🌹57 ~ Nerve

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Hoseok sat in his office placidly, simply going over documents that had to do with Sandara Park and her death, all due to him.

The authorities now wanted people to be vigilant on the street, a sketch of Hoseok going around everywhere. Even though the sketch was no where near accurate. Hoseok had recently dyed his hair to a fiery orange to keep cops and people from knowing who he was, and the facial features on the sketch didn't match his own.

He thinks the color is a bit too vibrant, but he'd deal with it to not be caught by dumb ass cops. Plus, it would eventually fade to a less vibrant color. 

As Hoseok closed the documents, he heard a ruckus going on outside of his office, followed by one of his workers swinging the door open with a brunette woman beside her. 

"S-sir, she wou-wouldn't leave!" Momo told, obviously out of breath. 

Hoseok looked at the female, recognizing her as the boss of the Noir mafia; Also, Yoongi's older sister. The orange haired male knew the culprit for Haechan's death was already long gone, but that didn't stop him from hating the female in front of him. 

"You have some nerve coming here," he glared towards her, Ji only smirking at what he said. 

She pushed the worker aside, stepping into Hoseoks office, "Isn't that why we all got to the place we are at now, cause we had nerve?" 

Hoseok chuckled, not able to disagree with her, "Allow her in Momo, you're dismissed."

Momo nodded, glaring at the female as she walked out and closed the door. Ji took her seat across from Hope, not knowing his real name, examining the male from where he sat. She could see now apart of the reason Yoongi fell in love with this mafia boss, he was incredibly handsome and already had a strong aura. 

Plus he seemed like an asshole, which was Yoongi's type. 

"What do you want?" Hoseok asked in a hostile tone, wanting the female out of his office. 

Because one he didn't like her and two she reminded him way too much of Yoongi, which he also didn't like.

"It's about Yoongi-"

"Get out," Hoseok seethed, not wanting to talk about the mint haired male his heart still longed for. 

Ji rolled her eyes, "no," she stated, "listen to what I have to say first, then you can kick me out, yeah?"

Hoseok sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as he nodded. 

"Yoongi is missing, i'm thinking he was kidnapped. I know you still have feelings for him, and I know you can help me find him before my mother rips my throat out when she finds out he's gone," Ji said, her tone becoming more and more anxious as she spoke of her little brother.

Hoseok could feel his chest burn from anger once he heard that Yoongi was kidnapped, that his sister couldn't even protect him from something that was common among the mafia world. 

He looked at her, asking, "what's in it for me?"

"Yoongi?" she said in a questioning tone rather than confident, "or i'll give you have the profit my mafia makes, and Noir is devoted to you when you need us."

Hoseok nodded, "I'll take the second option."

Ji's eyes lit up, "so you'll help."

The orange haired male nodded, "yes, i'll help you get Yoongi back. Now, Ji," he crossed his arms over his chest, "tell me what you know about who took him."

"See," Ji chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of her neck, "nothing."

Hoseok face palmed. 

Finding Yoongi would be a little more difficult than he initially thought. 

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