22. Reunion

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As we get farther into the drive, I start getting more and more nervous. I know I'm in for it with Lori and Shane. The wait is killing me though.

"We've gotta go back for him." I plead.
Rick sighs,

"Like I said before it's too dangerous, we need ta get back. Then the grownups will decide."

"The grownups don't give a crap bout Merle. Nobody's gonna go back for him."

Rick looks through the rear view mirror at me with a stern expression,

"That's not true. Now you listen to me I'm not sorry bout cuffin him, but I'm not gonna let him rot on that rooftop, nobody deserves that. I'm gonna go back for him."

I look up at him with hopeful, and watery eyes,

"Ya promise?" He smiles at me,

"I promise."

When we reach camp, my stomach is practically doing summersaults. Everybody starts ta get out of the van, except for me and Rick. I think I'll wait here for Shane ta come git me. Rick turns, and looks at me,

"I know your probably gonna be in a lot of trouble, but ya might as well just git it over with." I look up at him, and he smiles reassuringly.

     I walk out and see Shane occupied with how we all made it, and Lori and Carl are over a few feet. I think Carl might cry, maybe my gift will help, so I walk over to them. Lori looks at me for a minute before she grabs me and pulls me in a tight hug. Shane looks over.

"Mason? Where were you?! We were so worried bout you!" Carl speaks up.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine, and I got ya somethin."

He looks shocked, and Lori looks confused.

"here, I know your daddy ain't here. Well, I just thought maybe this would help,"

I say handing him the badge. He smiles, and a few tears fall.

"Thank you,"

I end up smiling, a real smile. I look over to see Shane,

"Wait you went on the run?!" He yells, He and Lori look absolutely shocked.

"Yeah, where else would I be?"

I ask with no sass at all, just curiosity. Carl answers when the adults can't get a word out of there open mouths.

"We thought ya ran off, we saw your bag and the knife Shane took were gone."

It makes sense after all, how would I have gone on the run with all the adults around? I guess they underestimated me... again. Shane speaks up,

"Daryl got back from hunting about three hours ago. He heard ya ran off, he went back to the woods lookin for you. He looked ticked when he found out ya ran."


I look down, and Shane crosses his arms, and says in a stern voice.

"Oh? After all the trouble ya caused that's what ya got ta say. Oh?, We'll talk in a minute."

he turns to the adults.

"How'd y'all make it out anyway?" Glenn answers with a smile,

"New guy," Morales finishes by calling Rick.

"Hey helicopter boy, come say hello."

Rick walks out, face downcast, that is till he looks up. He sees Shane first, and he has a confused look. What's that all about? Then I kinda start thinking, no? It can't be Carl's daddy he was in the hospital, there's no way he could have made it! Right?

      My suspicions are confirmed when he looks at the almost crying duo behind me. He starts out kinda getting emotional, and points over at Lori and Carl. Who's shocked faces match his,


Carl starts sprinting towards Rick, tackling him in a hug, their both crying. He stands up carrying Carl towards Lori. It takes her a minute till she grips Rick in a tight hold. Their all crying with joy, which I don't really get.

I start gettin a little bit jealous, I wish I could have the hope that my dad would come back. Every time I think of him, I can't help but hope he doesn't come back. I never wanna see him again.

I think if I don't look away I might cry, but for some reason I can't peel my eyes off of the overwhelming scene playing out in front of me. Everybody is with there loved ones except for me, And Shane.

Shane, oh boy. I look over to see him and Lori make eye contact. The one thing in their eyes is fear. I kind of want to tell Rick, but I just can't. Seeing how happy he is now, it would just crush him, and Carl. I wouldn't be able to do that.

I just stand there looking around feeling like the ugly duckling. No parents, and no friends. I find my shoes interesting and start kicking at the dirt. Till I realize I'm standing in the shadow of a large figure... Shane. It's a minute before he speaks up.

"What do ya have to say for yourself?"

I swallow hard, and answer slowly,

"I can take care of myself, and I wanted to prove that." He chuckles darkly.

"You wanna know what you just proved? Ya proved you aren't going to listen to our words, and warnings. Now we're gonna take action."

He says gripping my arm, about to leave the others in the group. Lori quickly comes to, and addresses Shane,

"Really? Right now, can't you just give us some time to enjoy this moment? She just got back. Look at her, poor things exhausted. She needs some food, and a good night sleep." Shane looks angry.

"Poor thing? She's been running round her like a wild animal, getting into trouble, threatening people, and now this? How much more of it are we gonna take, hmm? What if she does it again, then what?"

You could feel the tension rising, and everybody looking.

"I'm not sayin she shouldn't be punished for it, but I am saying right now might not be the best time." 

"Whatever," Shane scoffs.

"but if she ends up dead because she wandered off. Don't come crying ta me. I've tried with her, and y'all don't want me ta give her what she's had comin to her for a long time now. All I'm saying is if she comes to me, and start disrespecting me or any other adult while I'm around, I will not hesitate to take it out on her hide!"

He turns to me.

"you got it?!" I look down feeling kinda bad for the trouble I've caused.

"Yes sir," I add the sir hoping to sound more sincere.

"And don't think you're getting away with this, I've got a list of things ta keep ya busy, and out of trouble for a while... Unbelievable,"

he mumbles walking away. I don't understand why Lori stuck up for me, but I'm kinda mad she did. It would been better just ta take it and move on. That's the best way ya do it.

   I hear a bark and look over excitedly,

"Apollo! Come ere boy,"

he runs to me with his tail waging, and licks all over my face. I smile and pet him and hug him, I missed him more than anybody else here.

"Let's go back ta camp." I say to him, and lead him to the Dixon's camp.

     I wonder when Daryl will get back. That's when I remember the man on the roof. Daryl is gonna be even angrier. I wonder how he'll take the fact that I went on the run.

Maybe if I'd left a note or something it wouldn't have been such a big deal. No way of knowing what to expect till Daryl gets back, whenever that may be.

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