Chapter 2 ~ Bad Ideas

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Episode: Season 11 - Form and Void Pt. 2 

My high heels clicked on the white linoleum tiles as I followed the sound of Billie's singing voice down the darkened hallway of the hospital. I bit down hard on my lip, tasting the slight tang of metal in my mouth. I always hated hospitals - the sadness, the lack of hope, and the overwhelming sense of desperate misery that made your heart clench in your chest. I'd been in too many of these reaping souls to not feel for those that were left behind afterward. Hearing the painful sobs filled with agony at never seeing their loved ones again...

"When God is gone and the devil takes hold, who'll have mercy on your soul?..." Billie sang as I rounded the corner, nearly rolling my eyes at her over-dramatic ways of singing to those she reaped.

I was about to open my mouth then when Billie beat me to it.

"Hey, Sam," she said, glancing up but not looking behind her.

Eyebrows knitting together in confusion, I glanced up to lock eyes with the hazel-eyed hunter I'd seen earlier from the rooftop. He looked the same as before, a little worse for wear though as being this close to him, I could now see the black veins spidering up his neck. And of course, there was a gun in his hand, aimed straight at Billie's back.

"How do you know my name? Who are you two?" he demanded, eyes hardening as they flicked between the two of us.

Billie hummed as she got up from her perch on the floor, turning to face the tall hunter, "Think you mean "what?" Here's a hint. You and your brother been real good for business lately,"

Realization dawned in his hazel orbs as he thought it over, "You're Reapers,"

"The circle gets the square," she grinned.

"What's your name?" he asked her, eyes locking on my petite figure as I come to stand beside Billie who towered over me.

"Mm, you flirtin' with me, kid? 'Cause, no offense, but you ain't my type," she told him, stepping closer to him down the lowly-lit hallway, "And I'm not looking to get friendly with the man who helped gut my boss,"

"I'm sorry about Death,"

"So am I. But people are still dying, to do, souls to collect. Messages to deliver,"

"What kind of messages?" he asked her hesitantly, the gun in his hand now lowered to his side.

"It's over," she told him simply and I frowned in confusion.

"What's over?" he questioned.

"Yeah, what's over?" I asked, glancing over at her.

She glared at me briefly, her way of telling me to be silent as she refocused her gaze onto Sam.

"You and Dean. Dying and coming back again and again. The old Death thought it was funny. But now? There's one hard, fast rule in this universe. What lives? Dies," she told him, stepping closer to emphasize her point, "So the next time you or your brother bite it...well, you're not going to heaven. Or hell. One of us - and, I hope it's me - we're gonna make a mistake and toss you out into the Empty. And nothing comes back from that,"

Billie's words shook Sam to his very core. Not even knowing this man, I could tell it - there was some deep sadness hidden there in the depths of his bright hazel eyes. A sadness I felt that had been there his whole lifetime. She took a step closer then and I don't know what she told him but he paled visibly after she moved away. Her eyes lit then as a brief smile split her face and I knew that couldn't be good. I was right.

"But don't worry, Sam. This little reaper next to me will be keeping a close eye on you for me," she spoke again, this time her voice taking on an authoritative tone.

Sam and I's eyes widened and instantly, we started to protest.

"Wait, what? You can't be serious! I thought you said to stay away from them!"

"Excuse me? I don't even know her! Or you, for that matter!"

"This way I'll know if you or your brother are up to your old tricks. No more Winchester resurrections," she said, arching her eyebrows as if daring either of us to defy her.

When neither of us spoke, she smiled triumphantly, beginning to walk away, "So I'll be seeing you again, Sam... Seeing you real soon,"

Her high-heeled boots clicked on the tiled floor as she left, throwing over her shoulder, "Name's Billie, by the way." before disappearing around the corner.

As her footsteps receded into the distance, realization sunk in that I was now stuck here. Stuck with a man I didn't know, in a strange place, for an indefinite period of time, with no way to get out of it. If I defied Billie, there was a chance she could end my life. If what I had could even be considered 'living'.

I shook my head then, open-mouthed. This was not happening. This was so not happening. I was supposed to be babysitting this guy? And his brother? What did Billie take me for? Suddenly, Sam cleared his throat, gaining my attention as my dark eyes snapped up to his towering figure.

"" he started, faltering when he saw my death glare.

No pun intended.

Clearing his throat, he tried again, his voice softer than I thought it would be when addressing me, "What's your name?"

Tilting my head to the side briefly, I gazed at him a long moment before replying, "Carter,"

He arched his eyebrows expectantly and I shrugged, "What? I'm a Reaper. Did you really expect me to have a last name?"

"Surely you must have been born with one..." he trailed off, frowning.

"It's a little more complicated than that," I said under my breath before biting my lip.

Tucking a loose strand of brown hair behind one ear, I let my gaze trail up and down his tall figure curiously, having never really been this close to a hunter before. Sure, I'd seen them in passing. But they weren't my priority - I was here to reap souls, not become bosom buddies with the mortals.

"So I guess I'm your new babysitter then," I shoved my hands into my pockets as we stood staring at each other from across the hallway.

Sam sighed deeply, shaking his head as he said more to himself than to me, "Wait 'till Dean finds out about this..."

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