🥀BC 2 ~ Rookie Mistake

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"You're positive Hoseok is aware of the plan?"

"Even if he wasn't, why does it matter? You act like you aren't also the boss of Crimson Hope," Ji countered as she stared at her younger brother, who was busily picking out his outfit for the night ahead.

He gave his sister an incredulous expression, wondering how his sister would ever question why he wouldn't want to tell Hoseok about something that pertains to their mafia, "Have you met him? He's a control freak and likes, no loves, to know when things about the mafia are going on. Now, did you tell him or not?"

YoonJi rolled her eyes before giving her brother a sheepish smile and picking at her nails, "It may have slipped my mind when I went to see him-"

"YOONJI! DO YOU WANT ME TO DIE!?" Yoongi yelled at his sister, who didn't even flinch at her brothers small outburst. If anything, she found it entertaining.

"NamJoon probably told him about it, stop being so dramatic. Joon's his right hand, even if I did tell him NamJoon would make sure either way," Ji explained, calming her brothers nerves. The explanation made sense, yes, total sense, but that only eased Yoongi a bit.

What was the plan they were going on about? Recently, this rival mafia has sprung up in the richer part of Seoul. The mafia boss of it was extremely irresponsible and was obviously not educated on how things worked. He and Hoseok assumed the guy just started a mafia because he had the money, the dude seemed like a rich prick who just wanted some fun. He kept fucking with Crimson Hopes docks, going in their territory, trying to get people who are apart of Crimson Hope to join him. The guy was dumb. Anyone who had a brain, anyone who wanted to live, knew better than to fuck with Crimson Hope.

So, they made a plan, Yoongi, Ji, Jimin, Namjoon and SeokJin. Jimin looked into the guy and figured he was into both men and women, loved a good fuck, and didn't care who the person was. Yoongi wasn't ugly, no where near that word, Yoongi and ugly shouldn't even be uttered in the same sentence!

They decided Yoongi would seduce him at another criminal club, that wasn't S Haven, this one was called Loco and all bets were off there. They just ask you clean up your mess if you happen to make one.

Now, Yoongi didn't directly go over the plan with Hoseok since he had other things to do within the mafia, so he trusted Ji and Joon to tell the elder male.

What a rookie mistake that was.

"Okay, okay, it's going to be fine, what's the guys name again?" Yoongi asked his sister as he let his hands thread through his silver hair, a new stress taking over his body as he thought about everything.

Ji hummed, "Dominic, he's a foreigner but was born in Korea."

Yoongi was now the one humming, looking over at his outfit one last time. He was going to wear leather pants, a low V neck white long sleeve, and on top of it all he was planning to wear a thick silver choker. It had to admit, the outfit was extremely sexy and he knew he'd be able to entice anyone with it.

Subconsciously, Yoongi began playing with the ring on his finger, his and Hoseok's wedding rings to be specific. Yoongi's had a rose in the middle of his with a red ruby and the metal was gold. Hoseoks ring was gold as well but had a sun with a diamond in the middle, they made sure the rings didn't look like traditional wedding rings in case anything were to happen. Still, they held the same value as any wedding ring would.

YoonJi noticed her brothers fidgeting, she offered him a reassuring smile as she walked over to him, "It's going to be fine, Yoongi, stop worrying so much."

Yoongi just nodded with a small smile on his face, Ji wouldn't be going since she had a daughter at home and if it wasn't that big of a mission she wouldn't go.

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