2. On the run

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I slept for about an hour before I was shaken awake I opened my eyes to see dear old dad standing there. He was different though his usual hard glare was gone, instead his face held nothing but fear.

   I liked to see the fear in his eyes instead of mine, let him have a taste of it.

"Good afternoon daddy how have you been?"
I asked over politely.

   "Shut your mouth before I leave your sorry hide here," he said extremely annoyed.

   He got up and started running back and forth, from room to room, getting his things together.

"Get up and get your things, we're going to Atlanta to a shelter." I was kinda scared,

"but it's almost dark."

"Then I guess maybe we should of been getting things ready instead of napping." He said.

"Well, maybe I already have my things ready," I retorted.

   He took a step towards me and raised a hand. I backed up out of instinct and tensed up. When all of the sudden we heard a gunshot.

"Bunch of fools," daddy ranted.

"Pretty much just ringing the dinner bell."

"What?" I was overly confused.

"The sound only makes more come, come on ain't got all day!" Daddy yelled angrily.

I almost mocked him about how the sound will only draw them to us, but decided against it seeing as he would beat the crap out of me.

"Yes sir," I said respectfully, but as soon as he turned around I saluted him sarcastically.

I grabbed my backpack and ran to my daddy's room because he told me to grab his flashlight. I opened his closet door and saw a box on the floor, next to the flashlight. I decided I might as well look at it, and when I opened it up I found a picture of a beautiful young woman holding a newborn baby. I automatically knew it was my mother. I turned it around and saw two names,

"Kelly Marie Young and Mason Marie Young," There was a little note on it, but daddy yelled for me to hurry up, before he left me.

    I stuffed the picture in my pocket and ran out of the room. I would have to read the note later.          

      Daddy had all of the stuff in the back of his junky pickup truck, and was waiting not so patiently. I took one last look at the only home I'd ever known. It was the best feeling to close the door and not look back.
     All the memories, cuts, burns, and tears in that house are behind me. I know that it's not the end of my pain, but it might be the start of it.

      I am in the passenger seat of the truck, and my dad driving way past the speed limit. I guess it doesn't matter, but it still feels weird. I look out the window when we get to the town, or what was left of it. It was abandoned except for an occasional infected person.

When one stumbled into the road daddy yelled ten points and sped up. Blood splattered across the windshield, I was disgusted too say the least.

    Not because it was gross, I was used to that with all the animals I kill. It was the inhumanity in my father it made me sick to my stomach to see how it was basically a game to him.

    He must have seen the look on my face cause he gave me a look that would scare just about anyone.

"Don't be lookin at me like that I'll teach ya some respect, end of the world or not."

     All of the fear in his eyes now gone and replaced by the usually cold glare. I sighed quietly Maybe it wouldn't be anything like the start to the end of my pain.

     I leaned my head against the dirt stained window and fell into a dreamless sleep, with the roar of the engine in the background.

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