🌹58 ~ Leather Gloves

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"So, we're basically going to rescue Yoongi?" NamJoon inquired, a small smirk evident on his dimpled face. 

Hoseok sighed, tieing his leather gloves, "Yes."

The orange haired male wore these gloves whenever he was going into a fight. They were fingerless, which allowed Hoseok to grip his daggers and gun properly. Also, his sister made them, and, they were pretty hard to cut through.

"And for what? Because you're in love with him?" Joon teased. 

Hoseok sighed, "no, i'm doing it because of what Noir is offering, it's a nice deal."

NamJoon shook his head, "when will you stop denying you're still in love with him."

"There is nothing to deny, I was never in love with him," Hoseok defended. 

The younger male re-worded his question, "How long are you going to keep lieing to yourself?" 

To this Hoseok felt his heart pang in his chest, he finished tieing his gloves, looking at Namjoon and stating with a broken expression, "Until I'm not in pain anymore."


 "I WANT TO GO!" Jin whined to Taehyung, who continued to get his weapons into a bag, along with some of NamJoons. 

His boyfriend kept whining to go with them, only for Taehyung to say no each and everytime. 

"Baby, I don't think Yoongi would want you getting hurt. Don't worry, we'll bring him back safe and sound," Tae promised, kissing Jin's plump pink lips. 

Jin continued to pout, crossing his arms over his chest, "I want to go with you guys, it's my best friend!"

"Jinnie," Taehyung gave Jin a firm stare, "I said no, NamJoon and I won't risk you getting hurt."

"I'm not going to get hurt!" Jin insisted. 

This was one of the things that always caused the 3KIM couple to fight, the fact that Jin wanted to join them on missions, especially when it had to do with Yoongi. But Joon and Tae refused to let them accompany them, too afraid that he'll get hurt. 

Which would always get Jin pissed. 

He loves his boyfriends, and he knows all they want to do is protect him, but he wasn't a piece of glass. He could handle himself, and he wanted to help them in getting Yoongi out of that place. 

"I'm going," Jin concluded, getting some of the leather NamJoon and Tae would wear. 

Tae shook his head, "Jinnie, no-"

"I.am.going." Jin stated, "and you or Joonie are not going to stop me. It's either with you take me with you, or I go on my own, take your pick."

The red haired male sighed, succumbing to his overlly stubborn boyfriend for what seemed like the hundredth time. Tae nodded, getting some clothes for Jin to wear, the elder of the two kissing him with a smile. 


Yoongi winced at the punch he received, able to feel the salty taste of blood in his mouth. As a result he spit on the ground, watching the red liquid soak into the ground. 

"You bitch!" one of the girls screamed, now kicking Yoongi in the shin. 

He was still in that room, the girls coming in to question him some more. Only to be met with no clear answers like they wanted, Yoongi wasn't just going to spill everything to them like some snitch. 

The mint haired male could take a little beating if it meant he'd be able to keep Hoseoks mafia and his sisters safe. 

Haseul, the leader of this gang, suddenly barged into the room, a sickly smirk on her features. She dismissed the rest of the girls with a wave of her hand, leaving her alone in the room with Yoongi. 

"See, if you didn't lie and didn't pretend you had no tie with the HOPE mafia, we wouldn't have to be doing this to you," she spoke in a soft tone, her hands on her hips as she sighed. 

Yoongi shook his head as he laughed in a mocking manner, hating how stubborn this girl was to think he had ties with the HOPE mafia. 

"Why do you think I have ties with them?!" he yelled at her, the female giggling from Yoongi's obliviousness.

"Because the Hope mafia, and Noir are here for your ass right now." 

The gloves

a/nThe gloves

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