🌹49 ~ A life for a life

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"What am I supposed to do Huta? It's either I kill my brother, my twin! Or let everything I, August, and my mother has worked for go down the drain!" YoonJi yelled at her boyfriend, who sighed as he looked at the clock. 

Ji had 2 hours till she had to send back her reply. 

It wasn't like she could tell Neo, yes she'd give them her brother, then give the male a head start. No, they want August's location so they can get him, and if he's not there, well, bye bye Noir. Huta couldn't help YoonJi out, since he himself didn't know what he'd do in a situation like this, August was his best friend. 

And she knew negotiating with Neo would get her nowhere, and her mother would want her head on a stalk either way when she finds out. 

Huta walked up to YoonJi, stopping the female in her movements, "YoonJi, trust your gut. You know what you should do, and if it isn't morally right, then so be it. You help run a mafia, that in itself is a sin."

The female took a deep breath at his words, the truth finally taking it's toll on her. 

"B-but he's my brother," she whimpered, about to fall on her knees if Huta wasn't there to catch her. 

Huta shushed her, letting his hands run through her soft hair, "I know baby," he sighed, a sad mood taking over the male himself, "I know."


August walked placidly in the dark streets, it was really really late, but he didn't really care. He loved walking around on dark nights, usually near the same area he was always in. Which YoonJi knew very well. 

On this night, August wasn't thinking about much, maybe a way to apologize to YoonJi for what he did, knowing very well he should have just listened and not done anything in the first place. 

The sound of a motorcycle behind him made his attention move to the street, noticing a male with a red bike and dark helmet coming straight toward him. Two other black cars behind him. August's hand automatically went to his gun. 

The guy took off his helmet, revealing dark brown hair and excellent features. More people came out of the car, a male with pink hair, another with black. There had to be at least 10 guys there. 

"Min August," the pink haired male began, "it's nice to finally come face to face with Haechans killer."

August gulped harshly, knowing very well what was coming, "listen, I didn't mean to kill the kid."

"Accident or not, your life will pay for his death," the black haired one spat, extremely angry. 

The blond scoffed, "wait till my mafia hears about this-"

"Your mafia gave you up, for the cost of Noir in itself," the male on the motorcycle informed, August staring at him wide eyed. 

No! he thought YoonJi would never give me up like that! We have each others back forever, she wouldn't let me die. 

Before August even saw it coming, a heavy punch resonated on his face, making him drop his gun. The male whimpered, "Yoonji.." he cried for his sister, never expecting this to come to him, never expecting his sister to really give up his life for the sake of the mafia. 

Mark went up and kicked the male straight in the face, feeling no remorse for his actions, or for what was coming to the killer in front of him. It was how this world worked, nothing would go unpaid for, and in this case.

It was a life for a life. 


Jimin couldn't sleep. He has not been able to sleep for days now and it isn't doing well for his health or mental state.

He was laying in Jungkook's arms, the younger fast asleep next to him. The hickies that were made a couple hours before were becoming less purple and settling into a more red color on both men. After sex Jimin would usually pass out right after, but he couldn't because of his racing thoughts.

The redhead had heard about what happened to Hoseok with his cousin, and about what happened with Yoongi from Taehyung. Now, all he could think about was the fact Hoseok wouldn't be as distracted with Yoongi anymore and would now put all his time and focus into the mafia.

Putting all this onto the case with Sandara Park, which risks Jungkook and Jimin's relationship. He should have broken up with Jungkook by now, and he was going too! It was just so difficult for him. Everytime he had tried to break up with Jungkook, everytime he talked himself into doing it, he would look at the younger's gorgeous eyes and everything he had said before would leave his mind.

"Why are you awake?" Jimin heard Jungkook's husky voice whisper in his ear, the red head chuckling as he turned in Jungkook's hold to face him.

He looked over at the younger male, "Just can't sleep."

"That's been your excuse for the last 2 weeks, Jimin. What's on your mind?" Jungkook asked, finally opening his eyes to look at the older male. 

Jimin sighed, tracing invisible shapes onto Jungkook's bare chest, "just thoughts, Kookie, it's no big deal."

Jungkook tilted Jimin's head up, kissing the older male deeply, Jimin melting into the action. 

"Just know i'm here, and I love you."

"I love you too," Jimin whispered back.

But that's what will be our down fall, he thought as he finally began drifting into a dreamless sleep. 

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