37. Narrow Escape

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Daryl is the first one out. He comes over too me, and swoops me up into his big arms effortlessly. I just sob in his shoulder.
"Shhhh breath Masie. Tha's it. Good girl. Shhh it's okay I've got ya now." I just keep crying, but I'm breathing a little better.
"Come on we got four minutes!" Glenn yells frantically. Daryl doesn't even put me down, just runs with me in his arms. When we get to the room, he grabs our bags, and puts me down, but grabs my hand. My dog is right behind me, making sure I'm okay, but I don't pet him, or acknowledge his presence. We run with the others to the lobby area, but the doors won't open, so we're gonna have to break a window.
     Daryl orders me not to move, he won't have to tell me twice. He and the other guys were hitting it with anything they had, with no sign of getting it open.
"I think I have something that might help." Carol tells Rick.
"Carol I don't think a nail file will do much," Shane says irritatedly.She ignores him, and turns to Rick, "I found this in your clothes when I washed them." She hands him something I'd only ever seen in movies, a grenade. Daryl comes over, and grabs my hand,
"Come on!" He puts me behind him, and we wait till the explosion is over to get up, and race through the now wide opening.
"Everybody get to the vehicles." I'm squeezing Daryl's hand harder with each passing moment. It's then I think of it.
"Daryl I wanna stay with you." I whimper, totally out of breath.
"Of course you are. Shouldn't have let you out of my sight in the first place." He yells back. He throws the bags in the back, and pulls me inside the truck, onto his lap.
He's about to start it when he stops, and grabs me.
"Lay flat, and face the seat!" He yells in urgency. I obey, and he lays over me, and put an arm around my waist, holding me still, and close to him. He's not putting any weight on me, so he doesn't hurt me. I don't understand at first, but I do when the car shakes so bad I'm afraid it will tip over. I let out a scared yelp.
"Hey it's alright. We're okay, your okay." I look at the ruins that was once the CDC. The flames are so big that I can feel the heat from them, we just sit there not moving. My dog whimpers pathetically.
After a minute Daryl puts the car in drive, and we start another trip, with nowhere to go. I still have tears streaming down my cheeks, and my breaths are still labored.
"Masie, it's gonna be okay now. I don't want you wandering off anymore, you stay with Rick, me, Lori... sometimes, and a few of the others as long as I know where you are." I nod my head in response, and he sighs,
"Mase look at me." Once I do he continues,
"We made it, and nothin is gonna happen, at least not right now." I just breathed in and out trying to calm myself down.
     "Lay down, and git some sleep. No questions, just much needed sleep." I lay across the seat, and fall asleep fast. With everything going on, I was tuckered out.

      "Mason, come on, the RV is Broken down. We're gonna find some things in the cars. Leave your dog in the car, don't need him gittin in the way." I rub the sleep out of my eyes, and get out through the open drivers side door.
"How long have we been driving... where are we?"
"We've been driving for a few hours, and does it matter where we are?" I shrug, and walk past him. He grabs my biceps,
"Stay close to me, and don't do anything stupid."
"Okay, I won't." He nods, and let's me go. We walk to the RV, and Carl and Sophia are right there. I look at Daryl who's with the other guys. What's it gonna hurt, I walk over to them, and start looking through a open widow. I see a cool looking pair of tennis shoes, the ones I have have holes through them. I can't quite reach them, so I climb halfway through the window, so my waist is half in half out.
"Rrrr, Come on!" I barely can't reach them. Something grabs my collar, and rips me back.
"Ouch!" I fall out, and land right on my butt. I look up, to see the face of a not so happy Daryl Dixon.
"Ummm hi?" He smirks, it doesn't have any humor in it, it looks more like I'm about to get chewed out.
     "Hi...? That's what you've got ta say fir yourself... hi? What'd I tell ya ta do?" I swallow the lump in the back of my throat, and blink the tears out of my eyes,
"To Stay right next to ya." I say quietly,
"And What is the very first thing ya did? We barely stepped out of the truck." He says in a irritated voice,
"Daryl I'm..."
"I don't care, do you even remember what happened just hours ago?"
"Yeah I obeyed you." I knew it is the wrong thing to say as soon it comes out of my mouth.
"What'd you just say?" He says dangerously low,
"Nothing Daryl... it won't happen again... I swear!"
"You're on dangerous ground little girl." He growls.
      "I'm sorry Daryl." I try, I have tears forming.
"Ya better stop with those crocodile tears." I swallow back the feelings, and shake my head.
"I am sorry." I say a little more serious.
"Yeah, But sorry ain't enough. Let's go... Dale's lookin at the RV. You're gonna go to the top of it, while we look... for a time out." I look at him for a second,
"A time out? I'm too old." He raises an eyebrow,
"If ya rather I'm sure I can think of another punishment that you wouldn't like very much." I swallow hard, I know what he's thinking,
"On second thoughts a time out fits the crime quite nicely."
"Hmm, I'm glad you agree," He says dryly. He grabs my biceps, and helps me up, and pulls me to the RV.
"Up." I climb the RV grudgingly. I shoulda stayed with Daryl.
"Stay up here till I come git ya, I'll ask Dale if ya came down, or tried to... And if I get an answer I don't like, you ain't gonna like the next thing comin' ta ya." I nod my head in acknowledgment.
"Dale could ya keep an eye on her? She ain't allowed to get down." Dale agrees, and goes into the RV, but comes out a second later with a familiar book in his hands.
"Ya in the mood to read to me while I keep watch?" I smile and nod my head.
     We only get a few pages in, when we here Rick,
"Everybody Quiet, Get down!" Dale grabs my arm, and forces me to get low. I don't understand why at first until I hear the first moans, and then even more... walkers.


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