just because they're quirkless." He chuckled as she did too.

(Y/N) was about to speak when there were distant screams from people not less than one. Their heads shot back to see where the screaming was coming from. It looked like it was across the road, people running but there were no signs of any villains on plain sight just yet.

Eijirou stood and gave his fiancée a look before smiling wide and they both ran into the scene. They saw a built villain throwing cars and wrecking stores, screaming with a handful of money with his other hands.

Eijirou and (Y/N) exchange looks before grinning to each other. Eijirou put on his jaw protector and put his hair up, styling it.

"This calls for drastic measures." He spoke as he yelled. "Hey! I see you got a hand full of money!"

(Y/N) faced palm as she sighed. "Was that necessary, love?" She asked.

"I had to." He chuckled. "Put your hands in the air, your under arrest!"

"Make me!" The villain said as he ran away.

"Go get him tiger." (Y/N) grinned at her boyfriend, earning a toothy smile and began to run after the villain.

As Eijirou ran after the four arms villain, "You know it's so awful to see you struggling to carry those money while you runaway from me."

"Catch this!" The villain said throwing one sack of money towards his direction as he easily caught it and put it down.

"Not manly, man, not manly." He said as he leaped over the villain and activate his hardening quirk on his hand and land a massive punch upon the villain. "I could really use a hand next time." He muttered while chuckling at his another pun.

The people cheered for Red Riot, as police began to come to the scene and tied the villain. News reporters were also on the scene, reporting and one reporter came near Red Riot to ask a question.

"Excuse me, Red Riot!" The lady in her mid 20's called his attention. "Can I ask a question?"

Red Riot was unsure what else to have them ask him. "Um, yeah sure."

"There are a lot of people that admires you, even the younglings. What can you say to these people that admires you?" She asked as she held the microphone at him.

"You know," He started, scratching his head. He was never the one to answer and become popular because he thinks his quirk isn't flashy and all. But after hearing that even the children looks up on him. "You just have to do the right thing, saving everyone who's in danger. And bring justice to those who brings chaos. That's it for now, I got to go."

From that moment on, Red Riot became one of the popular heroes along with Ground Zero, Deku and Shoto. He is now well known to the people, to the city and to almost everyone—

"Boring." A man wearing a hoodie spoke as he focused his attention to the line as he was next on the counter of a coffee shop.

"Good afternoon, sir. What can I get you?" The lady on the counter asked with a smile.

"Ah yes." He spoke as he put his hand on the counter, as if he was eager to order. "If you could bring me Red Riot, that would be one hell of a show."

The lady was beyond confused as she looked at the man wearing a hoodie. He looked up as the light began to illuminate his face, revealing black locks almost getting in the way of his golden eyes that looked like it was glinting, his skin looked like a snake and a wicked smile plastered across his face.

"Tell Red Riot, Python is waiting for him."

Red Riot // Kirishima x Reader ✔️Where stories live. Discover now