🌹19 ~ He cares about you

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"Jackson I have already told you I'm not doing this, I know how to defend myself against a 100lb female, " the mint-haired male stated defiantly for what felt like the hundredth time.

The blond in front of him sighed, it had been about a week since Hoseok told Yoongi about his new classes and the male would only show up to literally do nothing, just sit there on his phone. Of course, it annoyed the fuck out of Jackson, and with anyone else, he would have yelled and threatened them; though this was Yoongi and Hoseok would quite literally kill him if he ever found out Jackson had the audacity to yell at him.

Which left him the blond with no other choice, of course, he didn’t want to do this, but Yoongi needed to learn.

In less than ten minutes the door to the room was thrown open, Yoongi not even really noticing since he was mentally in la la land while his body was physically in the room.

“Get up,” he heard a slightly rough voice say, looking over, the mint-haired male was surprised to see Hoseok, in all his glory, standing in front of him.

“I said get up!” the male yelled, Yoongi rolling his eyes.

“Sheesh, okay okay, i’m getting up but- WHAT THE FUCK HOSEOK!”

When Yoongi moved his gaze to the elder male, he didn’t expect to see a gun facing him, ready to shoot at any given moment. The male had his hands up, genuinely afraid thinking Hoseok would pull the trigger.

“What would you do? Huh?” Hoseok taunted, pressing the gun to up against Yoongi’s forehead.

Hoseok had no expression on his face, he was wearing fingerless leather gloves, a black jacket, white shirt, and leather pants.

“Dead,” he suddenly said, whipping Yoongi around and pressing a knife against the male's throat, specifically one of his daggers, “what would you do now?” he continued to ask.

The mint haired male tried to nudge Hoseok, even kick him, but the male didn’t even budge. Next, Hoseok placed a rag, with nothing on it, over Yoongi’s mouth and nose, proceeding to press a spot on Yoongi’s throat that caused him to breathe in sharply.

The black haired male pushed Yoongi away from him roughly, the male falling to the ground with a low whine.

“In all these situations what the fuck would you do Yoongi? Because what you did clearly didn’t work,” Hoseok stated, glaring at the younger, “this is why Jackson’s here, not to sit around and watch you play on your fucking phone, do you want to get yourself killed?”

Yoongi rubbed his throat, glaring at the mafia boss, “Fuck you, asshole!” he yelled, the male quickly grabbed his bag, practically sprinting out of the room.

Jackson sighed, watching Hoseok glare holes into the ground, “Don’t you think that was a bit to harsh Seok?”

Hoseok looked over at his longtime friend, then at the door that Yoongi had only moments ago exited out of, “Not even close,” he muttered.


SeokJin watched his best friend stab the food on his plate, almost as if he was trying to kill his food.

Yoongi was at SeokJins apartment, the elder cooking for him since Yoongi looked like he just went through something he’d never experienced before.

“What the hell did the Ramen do to you?” the blond joked, earning little to no response from Yoongi, who just continued to abuse the poor cuisine.

The elder placed his hand on Yoongi’s wrist, pulling the male to the couch so they could properly speak. The mint haired male just let SeokJin do it, not even bothering to put up a fight.

“What’s wrong Yoongi?” he finally asked, though decided to reword his question, “what happened today that has you like this?”

Yoongi finally made eye contact with Jin, sighing before he replied, “Hoseok pulled a gun on me today.”

“WHAT!” Jin screeched, his eyes bigger than his ego.

“Yep,” the mint-haired male made sure to pop the P, “he was talking about how I wouldn’t know what to do if I didn't pay attention in that class and how I’d get myself killed and shit.”

“You mean the same classes I’m taking?” Jin inquired, Yoongi nodding his head.

“Why wouldn’t you take them seriously Yoongs? We have a gang leader after the both of us…” before Jin continued, he thought about how he could explain this so his best friend would continue to go to the training, actually make something out of it.

Jin smiled before speaking, “if it was just me that was targeted by a gang, would you want me to go to the classes?”

Yoongi rolled his eyes, “of course I would.”

“Why?” Jin questioned.

The mint haired male furrowed his eyebrows, “because I love and care about you, I wouldn’t want something to happen to you.”

“Exactly,” the elder expressed, “Hoseok cares about you, that’s why he wants you to take these classes because he doesn’t want you fucking dead. That’s why NamJoon and Tae want me taking them, he cares about you Yoongi.”

The male didn’t realize his cheeks heating up, memories of him and Hoseok walking together, even the times they almost, almost, had sex.

“Whatever, let’s say he cares about me. Then why the fuck did he pull a gun on me?”

“He probably wanted to scare you, so you knew how necessary the classes are,” Jin replied, shrugging.

Yoongi laughed a bit, laying his head on his best friend's shoulder, “I love you Jin Hyung.”

Jin smiled, petting Yoongi’s fluffy mint hair, “I love you too Yoongs.”

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