🌹7 ~ KQ

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Momo's heels clicked on the hardwood floor as she walked to her bosses office, her aura radiating dominance as she did so.

The female knocked on Hoseoks door, hearing a low come in.

"Hongjoong is here sir, shall I send him in?" she asked, her hands behind her back.

The black haired male in front of her nodded, "yes right away, thank you Momo."

"Not a problem sir."

Momo walked back to the entrance of the building, walking up to a male in a leather jacket, a lollipop in his mouth and sitting with his legs on the other side of the arm rest.

"HongJoong, Hoseok is ready to see you," she informed, the male jumping up and walking over to her.

"Thanks cutie," he winked, walking away.

The female rolled her eyes, "I know I'm cute," she mumbled, walking back to her laptop.


Hongjoong sat in front of Hoseok expectantly, the gang leader staring at the mafia boss impatiently.

"What did you need me here for Seok?" he asked, again, sitting down with his legs on the outside of the arm rest.

Hoseok sighed, turning back to the younger male, "I need you to get two people for me."

"You want KQ and I to kidnap guys for you?" Hongjoong corrected, a playful glint in his eyes.

The elder rolled his eyes, "basically, heres the addresses," Hoseok handed the male a paper, which Hongjoong took gladly, "I need them here by tomorrow, and since kidnapping is kind of KQ's thing, I couldn't think of any better fellez to ask."

Hongjoong laughed, "will we get paid for this?"

"Yes, you will," Hoseok replied, HongJoong showing a wicked grin.

"May I ask why you want us to kidnap these guys?"

"They took something of mine and gave it back screwed up," Hoseok stood up, his aura turning a bit darker then before Hongjoong walked in, "and I need answers."


"BASTARDS! LET ME FUCKING GO YOU ASSHOLES! WHO TAKES SOMEONE WHEN THERE ASLEEP!" Yoongi shouted, thrashing around, attempting to get out of the guys grip.

San grunted, throwing Yoongi in the back of the car and locking it, the mint haired male still yelling curses.

"Why was that so fucking difficult!?" Mingi huffed, his hands on his hips as he panted lightly.

Yeosang through them all glares, "can someone tell me why the fuck we couldn't sedate him? How come HongJoong and the others could sedate there guy?"

"Because Seok gave us specific instructions with this one," Seonghwa responded, his mask covering almost all of his face.

The red streaked male sighed, "anyways, let's get going, I don't want to get any less pay for being late."

"I agree with San," Mingi said, gesturing towards the male, "we should get going."

The others nodded, getting into the car. Yoongi watched them all, not able to hear the conversation the four men were having right near him.

One of them continued to look at him, Yoongi not able to see his face, only his eyes.

Oddly, he recognized them.


The mint haired male had some sort of cover on his head, since he couldn't see jackshit, only hearing voices around him.

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