🌹9 ~ Jerk

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The black haired male almost snapped his neck when he turned to face the smaller mint haired one, his expression dark, full of malice.

Yoongi didn’t have time to process what was going on before he was pulled into an alleyway roughly, the place secluded.

“Hey!” he whined, it actually kind of hurt when he made rough contact with the brick wall behind him.

“Where the fuck did you hear that name?” the taller male questioned, Yoongi raising an eyebrow.

“Isn’t that your name?” Yoongi asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

Hoseok grit his teeth, “yes, it is, now where did you hear it?”

“When I was kidnapped by your little buddies, you, Taehyung, and NamJoon were talking and I overheard your conversation. They said ‘Hoseok’ so I assumed it was your name.”

Yoongi was staring at Hoseok with the same amount of annoyance the other was, except Yoongi had to tilt his head up a bit to really look at Hoseok, since the black haired male was taller than him.

“Well, you got my attention,” Hoseok backed away from his slightly, crossing his arms, “now what do you want?”

Yoongi released the breath he didn’t know he was holding, his stern expression coming back soon after, “I want you to stop following me.”

Hoseok raised an eyebrow, “I’m not following you.”

“Yes, you are!” Yoongi persisted, “I see you fucking everywhere, and we’ve even made eye contact a couple of times!”

“Doesn’t mean I’m following you. You’re only noticing me more because you have an idea of who I am and you know what I look like,” Hoseok explained with a bored expression.

“Whatever jerk,” the mint-haired male muttered, beginning to walk away from the black haired one.

Until he was pulled back, “don’t you dare say my name to anyone, or there will be consequences,” he told him.

Yoongi smirked, “what? You gonna punish me?”

“No, you’d enjoy that too much,” the black haired male was the one now smirking, Yoongi’s cheeks burning a deep red.

“Fuck off,” he scowled at Hoseok, running back to the cafe where Jin was, that, though, didn’t stop him from hearing Hoseoks laughter.


“Yo, Jerk!” Yoongi laughed, running over to a tall black haired male with a sun tattoo under his hear.

“I don’t understand you,” Hoseok laughed, walking beside the mint-haired male, “you say you want to get away from me and all this shit, but then, you walk with me whenever you see me?”

He looked over at Yoongi when he said the last part, the younger male shrugging, “I’m weird, is that a problem?”

“Hey,” Hoseok put his hands up in surrender, “I never said it was.”

It’s been almost 2 months since Hoseok and Yoongi’s encounter at the cafe since the black haired male didn’t want Yoongi to say his real name, the younger had settled for ‘Jerk’, something one of his favorite characters in a TV show would call his brother.

The mint haired male would always walk with Hoseok whenever he saw him, it was true, but only because he found the mafia boss interesting. Something to make his boring life a bit spicier. And Yoongi wasn’t denying his attraction to the black haired male, Hoseok was insanely attractive, the mint-haired male learning Hoseok had an ever bigger tattoo on his back; from seeing a bit of it from under his shirt.

Hoseok wouldn’t open up to Yoongi, though the male expected that, he wasn’t really opening up to Hoseok either. The only thing they really knew were each others birthdays, and ages, the mint-haired male annoyed when he found out Hoseok was older than him.

The black haired male sighed, he stopped walking, the two now in a park; he turned to Yoongi, “you must have a death wish.”

“Why do you say that?” mint haired male inquired.

The elder raised an eyebrow, “why are you near me? I’m not exactly a good guy.”

“Cause I can be, maf-”

Hoseok quickly covered Yoongi’s mouth, the younger confused until he realized what he was about to say, his eyes widening significantly.

“Shit I’-” he was about to apologize, though stopping himself when Hoseok said, in a not so nice tone.

“This is why I shouldn’t be near people like you.”

Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows, “what do you mean people like me?”

“People who don’t know when to stop fucking talking, do you realize what you could have done,” Hoseok seethed, Yoongi now becoming defensive.

“I don’t give a shit, there was no need for you to be such a fucking asshole about this. You know what,” Yoongi pushed Hoseok’s chest slightly, the male not budging, “fine, you’re right, I shouldn’t be near you. You’re really not a good guy.”

With that Yoongi walked away from the mafia boss, Hoseok closing his eyes for a moment before grabbing his phone and making a call.

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