24. Waiting For Daryl

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     I wasn't crying anymore, just thinking. It's awful not being able to do crap bout anything. The sun is just starting to come out, so I quietly slip outta the tent. Apollo and I go to the dying embers of the campfire, and wait for people to get up. I wonder if Daryl will be back today? I hope so, the quicker he gets here the quicker they can go get Merle.

    People start leaving their tents, when Lori and Carl come out Rick isn't with them. I bet he's still asleep after the scene I caused last night. I don't make eye contact with anybody, just sit quietly mindin my own business. Till Lori comes over.

     "When's the last time you've had a bath?" I'm not taking a bath I know that much.

"A few days ago. I don't need another one."

"Well it might make it easier to do your hair." I look at her funnily.

"My hair? Why?"  She smiles.

"Because it will be off you neck, and won't get in you face." I'm about to argue when she offers another idea.

"Or we could forget about the easy way, and just cut it short like Sophia's?"

She says in a bit of a threatening manner. I sigh, but concede it's better than a hair cut.

"Fine, but I ain't takin no bath." She sighs and corrects,

"You aren't going to take a bath. Now let's get this done."

     She goes to her tent, and returns a minute later, brush in hand.
"Come on sit down in the chair," I internally groan, but obey.

She starts at the bottom, and works her way up. I can tell she's trying to be gentle, but horribly failing at it. I let out a small grunt when she hits a certain knot.

"If you had kept up on it, it wouldn't be so bad. Maybe this will teach ya a lesson."

I glare at the fire in front of me. Cause I can't exactly glare at Lori, and with a hairbrush in her hand I wouldn't want to.

      Ten minutes later my hair is finally knot free.... With how bad it hurt I'm surprised I'm not bald. She puts it in some kind of twist at the front, and pulls it back in a pony tail. It does make it feel lighter on my neck, which is nice. I'm not gonna admit that to Lori though.

"I'm gonna walk down to the quarry," I inform her.

"Let me just get some of the wash then." I just look at her.

"I wanna go by myself," she just shakes her head.

"How about I let you go first, then I will follow behind. It's as close to alone as your gonna get."
I huff,

"I'll just stay here."

I walk over to the RV, and climb the ladder.

"Dale?" I see him reading a book, he has binoculars, and water with him.

He smiles,
"what can I do for you?"

"Can I come up here for a while? You won't even know I'm here."

"Of course you can. Be careful on that last step it's a bit wobbly."

"Thanks, um actually I'll be back in a second."

     I run to the tent and grab my book from my backpack. That's when I remember the candy bars, I grab a Herseys, and head back to the RV.

     Dale is sitting on his lawn chair, looking through binoculars. I sit next to him with the book and chocolate in hand. I open the chocolate, and break it in half.

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