🌹56 ~ Clap Clap lets get moving

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"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE WAS KIDNAPPED?! YOONJI!" SeokJin screeched as he followed the female around her apartment, Ji only sighing for the hundredth time at her brothers best friend. 

It been about 3 days since Yoongis abduction, Ji trying her best to find and get her bother with the use of her mafia, but it wasn't really helping. She didn't know where to begin to look, she looked at camera footage from the place Yoongi lived, and for some identification of these people. 

Only to find a butterfly. 

Butterfly's weren't an uncommon symbol in the criminal world, so the fact that she found one was no help to her whatsoever. 

On this beautiful day, Ji was woken up by loud banging on her apartment door, and when she swung it open she was met with SeokJin. The blond was worried about his best friend, hell, he hasn't seen him in over 24 hours and it was eating him inside. 

And to now find out it's because his best friend was kidnapped had him fuming. 

What son of a bitch wanted to kidnap Yoongi?

"Can you stop yelling!" Ji yelled at Jin, only for him to flip her off. 

"You're yelling."

"It's my house!"

"And that's my best friend who's been kidnapped? Why the fuck haven't you found him faster? Aren't you this hotshot mafia boss," Jin started clapping his hands in a sassy, mocking, pattern, "C'mon Ji, lets hurry it up now, we don't want anything bad happening to Yoongi."

Ji scowled at Jin, "Stop being a little bitch towards me SeokJin, were you never taught to respect your elders?"

"Respect is earned, not given, and you my dear do not deserve my respect," the blond countered, leaving Ji's mouth agape. 

"Fair point, I suppose," she said in a defeated tone, looking back at the blond, "still, i've tried looking for Yoongi and it hasn't worked. I have no idea where to loo-"

Jin began laughing, "I can't believe you haven't thought of this!" he laughed again, leaving Ji confused and agitated. 

"What are you laughing on about?"

Jin dried his tears, looking at Ji with a smirk as he crossed his arms, "why dont you ask the HOPE Mafia boss for help?"


Yoongi played with the ball a girl had given him, bouncing it off the wall repeatedly as he just sat in place like a waiting duck.

He had little scratches here and there, and some bruises from these women hitting him multiple times, but he couldn't care less. 

It appears to be that there gang name is LOONA, and they seem to be getting revenge for CLC, the gang Hoseok had taken down. He didn't know what these girls wanted from him, he assumed they thought he still had ties with the HOPE mafia. 

Oh, how they were wrong. 

They hit him to try and get answers out of him about the HOPE mafia. Like, who was the boss? Where does he live? How did you even meet him? and dumb shit like that, which only had him annoyed since he didn't know jackshit, and even if he knew he knows the answers, why in the fuck would he tell them?

"Time for your lunch twat," he heard one of the woman speak, sliding a tray under the door. 

Yoongi chuckled, "school lunches are better than this crap!" he yelled, knowing she could hear him. 

The girl that was outside the door was called Yves, one of the main people Yoongi wanted to choke. 

"Whatever, eat up, you get more questioning later~" Yoongi could tell she was smirking by how she sounded. 

Soon he heard her heels clicking away down the hallway. At least one of them was nice enough to give him a ball for entertainment, Yoongi didn't know what the girls name was, but she was nice. Didn't really seem like the mafia/gang type though. 

Yoongi knows these girls expect Hoseok to come and save him, so they have a chance to kill him. If only they knew that wasn't going to happen. 



Jungkook felt intense regret as he ran to Jimin's apartment, wanting to apologize for what he said to him a couple days before.

He was panting as he ran up the stairs, catching his breath once he reached Jimin's floor. He again, ran to the door, knocking on it repeatedly.

"Dude what's your problem?!" the person on the other side hissed, it was a young girl, about in her late teens. 

Definitely not Jimin.

Jungkook's eyebrows furrowed, "have you seen Park Jimin?" he asked.

The girl rolled her eyes, "he's the guy who used to live here, right?" Jungkook nodded quickly, "yeah, he don't live here no more buddy, so how about ya piss off." 

Then the girl slammed the door in his face. 

"Bitch," Jungkook mumbled, now feeling a new type of defeat.

Jimin had already blocked Jungkook's number, and was nowhere on social media, but that has been that way for awhile.

The only way Jungkook thought he'd be able to see Jimin is if he went to his home.

But apparently he doesn't know where that is either. 

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