49.Stay Here?!

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      I hear the tent unzip, and Daryl comes in. He doesn't say anything just grabs my hand, and leads me to the house where Maggie's waiting.
"I'll be back to get her soon," he tells Maggie. He then turns to me
"Listen to Maggie." He looks angry, and walks away fast. I look down, and play with my bracelet Sophia gave me.
"Come on sweetheart, let's get you cleaned up." I follow her to an upstairs bathroom, and she fills a tub up with warm water. I let her stay, and help me get the blood off. I don't care if she sees the scars, I just want his blood off of me. I want everything that reminds me of him gone. I want his body burned, and I want to forget about my life before Daryl and Merle Dixon.
It's funny when I first saw them I tried to run away from them, now they are the strong arms I would run too if I was in any danger. Daryl's mad at me now, and Merle's dead.
"Sorry, What?"
"I asked if you wanted bubbles."
"Please," I say politely.
     I'm pretty sure she scrubbed off a few layers of skin before she finally said she was done.
"Wait here I'm gonna go get you a new change of clothes." I didn't mind it gave me more time in the warm water.
     I sank under, and ran my hands through my hair. I realize what a bad idea that was. Everything seemed to hit me like a brick wall. Images of Sophia, Merle, and my dad played through my fault.
"IT'S YOU'RE FAULT!" They all seemed to say.
"Mason!" I vaguely hear Maggie call. She yanks me out of the water, and I take gulps of air. I didn't realize how long I'd been under.
"What were you thinking?!"
"I didn't mean too... I just... I'm sorry."
"Let's get you dressed," She says ignoring my apology.
      There is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich sitting on the table for me. I finished it then went out to find Daryl.
I walked to where the tent was, but all the stuff was gone. It was a relief to see he took my stuff too. At least I know he didn't leave or anything. Lori walks over in a huff.
"Lori... have you seen Daryl?"
"He's over there... I wouldn't go see him just yet. Let him cool down." I ignore her advice, and go to find him anyway.
When I finally get to where our new camp is he glares at me.
"Well hello to you to," I mumble.
"What was that?"
"Nothin'," I lie.
"Well it sure sounded like something."
I change subjects,
"You said you'd come and get me."
"I was busy." I look down hurt for a brief second before putting my emotionless look back on.
     There's a awkward silence before he snaps.
"What was that?!"
"What was..."
"Where'd you get the gun?"
"I found it."
"Don't you lie to me," He says taking a step closer.
"Well, I found it in my da... Scott's truck."
"So you're tellin' me that you've had a gun this whole time."
"I guess so," I admit quietly.
He looks mad... no furious.
"Daryl, I'm sorry." He ignores me.
"It's my fault... you're messed up because of me. If I'd have let the others take care of you, you would've been treated like a little girl."
"I would've run away. Daryl please none of this is your fault." He sighs,
"Masie, I want you to hear me out, okay."
"Hershel is kicking us off the farm. He wants you to stay here with them..."
"NO! Daryl please," I start to panic.
"Mason, I think he's right. Here you'd have a chance at a semi-normal life. You'd be safe..."
"No, we're never safe never, you said so yourself."
"Safer here then on the road. I think this may be for the best."
"No... I won't stay here. If you don't want me than Glenn will, or Lori she's always talkin' about wishing she had another kid. Even Dale..."
"You listen to me! It ain't a matter of I don't want you anymore... it's what's best for you... and Dale's the one who asked Hershel about it!" He snapped.
"After he saw what you did to that walker."
"It wasn't just a random walker... it was Scott."
"Dang... I was hoping to find that scum bag still alive. But you can't go around doing stuff like that."
"I promise I won't, please let me stay."
"Go get your dog from the RV he's fine to be out here." He says ignoring my question. I obey, but the threat of being left here is hanging over my head.
My dog is more than glad to be out in the open. I see them putting bodies in a pile. I see Scott in the bury pile, I think about asking them to add it to the burn pile but that wouldn't help my case.

    It's been a long day for me. And I can't wait go too sleep, but I'm staying inside with Carl. Lori went looking for Rick and the others. It sounds like Beth got hurt, and needs Hershel.
"Masie." I turn around to see Daryl standing there. I just look at him till he starts talking.
"It bed time... let's go." I stand up and walk past him not staying a word.
"They found Lori, she's pregnant." He says trying to get me to say something.
"Is that surprising?" He snorts.
"How was your day?" He asks still trying to get me to talk. Instead I shrug, and he sighs angrily.
"Mason Young, look at me." He comes to a stop.
"This whole cold shoulder thing is starting to get on my nerves. What's your deal?"
"You threatened to leave me here... so I promise I'll be as quiet as a mouse. You won't even know I'm here."
"Masie, this isn't a punishment, it's for your own..."
"Why does everybody like to act like they know what's best for me... it's bullcrap!" I yell. He glares at me,
"Watch it." I huff,
"Listen kid I told you I was still mulling it over." The rest of the walk is silent. I get dressed, and snuggle in the sleeping bag and with my dog.

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