Chapter 3 ~ Temporary Home Sweet Home?

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"She did what?!"

"She left the girl to watch over us-"

"Yeah, I got that part, Sam! What I wanna know is why you let it happen?!"

"What was I supposed to do, Dean?! I was half-crazed with that stupid rabid disease at that point. Besides, how many times has Crowley sent demons to keep tabs on us or the angels, for that matter-"

"Okay, okay, I get it. I'm just saying's not ideal and not to mention demeaning to have some reaper be our designated babysitter. Especially right now..."

I rolled my dark chocolate-brown eyes as I stood waiting in what I assumed was the main room of where the brothers lived. It wasn't much to look at, that's for sure - just one big bunker carved out of the side of a hill in the middle of nowhere. But it was much more spacious inside than I had previously believed it to be. As the brothers continued to discuss how this new arrangement would work out, my eyes drifted over to a lump of a figure huddled in one of the chairs. As I focused in on him, it became clear it was a man - short brown hair with bright baby blue eyes that zeroed in on me. Truth be told, he didn't look any better than Sam had when I'd first met him.

No, there was something wrong with him, too. A spell or a curse making him look this way - sickly, diseased... But he definitely wasn't human...

"So you're Carter then,"

I glanced up to meet the brilliant green eyes of Sam's older brother, Dean Winchester. His face was unreadable as he sized me up, eyes wandering over the now-very wrinkled skinny jeans and Van Halen t-shirt I wore. His eyebrows raised slightly at the shirt but he said nothing as he briefly glanced backwards at his brother before averting his gaze to me once more.

"Well, you don't really look like a reaper at first sight-" he began but I cut him off before he could continue, my temper flaring up slightly.

"And you don't look like a hunter with an ego problem and a penchant for pie but I guess looks can be deceiving," I snapped, arching my eyebrows defiantly over at the older Winchester.

Sam snickered from behind his brother, trying to cover up his laughs with one large hand. Dean blanched slightly before clenching his jaw in anger. He was about to speak again - likely a nasty retort - when I cut him off with an exhausted huff.

"Look, I know neither of you want me here. Trust me, this is not what I had in mind either. I should be doing my job, reaping souls - not keeping tabs on two grown men and their pet angel-" I began, shoving my hands into my jeans pockets, a nervous habit I'd picked up in childhood.

The angel, still hunched over at the table in the library, made a disgruntled noise but I ignored him, continuing as if I hadn't heard, "-but I'm here. And neither of us can change that. So we might as well get along so this can go smoother for all of us, got it?"

While talking, I had removed my hands from my pockets and crossed my arms over my chest in a slight show of defiance - a gesture to which Dean only smirked at approvingly. Nodding once, almost as if to himself, he then turned back to his little brother, patting him on the shoulder as he made his way back into the library.

"I can see now why you brought her back with you, Sammy. She might be a pain in the keester but at least she's got fire." he quipped.

Sam just rolled his eyes at his older brother's lighthearted teasing before his gaze locked onto mine.

"So you're staying then. I guess I'll be the one showing you to your room...if reapers even sleep, that is..." he said with a slightly tired sigh at the end before beginning to trudge down the long hallway that tapered off to the left-side of the room, expecting me to follow.

Falling into step behind his towering figure over my somewhat less than five-foot frame as we lapsed into silence down the long, darkened corridor, I couldn't resist the smirk forming on my face, tugging at the corners of my mouth.

"Sammy, huh? Can I call you that, too?"

A long sigh was all I received out of Sam in response to that before we fell into silence once more.

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