🌹55 ~ A little less

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He should have been happy. 

Hoseok should have been glad that Sandara was gone, that the cops were too afraid to try and take him down now. But he wasn't, if anything, he was just as angry and despondent as usual.

He would be lieing if he said he didn't miss Yoongi, for the reason he gets wasted every night is because of how much he missed the mint haired male. 

His smile, his laugh, his gorgeous skin and even more beautiful body, his personality and how he could deal with Hoseok's shit. 

Of course he would never tell Yoongi how much he missed him, he knew very well that he was no good for the male. 

Hoseok tried to get himself to not think of it anymore, not think of Yoongi, which only caused him to think of him more. 

"Why did he hve to cme to me life~?" Hoseok slurred as he walked around his penthouse, the place feeing emptier than usual. 

For now, Hoseok just basked in his stress free world, where he didn't have any enemies to currently deal with. Hopefully it would just stay that way and he wouldn't have to deal with anyone else anytime soon. 

But we all don't really get what we hope for, do we?


Ji and Yoongi were becoming much closer than they ever thought they would. 

Yoongi was going back to university full time, he had gone to university later than most people do. He went at the age of 20 since he took a break when he was 18 till he was 19. 

While Ji was dealing with the mafia, the chaos that came after August' death and her boyfriend who was back in Seoul full time to stay by her side. 

With all of this happening the siblings were becoming more open with one another, talking more about things they usually wouldn't be talking about. They were becoming happy around each other despite their brothers death. 

Right now, the two were in YoonJi's apartment sharing a meal over small talk, which Yoongi found enjoyment in. 

"Tell me Yoongz," Ji moved closer to her brother, "was he good in bed?"

Yoongi only started laughing, nudging his sister, "mhm," he hummed, which had his sister grimacing. 

"Ew ya nasty, I didn't think you'd really answer."

"Then you shouldn't have asked," Yoongi continued to laugh, glad that when it came to the topic of Hoseok he wouldn't be so saddened by it anymore. 

Even if deep down it hurt, he was realizing that he and Hoseok had something good, but not all good things last forever. 

As YoonJi continued to eat, she remembered  something that had her almost choking on her food, "when eomma comes home, pretend you know NOTHING about a mafia!"

"Why?" the mint haired male inquired, which had YoonJi face palming. 

"You're mom's baby, and me and August's one rule is we never get you involved in the mafia. No matter what and guess what," Ji gave her brother a sarcastic look, "we not only let you find out about the mafia, but we also let you fall in love with a mafia boss." 

Yoongi chuckled, "okay, I get it, i'll act oblivious. But why are you saying this so suddenly?"

"Because mom is coming back home in like a week and a half, so I kind of need you to pretend you know nothing so I don't end up in the same place as August," she smiled, Yoongi rolling his eyes. 

"Okay, i'll play dummy."

As Ji chuckled she noticed the time the clock displayed, her eyes slightly widening. 

"I need to get you home!" she yelled a little more at herself, Yoongi nodding. 

"Ji you know I could always walk home," Yoongi insisted, causing a hearty laugh to come out of the female. 

She went up to Yoongi a patted his cheek lightly, "you're funny, i'm not letting you get kidnapped."

Yoongi rolled his eyes, "i'm not going to get kidnapped," he mumbled, following his sister out of the house. 


"Bye Ji, I love you~" Yoongi bid his farewell to his sister as he walked into the apartment complex, watching the red car drive away from the building. 

He sighed as he walked in, going up to his apartment with heavy footsteps, sleep wanting to consume him right then and there. 

Once Yoongi turned into the hallway to walk to his door, he didn't expect to be met with about three girls trying to drag him down. 

"What the actual fuck!" he hissed as he punched one of them square in the face, the female yelling out from the pain. 

The other smirked, her blonde hair matching her pale skin. She drove a needle into Yoongi's neck, the male groaning from the stinging sensation he now felt under his skin. 

"F-fuck... y-you," is the last thing Yoongi seethed before completely passing out. 

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