Chapter 16 ~ Is this Time-Out?

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Episode: Season 11 - The Vessel Pt. 1

I tried to avoid Sam's eyes as we all sat around the large, rounded "war table" of sorts that the boys kept in the Bunker. It had been weeks since Sam's confession and our heated little moment against the Impala. And since then, Sam and I had only grown closer except...we still hadn't told Dean. Sam had been a bit apprehensive about his brother's reaction based on past girlfriend choices he told me he'd "really rather not speak of" and as for me? I just didn't want this getting back to Billie. I was here only under her good graces.

If I messed this up? It'd be the last time I saw Sam Winchester. And just the thought of that made my mouth go dry.

I shifted in my seat under Sam's burning gaze as Cas continued on with his battle strategy, "There were several God-touched objects, but it never occurred to me that any had survived the flood, let alone the 20th Century,"

"Do you think we can use it against Amara?" Sam piped up.

Cas replied simply as I shared a look with the boys, "It's perfect. And I can get you back there,"

"Without wings? Cas, you can't even teleport," Sam pointed out as his foot gently nudged mine under the table, sending me a barely detectable smirk as he did.

"Time travel is's a whole different system," Cas explained as I sent Sam a tiny disapproving look as I moved my shoe away from his, "So, uh, these the last coordinates?"

"That's the Bluefin's last transmission to shore, yeah," Dean confirmed, green eyes briefly flicking from me to Sam in slight suspicion.

"Wait a second! Cas, aren't there still risks with time travel? I mean, aren't there consequences that-"

"Sam, this is the ideal scenario," Dean explained to his younger brother.


"That sub's a tin can floating in the middle of the ocean, doomed to go down. You can't really mess with history at 20,000 leagues. So we get in, get the weapon, get out. It's a milk run,"

"No, that's not a very good plan," Sam argued.

"Well, if things get out of hand, then Cas will just zap me right back," Dean shrugged, gesturing to the angel.

Sam glanced from Dean to Cas and back, "You?"

"You're not going," Dean shook his head.

I frowned, finally speaking up for the first time during all of this, "Well, sorry, Sammy. I guess it's just me and Dean this ti-"

"Yeah, you're not going either," he cut me off and I let out an indignant scoff, "You two need to stay here,"

Sam and I began to protest but Dean went on heedless of our complaints, "Just in case things go sideways, somebody needs to be left standing to take care of the Darkness. We can't risk all three of us! And at the moment, I'm the least valuable player,"

I couldn't help but smile a small smile at him including me in that. Ever since I'd helped him break Sam out of the Cage, he had begun to treat me more like one of the team instead of an intruder in a hunters-only world. I couldn't deny it was a good feeling.

Dean continued, "You both know that I can't kill Amara, so the least I could do is get the thing that we need so that you can,"

"So you expect me to sit here and ride the pine while you and Cas go play Jules Verne?" Sam snapped, hazel-brown eyes blazing.

"Yes! No... who?"

"I won't let him out of my sight." Cas promised him.

"You'll stay by his side the entire time?"

"I will,"

"Sam. Let me do this. Okay? I need to do this,"

Sam made a harrowing face, clearly unhappy with this turn of events but finally, he conceded, "Be safe,"

"When am I not?... Let's do this, Cas. Bon Voyage." Dean told us just before Cas pressed his hand to the hunter's shoulder and the eldest Winchester vanished in a blinding burst of white hot light.

I sent a sympathetic look towards Sam in his wake. But sadly, things were not to go to plan. Cas, who was supposed to accompany Dean, wasn't able to make the jump. And...something wasn't quite right about all of this. I just had this bad feeling I couldn't shake...

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