Chapter 12 ~ Hurricane Amara

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Episode: Season 11 - The Devil in the Details Pt. 1

Quickly, Cas and I got into his car and I bit my tongue at any sarcastic remarks I may have had about the old beat-up vehicle. Turning my head to face him, I was about to speak when I stopped short, noting the deep frown encroaching his face. His blue eyes flicked over to meet my dark brown orbs then, "It's Amara,"

My whole body tensed at the name, having heard it repeated dozens of times since living with the Winchesters.

"What about her? Did she...are they okay?" I managed to get out, speaking around the lump rising in my throat at the mere thought of something happening to either of them.

"I don't know - but it must be bad if the angels are talking about it..." he trailed off in thought.

I was about to try and snap him out of it when the cellphone in his pocket began to ring. A few short minutes and we were off down the road, going to find Dean. We didn't know where Sam was though and it made my stomach churn, both from worry and getting closer to the place where Amara was. When we finally arrived, we immediately spotted Dean propped up against Baby. His face wore the same look of uneasiness that mine had upon arriving in this place. But being a reaper, the effects of it were only brief for me. I got out of the car just as Cas' door slammed shut behind him, his tan trench-coat swishing around his legs as he strode through the debris littering the highway.

"Dean. We came as soon as you called. Are you all right?" Cas called out to him as we walked closer.

"Cas?" Dean asked, eyes unfocused as he glanced in our direction.

"You're not all right," he surmised, surveying his friend.

"Obviously," Dean spat back at him sarcastically before wiping his mouth with the back of his sleeve, "Ugh, what's wrong with me?"

I couldn't help the smirk that split my face as Cas began to check Dean's eyes and mouth like a doctor. What? So I was easily amused, sue me.

"Now stick out your tongue," he advised him.

"What? Ah, are we done?" the Winchester asked in an aggravated tone after he'd obliged.

"No, let me take your temperature,"

"No, that's not gonna happen," Dean said, shooing the angel's hand away as I bit my tongue to stop from laughing out loud.

"How far are we from the event?"

"You mean the Angel nuke? Ground zero's about a mile down that way,"

"Okay, that explains it. You're suffering from smiting sickness.

I snickered, "That's a thing?"

"Yeah. The Angels, what they did, it released a tremendous amount of energy, and there's fallout, so this whole area is poisoned," the angel explained to the both of us.

"You can heal me, right?" Dean asked him.

"No, I can't, and the closer you get to the blast site, the worse your sickness will become,"

"How worse?"

"The last time there was a smiting of this magnitude...Lot's wife turned to salt,"

Dean nodded, "Awesome."

"Alright, Dean, you need to go back," Cas told him, helping him to stand up.

"Uh, no," he shook his head, groaning as he leaned back against the Impala for support, "No, no, we gotta - we gotta go see if it worked, see if Amara is alive or dead,"

"We don't. The fallout doesn't affect Angels-"

"-or Reapers," I cut in, earning a slight glance from Dean as Cas finished.

"We'll both go."

Dean gagged slightly, struggling just to stand upright before nodding, "Okay, yeah, it's - it's probably better that way. I'll take a drive. I'll go check on Sam."

Cas agreed, walking back the way he'd come to get in his car. I lingered though, eyes meeting Dean's as I stood across from him.

"Dean, look, I know...I know we haven't always seen eye-to-eye and I know you don't trust me but...I care about your brother. So if you need me - for anything - just call and I'll be there," I told him, sincerity clear in my voice.

Dean's emerald eyes looked at me with a look of begrudging appreciation, clearly not expecting that declaration or offer. But he nodded just the same before I'd turned back to follow after Cas. I'd made it halfway there when he stopped me though.

"Hey, Car?" he called and frowning slightly in thought, I turned my head to face him.

"If it did work, and she is dead - bring her body out," he told me seriously.

I nodded, biting my lip, "And if she's not?"

A moment of silence passed as we gazed back at one another before he replied simply.


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