Marshal POV: Family Matters

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*photo of marshall*

"Son there is no other way. If you want this position you have to find a mate and have your degree. We aren't just a pack we are a business and i will not see it fall due to your lack of wanting to go to school. This conversation is over." My father Alpha Matthew commanded causing me to shrink back and leave.

"So what did he say?" Leamos, my best friend and soon to be beta, asked.
"He basically said i either find a luna and get my business degree or Maximus gets alpha position." I sighed. Business degree i understand. But a Luna? "I dont have a mate. Im 25 and most find there mates at 18. Im 7 years late. Shes obviously not in our pack, or any of the surrounding packs. Wtf am i going to do?" I held my face in my hands as i crouched down against the wall.
"I havent found her either. So we are both late bloomers in the live category. Come on lets go to the party, Jessica is going and you need to get laid."

I sighed. Getting laid is the least if my worried especially with her. She wants the luna spot and if i havent found my mate by my graduation I might give it to her. The downside is she has a very bad rep. Shes a homewrecker. Her type is powerful people. Including married men, and women. If you have something she wants, she'll fuck you til she gets it. Vagina or penis, she has no shame.

"No thats okay i have homework abd online classes tonight. Ill see you later." I shrugged him off heading to my room.

I sat on my bed and grabbed my books and laptop and started to work. I slowly finished all my work one by one. Accounting done, Trig done, Physics half assed but done. Poetry was my favorite. I took it on the down low because if any of the guys found out i would never live it down. My teacher knows who i am, but to the class i go by Jesse. My middle name given to me by my mother after my grandfather. I opened up the page and it starts blowing up with the work of my class mates. We are required to post one work a day minimum of 15 words. Our final is going to be a book with printed poems of every poem we posted on the page. Most of mine were about my mother, some were angry and focused on my father. But most were focused on whatever emotion i felt that day. I sat on my bed thinking and decided to come up with an anti-love short poem.

"Theres a whole in my life, but not my heart.
Stories say we should never be apart.
In my mind, an endless loop,
Following rules they tell me to do.
Find a love, isnt that strange
Someone else to fuel my rage.
Why is love ruling my life?
This is one fight i refuse to light.
Love is patient, love is kind.
To me, love will always be a waist of time"

I finished reading ut over. Its not my best work but shit if i said what i was really thinking, Id have the cops at the door taking me asay to a mental ward. I sighed as I closed my eyes for a moment taking in everything. My post already has 15 likes. Theres around 200 people in the class since its online and based on posts. The teacher has a algeritham i helped him create that sorts the works to each persons file on his computer. At the end of the semester you should have 200 published or you fail.
I snapped up hearing a bling on my laptop. Someone from my class messaged me through the app.

Cheerrbunny3: you have no idea how right you are.

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