🌹78 ~ The trade

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Hoseok wanted to slit these bitches throats when they grabbed Ji and himself, dragging them in the middle of a room with their arms tied behind their backs.

Though when Hoseok saw Yoongi walk in with NamJoon his heart stopped, wondering why the hell the male was there with only Namjoon.

What he didn't know was while Yoongi and Namjoon were distracting Irene and her girls, KQ, Twice, and their two mafias were going in through the proper entrance and silently killing guards and cutting out the service.

"Now, you said you wanted to discuss a trade," Irene stated, walking towards Yoongi, "if this is in any way a trick, they both die."

Yoongi nodded at that, "fair enough."

"What is your trade?" Irene inquired, her gun in her hands as she stood, the female showing no signs of fear since she thought she had the upper hand.

Oh, how she was wrong.

"My mafia, along with Hopes, if you give them back," he told, showing no signs of lying or bluffing which was the same with Namjoon.

"NO!" Ji screamed, pulling on her restraints, "SUGA NO!"

Yoongi shushed her with a wave of his hand, "it will assure your power."

Irene was now smiling, Namjoon holding out the contract for the deal.

As Irene remained distracted with the trade, along with her girls, they didn't notice the people coming in. But Ji and Hoseok did.

Twice and KQ were already inside, along with Jin and Tae.  The three girls that were standing near Hoseok and Ji didn't notice when the people entered.

They all had silencers on their guns, at the same time Jin, Tae, and Jimin shot the girls. Jungkook, Seonghwa, and Momo catching their dead bodies before they could fall to the ground and make a noise.

"Here you go boss," Jimin whispered to Hoseok, handing him one of his daggers after they united him.

"hi baby," Huta greeted in a hushes tone, untying Ji and lifting her up, getting his girlfriend out of of the place.

Unaware of their baby she was carrying.

In the midst of all this Irene finished signing the contract, turning to look at her girls, only to find them dead and Ji and Hope gone.

Before she could say anything, she felt cold medal against her neck, "in your dreams will you ever take my power," Hoseok growled.

"Bye-Bye," Yoongi cheered with a smile before Hoseok slit Irene's throat, finally killing the burden.


"That was amazing," Hoseok praised for the hundredth time, Yoongi cleaning his wounds.

The younger rolled his eyes, "that's like the seventh time you've said that, I get it."

Hoseok chuckled, "I'm sorry, I just can't help but be proud. What you did back there was genius-"

Yoongi kissed Hoseoks lips to shut him up, not surprised when Hoseok kissed him back.

The two had just gotten back to Hoseoks place, after all of that the gangs bid their farewells. Yoongi thanked them and promised to pay them later on for their help.

As of now Yoongi was cleaning Hoseoks wounds from being with those females, hating how the mafia boss got hurt.

"Move in with me again," Hoseok suggested, taking Yoongi aback by the abrupt request.


"I said," Hoseok pecked Yoongi's lips, "move in with me again."

Yoongi now whined with a pout, "No!"

Hoseok raised an eyebrow, "why?"

"Because I love my new house, why don't you move in with me?!" the younger countered, Hoseok chuckling.

He nodded, "Sure. I need to get out of here anyway, too many bad memories."

"But also good," Yoongi reminded, putting the things back in the first aid, "this is where we first had sex, first kissed, had our fun moments-"

"It's also where I almost hurt you, Haechan died, I almost died," Hoseok stated, Yoongi rolling his eyes.

"I guess that too."

For the rest of the night the two began packing Hoseoks things so he could move in with Yoongi, throwing clothes at each other and such. After they finished they laid in Hoseoks bed, Yoongi's breath catching in his throat when Hoseok said.

"Let's merge our Mafia's."

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