🌹40 ~ Not the only one

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Yoongi walked down the steps, not expecting to see a boy and his boyfriend, the orange haired male smirking while Hoseok was just frozen.

"Yoongi, uh-"

"I'm Lee Haechan, Kim HongJoongs younger brother, Jung Hoseoks cousin, and part of the NCT mafia, nice to meet you," Haechan formally introduced, Hoseok glaring at him. 

"He didn't know my surname, bitch!" Hoseok seethed, Haechan rolling his eyes. 

"Isn't it rude not to tell the damn guy his future surname? Where the hell are your manners Hoseok!" Haechan countered, Hoseok face palming as Yoongi stiffled a laugh. 

"Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok's boyfriend," Yoongi introduced, emphasizing Hoseoks surname, walking closer to Haechan so he could shake his hand. 

Hoseok smiled when Yoongi said his surname, not expecting it to sound so beautiful coming out of his mouth. 

Haechan pulled Yoongi to sit next to him, Hoseok's expression changing to one of surprise when Yoongi just allowed Haechan to pull him around. 

"What are you doing down here?" Yoongi asked Haechan, already feeling comfortable next to the obviously younger boy. Hoseok just stayed seated, watching their interaction. 

Haechan smiled, "Well, you see, I have this deficancy, which makes me get sick and weak if I don't take my medication properly. My own boyfriend is part of a mafia, they are..."

Hoseok tuned out Haechan's explanation, staring at Yoongi as he listened to the young boy. The males eyes were gleaming, showing genuine interest in what Haechan was saying. It made him happy, to say the least. Eventually Hoseok pulled Yoongi away from Haechan, telling the male they needed to go to sleep and telling Haechan he better go to sleep.

When they returned to the bedroom Hoseok wouldn't stop smiling. 

"What has you all smiley?" Yoongi asked, Hoseok smiling even wider.

"Haechan has never warmed up to someone like that, it just made me happy, to see him smile like that. And you," Hoseok pulled Yoongi closer to him, "were beautiful as you listened to him." 

"Do you?" Yoongi inquired, wrapping his arms around Hoseoks neck. 

Hoseok furrowed his eyebrows, "Do I what"

"Love me, I was there before I said anything," Yoongi admitted, Hoseok gulping, Yoongi watching as he just processed and thought about it.

"Yes," he finally said aloud, admitting it to himself and the male in front of him, "I love you, Yoongi." 

Yoongi smiled, pulling Hoseok closer to him and connecting their lips. Hoseok finally noticing how well his and Yoongi's lips fit together as they kissed.

"I love you too," the younger expressed, Hoseok now the one smiling widely. 


Sandara sighed as she filled her third cup of coffee, while she was doing so she looked over the file on the Hope mafia the police station had. It wasn't much but it was something to get her going on this case. 

Why was Ms. Sandara Park so infatuated with taking down the Hope mafia you may wonder. Why is she staying up late just to try and find someone she may never find?

There really is a simple answer for it. 

Sandara wasn't the only person who's been in love with a mafia member, more specifically, she was in love with a mafia boss. 

Back in her day, The Light Mafia existed. When she was young, a cop just starting out, she met this woman, who was beautiful and enticing. Had the lips in the shape of a marvelous heart, the eyes of angels, and the soul of an angel devil mix. Her name was Jung Leeun, a gorgeous woman indeed. 

Sandara was head over heels for her, she knew right away Leeun was a mafia boss, it was quite obvious and Leeun didn't try and hide it, even if she knew Sandara, or Dara as she liked to call her, was a cop. All Dara knew about Leeun was she had children and had been running the mafia for years, her husband no longer in the picture. 

Dara never got to meet Leeun's kids, though she knew they were older and not small children. One day, when Dara was supposed to meet Leeun, she never showed up. Eventually, Dara found out Leeun had been killed.

They never found her killer, though Sandara tried and tried. 

She soon pieced pieces together, even if looking at her lovers old file hurt her to the extreme. 

Right after Leeun's death, about a couple days, her mafia was completely taken down, demolished. Everything she had ever done erased, her people no where to be found. Soon, a new mafia surfaced, The Hope Mafia. 

Sandara knows whoever is the boss of that mafia, killed her precious lover, and she wanted revenge. She didn't care that mafias were wrong, or what they did, all she wanted was revenge for her lover who was brutally killed. Who she never got to say goodbye too. 

Nothing, nothing, would be able to stop her from avenging her lover. 

Slight Plot Twistttt 

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