Chapter 6 ~ False Accusations

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Episode: Season 11 - Thin Lizzie Pt. 3  

I stood in a corner as I watched the brothers talk to the cops, pretending to be FBI themselves. I, of course, was invisible to their human eyes, though. I could make myself seen to those I wished and invisible to those I did not - a reaper trick I'd picked up upon becoming what I was today.

"He had just finished locking up. No one was inside but him and Mrs. Kemper. Staff went home hours ago," one of the cops was telling Sam as I watched.

"And no suspects for the first murders, either?" he asked him, shaking his head in mute sympathy for the victim's family.

The cop only shook his head in response and the frown that had worked its way onto my face only deepened. Who could be doing this? A human? Demons? Angels, even? It didn't make sense though - both the Angels and the Demons had their own war going on, they had no time to just bump off a few humans for the fun of it...did they? My thoughts traveled to a particular demon then and I chewed my lower lip. There was one though...

Dean walked up then to stand beside his brother and I strode into the other room as they began to talk, getting one last look at the victim. It was clear she'd been axed, her eyes still completely intact. That crossed Angels off the list. I was just about to squat down to get a closer look when suddenly, a hand clamped down on my shoulder and I was spun to face the hardened features of the eldest Winchester. Scowling, I shook off his hand as he glared down at me.

"Did you do this?" he asked me, gesturing to the body lying on the floor.

My brown eyes widened in surprise, his sudden question catching me off-guard.

"Why would you even think that?" I answered his question with a question, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Why wouldn't I? You reap the dead, don't you? Who's to say you didn't speed up the process?" he bit back, green eyes hard.

I was about to retort something nasty when a tall figure stepped between us - Sam.

"Okay, that's enough, Dean," he growled, pushing his brother back slightly with his hand, "None of this is her fault - she wasn't even here when the woman died,"

A puzzled expression crossed my face at that. But he didn't show up until after I'd already reaped the woman. He couldn't possibly know if I was here when she died or not. Why was Sam lying for me?

"Then who's the culprit here, Sam? Hm? Amara? Cause if it is then we have bigger problems on our hands - ones that doesn't warrant having a reaper shadow us everywhere," Dean pointed out gruffly.

"I don't know, okay? I just - I don't know," Sam sighed, shrugging at his older brother.

"Yeah, well, me neither. But I do know one thing: this-" he said, gesturing between the two of them and myself, "-is over. We have a job to do. And it doesn't require her assistance."

With those final words, Dean stalked off and Sam let another exasperated sigh, running a hand through his hair in frustration. A weird fluttering feeling came over me at that small gesture but I shrugged it off. No human emotions, Carter, I reminded myself harshly.

Sam's warm hazel eyes turned back to me then, "Sorry about him. He...gets like this sometimes on cases,"

"You mean, he gets this way about reapers on cases," I pointed out, crossing my arms over my chest.

Sam let out a humorless half-laugh at that and nodded once, "Yeah... So, I guess you're with me from now on,"

I arched an eyebrow at that and the husky man in front of me blushed scarlet before beginning to back-track, stumbling over his words, "I-I mean, you know, in a working together sense - like partners in crime, uh...fighting."

Holding back a laugh, I just smiled and shook my head at the Winchester before brushing past him out the door. But not before I glanced back to see him sigh, squeeze his eyes shut once and shake his head, strands of dark brown hair flitting around his face. 

It almost made me wonder...

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