🌹62 ~ Irony of the word 'Hope'

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"Do you feel a pulse?"

"I do, it's pretty faint though, we need to get him to a hospital! Quick!"

His body being picked up, moved by people he didn't know, voices he didn't recognize surrounding him. Yoongi tried to open his eyes, only to be met with nothing, absolute nothing.


Where is he? Why can't he hear his voice?

'Please,' Yoongi thought, his body still out of his control, 'Please, I want Hoseok'


Yoongi opened his eyes, surprised when that simple task became more painful then it should have been. He heard light sobbing next to him, with much difficulty, he turned his head to see who was crying on his arm.

"J-jinnie?" he questioned out-loud, getting the blonds attention immediately, "why are you crying?"

Jin only sobbed more when he looked at the younger, "thank god you're alright!" he cheered in a broken tone, causing Yoongi's eyebrows to furrow.

"What happened?" Yoongi asked.

All he could remember was being rescued by Hoseok, sitting in the males car, arguing with him for a bit, then everything after that was one big blur, besides the dream like memory he had moments before he opened his eyes.

SeokJin stared at Yoongi, taking in his best-friends bruised face, stitches on his head, malnourished body, the IV fluids connecting to his arms, his innocent expression, the way he wasn't even aware of the situation he just went through. All of these factors adding in to Jin's relentless crying.

"Yoonie," he began, attempting to regain his composure, "you got into a really, really, bad car accident. The car went over a bridge, it landed in the water, thankfully you got out alive. They said you were very lucky," Jin explained, adding in, "I'm so sorry, Yoonie."

After Yoongi processed Jin's words, memories began flooding back in to his mind. He had hit his head on the window, then again on the door itself, he then remembers hearing Hoseok making a phone call, but he didn't hear much since his body just shut down all over again afterward.

"Why are you sorry?" Yoongi inquired, looking over at Jin with confused eyes.

SeokJin calmed his breath as he spoke, "I-if it wasn't for me you wouldn't have been in so many life threatening situations, you wouldn't have almost died! Y-you wouldn't have to go through so much, emotional and physical pain! T-that night I should have just gone home, t-then you wouldn't be s-so hurt!" at the end of Jin's little rant, he let his head fall into his hands, loud sobs emitting from where he sat.

Yoongi sighed, knowing why Jin would feel so guilty. In a way, he was right. If he had never gone to Yoongi that night, none of this would have happened. But it isn't all Jin's fault. Yoongi agreed to help him, he agreed to go through this with his best-friend.

"Jinnie, look at me," the blond looked up, tears going down his full cheeks, "this isn't your fault, stop blaming yourself. You need to remember I agreed to help you, I provoked Hoseok, I fell in love with him and got myself in my own mess in result of yours," they both chuckled at the last part.

Yoongi wiped Jin's tears with his thumb, giving him a smile, "I love you so much Seokjin hyung, none of this is your fault, so don't blame yourself."

SeokJin nodded, hugging Yoongi softly to not hurt him, "I love you too," he mumbled, sitting back down and wiping the rest of his tears.

At that very moment, NamJoon and Taehyung walked into the room. Such perfect timing.

"Hey, Yoongi!" Tae smiled widely, his smile resembling a box a bit, "You're awake! How do you feel?"

"Like shit," Yoongi responded, laughing a bit after. "Hey guys," he said in order to get the men in the rooms attention, "where is Hoseok?"

NamJoon tensed, the cup of coffee he had in his hands wrinkling from how NamJoon was holding it, "see, the thing is, we don't know."

Yoongi's eyebrows furrowed, "what do you mean, 'we don't know'? He was in that accident with me, hell, he got us both out of that car!"

"We understand that, but he can't just go into a hospital," Taehyung reasoned, sitting himself next to SeokJin, who instantly laid his head on his shoulder.

"I know that."

"He's probably with someone who can fix him up, i'm sorry Yoongi, but we don't know where he is or when he'll turn up," Joon told with a empathetic tone, feeling bad for the male in the hospital bed in front of him.

Yoongi groaned, one from the pain that racked through his body, and two from his brain hurting in general. He shouldn't be wondering where Hoseok is, he shouldn't be concerned for the guy that broke his heart.

But he is.

Hoseok has done so much for him, even if he was an asshole sometimes. The fact that no one knows where Hoseok is scares him, because all he wants is for Hoseok to be okay, that's all be hopes for.

Without knowing it, Yoongi let out a laugh at his thoughts, the others looking at him with confused expressions.

"Why are you laughing?"

Yoongi shrugged, looking over at them, "I don't know, just the irony of the word Hope, and the fact it connects to you know what." the mint haired male couldn't directly say Hoseoks mafia, since there were cameras.

The others only chuckled, going back to whatever conversation they were having before.

Please be okay, Yoongi thought, hoping one way or another, Hoseok would be.

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