44. Creative coloring

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       I'm sitting with Carl when Lori and Rick walk in.
"Hey Mason could we be alone for a bit?"
"Yes ma'am," I get up and walk up.
"Mason?" I turn around when Lori calls me.
"Thank you for sitting with Carl. I'm sure it will make him feel better when he wakes up." She says with a tired smile. I smile back, and walk out of the room.
Daryl took my dog to see if he could get Sophia's scent. So I go sit in the living room, and Beth gives me a coloring book and crayons. I color a picture of a horse in a field. I make the horse black, and then continue to draw extra things into the scene. Before I know it the picture looks complete... and very morbid. The horse in a field turned into a horse getting eaten by walkers in a field, trying desperately to get away. I can't help but do another picture. This one is of a cat which I scribbled out with a red crayon, and put walkers all around it. I flip the page to one with a family, but I decided to skip that one. I'm not that messed up.
Once I've done like ten pages I hear somebody walk in, and snatch my coloring book away.
"Hey!" I say with a whine. I turn around to see Glenn and Maggie looking at me with confused faces. Glenn speaks first,
"Mason? You wanna explain these?" I know he's not very happy. He never uses my full name any more, he also sounds almost angry which kinda scares me... I mean it's Glenn.
"I was just coloring," I try to defend. He sighs,
"Mason this isn't cool... it's, well..." he leans down to my height, and continues.
"Mase I'm gonna say something to you that I never ever want you to forget. Do you understand?" I nod my head yes, hoping he isn't going to get mad. 
    "Mason... things are bad, and are gonna get worse... the world is changing, and people think we have to get used to it, and change with it. That means we become stronger... we don't act like nothing matters, cause it does. the world is changing things are gonna go down hill from here, don't go down with it." He shakes my shoulders lightly at the last part.
"I understand."
"Do you understand what is wrong with these pictures?"
"Yes... are you gonna tell Daryl?" I look at him with pleading eyes.
"No..." I sigh in relief,
"You are." I look at him like he has three heads. He doesn't acknowledge my look. He and Maggie turn around and leave.
     Great now Daryl's gonna know how messed up I am. I decide to stop coloring, I don't want to get into any more trouble. Dale comes in the room,
"Hey, do you wanna come help me take watch?" I shake my head no.
"Why not?"
"Daryl told me to stay inside."
"Oh, well I'm sure he'll be fine if your with an adult."
"No thanks... You might be sure, but I'm not so sure." He chuckles,
"Alright, But if you change your mind I'll explain it to Daryl."
He leaves, and I roll my eyes. You don't just explain it to Daryl. I could tell that from the first time I met him.
"Mase." Glenn calls me into the kitchen. When I enter I see a familiar peanut butter and jelly sandwich sitting there, and I immediately look down.
"Look what I found in the fridge," He says in an accusing tone.
"So that's where it went!" I say with a cheeky smile. The smile goes away when I see Lori come into the kitchen... great.
"What's up?" She says, I can see the tiredness in her eyes. I look at Glenn with pleading eyes, and he sighs.
"Nothing, I was just telling Mason it's time to eat." He shoots me a look, and I smile at Lori. She looks convinced, and leaves the room. Glenn turns to me,
"Mason, why didn't you eat this?"
"I'm allergic to peanut butter," I lie.
"Really? Well then why didn't that big bite last night seem to affect you?" He raises his eyebrow.
"Well it comes and goes?" I say stupidly, and he rolls his eyes.
"Well then maybe Daryl should ask you the same thing."
"You're gonna tell him?!" I whine.
"No..." I cut him off.
"I am." I sigh, and he shakes his head confirming my suspicion.
"Why do you keep rating me out?"
"Cause it's for your own good, Mase you can't starve yourself. You better get food while you still have it, we can't waste anything."
"And I didn't I put it back in the fridge," I try.
Glenn starts to say something, but gets cut off by a Lori yelling for him.
"Glenn we need your help."
"With what?"
"There's a walker in the Well. We gotta get him out of there before he infects the water supply." Glenn gets up and runs after, but turns back to me for a second.
"Tell Daryl."
"Yeah yeah yeah," I sigh. My day just keeps getting better doesn't it.
There's not much to do inside, so instead I sit on the porch swing. I had one back home, but it fell down, and daddy wouldn't fix it. My stomach growls, but I try to think about something else to ignore it.
I'm too busy trying to think of something else to notice Daryl come on the porch.
"Hey kid." He sounds grumpy. That's not good for what I'm supposed to tell him. I kinda give a little smile trying to make him remember I'm just an innocent little girl.
"Hey Daryl," I say sweetly.
"What did you do?" He says irritatedly.
I look down, and hand him the coloring book. He gives me a questioning look, but opens it anyway. After he flips through a few of them he closes it, and hands it back to me. I expect him to get mad, but am surprised at what he has to say.
"Nice graphics." I look at him in surprise, but he's already walking inside. He must've forgotten that he was going take me hunting, but he looks really tired. I guess it doesn't matter that much, I'll leave him be.


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