Chapter 21 ~ Dire Straits

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Episode: Season 11 - Red Meat Pt. 1

I had been comfortably curled up in the armchair with Sam when he found the case, snuggled up against his side. Almost asleep too. Yet another reason why I was peeved at having to go on this case. But as usual, I couldn't just let them go off on their own - too many bad things occurred when that happened. This case wasn't out of the ordinary however. 

Some campers had gotten lost in upstate Idaho. A body had been found, heart ripped clean out. It was nothing another group of hunters couldn't handle but Sam insisted on checking it out, of course. Which is how I found myself fighting a pack of snarling werewolves alongside the Winchesters in an old abandoned cabin in the woods.

My current opponent bared his sharpened teeth at me right before my foot connected with his chest, roughly knocking him to the floor. Glass shattered from the far wall and my head snapped to the sound just in time to see Dean be body-slammed into a cabinet, the doors on it busting on impact. In the split second that my head was turned though, the werewolf was back on his feet. I barely had time to think, let alone move as his mouth widened, stinking hot breath fanning my neck.

Suddenly, his eyes went round as saucers, mouth forming an O-shape. A sickening, bubbling gurgle erupted past his lips as he fell to the floor, not moving. Glancing up, I saw Sam with a bloody knife in hand. I shot him a grateful smile which he returned.

I honestly can't explain what happened next. I can't even explain it to myself. It all just...seemed to happen in slow motion, there was not time to react.

The gun went off with a deafening bang, the sound reverberating off the walls of the tiny confined space. Instantly, Dean knife the werewolf who had done it. But it was too late - a dark, crimson stain began to grown on Sam's plaid shirt. I couldn't even make a sound as he fell to the floor. Dean reacted before I did, rushing past me to see about his brother. He slammed a first aid kit that he'd gotten who knows where from down beside him.

"Hey-hey, Dean, they, uh-" Sam started between groans, gesturing to the two people the wolves had tied up.

While Dean attended Sam, I quickly helped them out of their bonds before turning back to the brothers. Dean was already attempting to remove the bullet from Sam's stomach. It was bloody work and I felt my heart catch in my throat, the taste of fear almost tangible on my tongue.

"Here, might need that," Dean told him as he shoved a wadded up towel into Sam's mouth to bite down on then barked to me, "Carter, get over here and help me! Now!"

Falling to my knees in obedience on his other side, I gently slid Sam's head into my lap, threading my fingers through the long strands of dark hair in an attempt to comfort him. Sam groaned into the towel, eyes squeezed tightly shut as Dean dug into his wound with tweezers. Bright red blood lathered his hands as he worked to remove the bullet.

A few agonizing seconds later, he managed to yank it out, "Okay, there we go! There we go. Look at that, huh? Hey, you know what? We got to keep that one. That one's gonna be a little memento. We'll laugh about it some other time-"

"Dean!" I hissed, trying to get him back on task as I began to wrap Sam's torso in bandages, careful to apply pressure where needed.

Dean nodded to me and was off, checking on the people we had rescued. But the woman - whose name was Michelle - had sustained injuries wasn't looking so good.

"Is there a landline in here?" he asked them.

The man, Corbin, just frowned, "You don't have a cellphone?"

"There's no service for miles...I had a signal back at the car a couple miles back," Dean said in though before turning to Sam, "Okay, listen to me. I'm gonna go for a signal, okay? We're gonna get you to a real doctor. You're gonna be just fine,"

"Wait, no!" I shook my head in defiance, "What if it's too far away? He can't make it that long, Dean - he'll bleed out. Let me heal him,"

"No," Sam said from the floor, hazel eyes looking up into mine as he grimaced slightly from the pain, "'re not yet recovered. I don't want you hurting yourself. I-I'll be fine. We'll get a doctor. I'll be okay. Y-you'll see,"

I frowned, ready to protest that when Dean cut me off, "He'll be okay, Car. I won't let anything happen - to either of you."

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