🌹10 ~ Death Wish

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“You’re dumb,” Yoongi heard SeokJin say over the phone, the younger walking to his apartment.

It was around 11:00 at night.

“Am not, I didn’t do anything! So, why am I being attacked?” Yoongi laughed into the phone, an eerie feeling creeping up on him.

Jin huffed, “first, you became acquainted with a fucking mafia boss, then complain about him to me. What did you expect Yoongi? For him to fall to his knees for you?”

“No asshole, all I wanted was to be friends with him, I guess? Wouldn’t it be nice to have a mafia boss on your side if some ever hap-”

Before Yoongi could finish his statement, he felt a sharp pain applied to his jaw, causing him to drop his phone.

“What the fuck!?” he shouted, looking at two men, who wore smirks on their faces.

The mint haired male kicked one of the men in the dick, trying to take hold of his phone afterward, only for the other to grab him by the hair.

“No, no pretty princess, what do you think you’re doing?” one of them questioned, Yoongi rolling his eyes.

“Trying to get away from your stupid asses,” he replied.

The one who got kicked by Yoongi applied an even greater pain on the males head instead of his jaw. Yoongi winced slightly, soon becoming annoyed by the whole situation he was in at the moment.

His vision though started to become dizzy, he felt one more rough hit on his torso, his face coming to contact with the ground beneath him.

All he saw was black after wards.


The mint haired male woke up in an unfamiliar room, on an unfamiliar couch, and he just didn’t know where the hell he was. He sat up, or, he tried to sit up, a pain shooting throughout his body.

He ached, everywhere.

Yoongi looked to the table near him, a first aid kit there.

“You’re awake,” he heard someone say, a voice a bit too familiar.

Hoseok stood near the couch Yoongi was laying on, a blank expression on his face.

“What happened?” Yoongi asked, “why am I here?”

“Well,” Hoseok rubbed the back of his neck, “I saw those guys messing with you, they didn’t do much damage, but I did scare them off and took you here.”

“Why does my body hurt?”

“You were on freezing concrete and being kicked by two guys, I’d be more surprised if your body didn’t hurt,” Hoseok responded with.

“Why are you-”

“You ask a lot of fucking questions,” Hoseok stated, getting closer to Yoongi, he walked over next to the male on the couch helping him sit up.

Without a word, Hoseok took hold of the first aid kit.

“I couldn’t clean the cut on your forehead since you were asleep, but now that you’re awake,” he trailed off, gesturing to the kit and Yoongi.

The mint haired male scooted a bit closer to Hoseok, watching as the male put some disinfectant on a cotton swab. He didn’t even warn Yoongi before he pressed it on his open wound.

“OW! YOU JERK THAT STINGS!” he whined loudly, Hoseok sighing.

“Suck it up Yoongi,” the elder simply stated.

He began cleaning around Yoongi’s cut, making sure there was no dirt around or inside his wound. The male didnt want it to become infected.

A silence surrounded the two as Hoseok cleaned Yoongi’s wounds, until the mint haired male had a very important question.

“How did you know where I was?” he asked the black haired male, who froze in his spot.

Hoseok shrugged, not responding to the younger males question.

The mint haired male smirked, “you were following me, weren’t you?”

Hoseok rolled his eyes, “so what if I was? Why the hell were you walking at almost midnight?”

Yoongi couldn’t help the smile that formed on his face, “you like me,” he proclaimed with a shit eating grin.

The elder raised an eyebrow, staring at Yoongi, “no I don’t,” he defended.

“You do though, if you didn’t then you wouldn’t have been following me or even have the smallest bit of concern for my well being,” Yoongi said a matter-a-factly, his body completely facing Hoseok on the couch.

The older male had his arm on the back of the couch, his knee was on the inside of the couch while his other leg was hanging off.

“I don’t like you Yoongi,” Hoseok defended once again, “yes, I followed yo-”

Hoseok’s words were interrupted by lips on his. The elder really didn’t know what was going through Yoongi’s head, the younger is kissing a fucking mafia boss, and he interrupted Hoseok.

Yoongi, though, knew exactly what he was doing. Hoseok wasn’t pushing him off, sure, he I wasn’t kissing Yoongi back, but he didn’t push the younger male off.

The mint haired male wasn’t surprised when he felt Hoseok move his lips against Yoongi’s, the younger holding back the smile that wanted to surface on his face. That was until Hoseok abruptly pulled away from him.

“Fuck!” he exasperated, standing up while holding his head in his hands, “why did you have to do that!” he yelled.

“To prove a point,” Yoongi replied, standing up as well, “you followed me, and were concerned for my well being. You’re a fucking mafia boss and you let me and Jin go when you should’ve killed us. Yet you want to say you don’t like me!”

“I can’t like you, unless you have a fucking death wish!” Hoseok yelled at him, “as you said, I’m a mafia boss, I could get you killed.”

“You wouldn’t let that happen though, also,” Yoongi walked up to Hoseok, standing right in front of the elder male, “I'm not scared of you."

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