🌹24 ~ My prize

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Yoongi woke up with a groan, the male moving his neck and whining at the crack of his joints. He looked around, noticing he wasn’t in his apartment like he remembered and was in a sleek car with a black interior with some hints of dark green.

The mint haired male moved to look at the front seat, noticing a sleeping Hoseok, his hand wrapped around a gun. Yoongi just stared at the male’s sleeping face taking in his features. Hoseok had a long nose, gorgeous eyes, his lips were shaped like a heart, and he had beautifully tanned skin.

“Enjoying the view?” Hoseok teased, peaking an eye open to look at Yoongi’s flustered face, the male retreating back to his seat.

Hoseok chuckled, his voice a bit rough from just waking up, the male gestured towards the seat next to him, Yoongi getting the hint and moving to the passenger seat.

“How are you feeling?” Hoseok asked, staring at the mint haired male.

Yoongi looked over at Hoseok, noticing the concern in the male’s eyes, “I’m fine, but what even happened?”

“I assume the leader of the gang found out where you lived, and tried to attack you, probably kill you,” Hoseok sighed, leaning back in the seat, “now I’m meeting with NamJoon, Tae, and Jimin so we can discuss what to do.”

The younger nodded, “thank you, Hoseok, for saving my ass.”

“It’s fine, but it’s my fault for going to your apartment in the first place,” the black haired male stated, his tone sounding a bit angry.

“Just accept my gratitude,” Yoongi exasperated, causing a smirk to form on Hoseok’s face.

He leaned into the mint-haired male, “fine, I accept your gratitude.”

“Good,” Yoongi mumbled, his heart racing at how close Hoseok was.

The black haired male’s eyes flickered down to Yoongi’s lips, then back to his cat-like eyes. Without a warning, Hoseok pressed his lips onto Yoongi’s, the mint-haired male beyond surprised at the action. Since Yoongi didn’t really kiss Hoseok back, the male pulled away from him.

“This is my prize for saving your ass,” he whispered against Yoongi’s lips before joining their lips together for a second time.

This time Yoongi kissed Hoseok back, his eyes fluttering shut. Hoseok tried to place his hands on the younger’s hips, only to be blocked by the console.

Hoseok pulled away from Yoongi, pulling the younger on his lap, Yoongi now straddling the mafia boss. The mint haired male’s hands were on Hoseok’s shoulders while Hoseok’s rested on his hips. The two stared at each other for what felt like an eternity, wondering what the hell were they doing, but didn’t want to dwell on the topic further.

Yoongi was now the one to initiate the kiss, the male’s lips fitting almost perfectly on Hoseok’s. The black haired male’s grip on Yoongi’s hips tightened, his tongue going into Yoongi’s mouth. Yoongi tilted his head to deepen their kiss, his grip on Hoseok’s shoulders tightening. Hoseok’s hands slid under Yoongi’s shirt, his cold hands coming into contact with Yoongi’s warm skin, the younger moaning into Hoseok’s mouth. Lost in the pleasure he was feeling Yoongi began moving his hips, his body wanting some sort of friction.

The mafia boss moved his lips to Yoongi’s neck, the male panting as Hoseok gave his neck sloppy kisses. Wanting to feel Hoseok’s lips on his, Yoongi took ahold of Hoseok’s hair, pulling the male’s head up and reconnecting their lips, the black haired male biting Yoongi’s bottom lip.

“YAH! HOSEOK!” the two heard someone shout, the window near the driver's seat being knocked on by none other then Jimin.

“Fuck,” Yoongi mumbled, hiding his face in Hoseok’s neck.

“He can’t see you, sweetheart,” Hoseok assured, “my windows are tinted.”

Yoongi looked at Hoseok, noticing the smirk on the male’s face, “we always seem to be interrupted, huh?”

The mint haired male chuckled nodding his head, “yeah we do.”

“Well,” Hoseok pulled Yoongi a bit closer to him by the hips, “one day I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen.”


“They clearly can’t live where they used to, so what the hell are we going to do to handle that?” Taehyung exasperated, still a bit annoyed by the kiss Namjoon and Jin shared in the car.

Hoseok pondered on this, looking back at his car, where Jin and Yoongi were left to talk with Jimin standing guard near it.

“Can’t I just buy them a place they can share?” Hoseok inquired, though was met with a shake of his right-hand man’s head.

“They could still get attacked, especially if they are alone,” NamJoon stated, Hoseok nodding, he did indeed have a point.

“LET THEM LIVE WITH ONE OF YOU!” Jimin shouted, listening to the male’s conversation, even if he was a bit far.

They all pondered on this, it wasn’t that bad of an idea.

“Jin can live with me,” both NamJoon and Taehyung told, glaring at each other afterward.

“You clearly can’t protect him, he already got shot when he was with you,” Taehyung scoffed, Namjoon glaring daggers at him.

The purple haired male pushed Tae roughly, “wasn’t my fault cocksucker, you act like you would have done better if it was you.”

Taehyung glared at NamJoon, getting incredibly close to the male, “I probably could have.”

“Okay pissing contest is over, put your dicks away,” Hoseok exasperated, “if you both want him, then both of you live with him.”

The two stared at Hoseok, confused.

“I’ll buy all three of you a place, so you all can live together instead of just two of you. Well, also Yoo-”

“He can live with you,” Taehyung interrupted, smirking at Hoseok, “stop acting like you don’t have feelings for him Hyung.”

“I don’t.”

“You’re delusional too? Would have never guessed,” NamJoon teased, Hoseok flicking his forehead.

“You guys done?” Jimin questioned, walking over to the three.

They nodded.

It was settled, Jin would live with both NamJoon and Taehyung, while Yoongi would be living with Hoseok.

This was going to be fun.

If you didn't understand my Cameron Philip reference then you are an uncultured swine. Jk I love you guys, but I hope you got it.

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