Felicitys POV: Girls Night

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*felicitys house*

I woke up to a Margo jumping on my bed.
"Ugh what do you want," i groaned pulling the pillow over my head.
"Girl its time to get up we need to go shopping. We are going out with Mark and Allen tonight remember?" she said giggling. i sighed and sat up getting out of bed right as Grayson started fussing. I threw on my pj pants, cause who sleeps in pants, and went to my baby.
"Good morning my precious baby," I said cooing as he started wiggling excitedly and smiling like crazy, "mommy missed you so very much my sweet angel, lets get you changed." I picked my son up snuggling him close and nibbling on his neck causing him to squeal and giggle hysterically. I changed his dirty diaper and put day clothes on him before setting him into his jumper. I packed him a night bag for my moms and went to get dressed while Marg watched him. Right as i finished my hair, my mother arrived for Grayson.
"Hi sweetie," she said kissing my cheek, "your house is beautiful i am so proud of you Peanut!" I groaned at the use of my kiddie nick name her and dad gave me.
"Hi momma, i have him a go bag here with 4 extra outfits and 2 pjs. Theres like 20 diapers and a full tub of wipes and formula. I put 3 bottles in there and a handful of toys. his blankey and monkey are tucked in with him over his car seat straps and he is ready to go." I smiled bending down to my buckle in little tike, "Bye bye baby, Mommy loves you and i will pick you up tomorrow morning. Mom i dont have class tomorrow and practice isnt until tuesday either. So i should be there around 11 or 12. I will call you when we leave the bar tonight. Love you." I finished talking to her and kissed her cheek as she told me to have fun and left. Margo and I not far behind her.

We arrived at the mall and it was super slow, since it was Sunday.
"I feel so weird being able to go out on a Sunday. I am almost having separation anxiety from Grayson." i stated pouting a little. She pinched me causing me to whimper and yelp.
"Snap out of it. You have worked your ass off, only lived in a dorm for a month without Grayson, and managed to get school paid off, your car paid off, and 3 grand saved up for your amazing house. Forget it, tonight we reward you and your achievments you sexy mama," She sassily states and i laughed. We walked through The Devine, which is basically a store strictly for clubbing outfits. I pick out 4 different outfits and one pair of heels i specifically wanted to wear and made my way to the dressing room, Margo already there waiting for me. She goes first. first outfit she picked out is a gold glittery fitted one shoulder dress that one side stopped mid thigh, the other stopping right at the knee.
"What do you think," she stated with a twirl.
"Definitely a contender, lets see what else you have," as she made her way back to the dressing room. The next one she came out in was a fitted white speghetti strap dress with a low cut V in the front with criss cross strings up the length of the V. It was sexy and looked amazing on her.
"I like this is number one, yellow one is out. Ow Ow!" i shouted as she strutted back to the room giggling. The next was a black two piece off the shoulder black velvet fitted crop top, showing cleavage but not too much and showing her naval piercing, with a tight black velvety mini skirt.
"I love this. I dont care what you say this is it." She said and i laughed and agreed.

" i put on the first outfit and gawked in the mirror before going out. Sometimes, if i didnt have the memories of child birth, i wouldnt believe i had a child myself. The dress was deep emerald green with a velvet texture. it was strapless with a decently low v cut up front, and cascaded across my figure perfectly. My boobs looked amazing and it gave me the effect of having a decent butt.
"This is it, i said strutting over to Margo like a model on a run way, she started giggling as she cat called and clapped as i went back. We grabbed our outfits and checked out. Finally we grabbed a bite to eat an went back, since it was almost 6:30 and we were leaving at 9. We ran by my salon as i sat in the chair so the owner could color it. I was going from chocolate brown to Blond. We left the salon and i was loving my new hair. i had her loosely curl it and do Margo's hair and both of our makeup. I checked the clock and it was 7:40.
"Oh no Margo we have to change and leave ASAP." We changed in the salon and basically charged out the door heading to the club

"Its been 20 minutes where is Mark and Allen?" I groaned wondering if they blew us off.
"Who cares lets get drunk and boogy" she exclaimed as i giggled and began shaking my groove thing.
"Hey gorgeous," I stopped dancing and looked up seeing Lee. I nodded and continued dancing, Margo and i looking probably like very good strippers. I looked over seeing Lee talking to what seemed like a friend, just then me and the friend made awkward eye contact, but for some reason i couldn't look away. Almost like i got lost in his eyes. Man I have had way to much vodka.
"By the way, i totally wanna screw your cousin," Margo whisper screamed into my ear laughing hysterically after wards.
"Ew girl calm down." I cringed and giggled.
"His friends kind of cute, maybe you should talk to him?"
"Mhmm and what about Zeke?" I asked raising an eyebrow.
"We broke things off almost a month ago, a girls gotta eat," she growled wiggling her eyebrows and winking as she sashayed away towards Lee. I shook my head and continued dancing. Next thing i new, a man came up and started dancing on me. I turn around seeing a scruffy biker looking dude with chubby hairy arms and wreaked of cigarettes.
"Hey puddin, can i have this dance?" I scuffed as he tried to grind into me right as the song ended.
"Sorry i was just dancing to that song. I gotta go." i scurried away as he grumbled and started dancing on someone else. I waltzed up to the bar and ordered another drink. Looking over seeing Lee hardcore hitting on Margo and her giggling like a little school girl.
"What ya havin hun?" the bartender asked as i looked at what they had.
"I think ill have a Gin and Tonic. on the rocks please."
"Make that two," as Lees friend walked up next to me.
"So your Lee's Cousin?" He asked with a sexy smirk.
"So your Lee's Friend," I shot back not even looking at him. He was completely breath taking. Literally no man should be that attractive. I carefully controlled my breathing and composure giving him a hard time.
"Its Marshall," he responded, more sweetly this time and less intense.
"Felicity," I gave him a slight glance and smile.
"Wow what a name," he said acting blown away causing me to chuckle. Dang it i lost my tough girl composure.
"Oh man, and a laugh that blends in with it." he finished with a smile showing his full set of perfectly straight and perfectly white teeth. Dear lord. Forgive me father for i am sinning a lot in my hear right now.
"Wow your just full of lines tonight aren't you?" I smiled as i took a drink, waiting for the gin to give me the confidence boost i desire.
"Well, i didnt entirely expect you to catch on this soon." he laughed ordering us another round.
"Actually, can i get a water first?" I asked as the bartender smiled and winked at me before pouring my water. Marshall having a confused look on his face, "what?" I asked giving him back the same look as i finished off my water.
"I have never seen anyone order water at a bar." He said acting amazing and i laughed.
"Well the more hydrated you are, the less hungover you get in the morning." I said all matter of fact like. He smiled again nodding his head.
"I'll take a water too please." I smiled. Hmm so he listens interesting. I look around and they started playing Bump and Grind by R. Kelly. Margo and i make eye contact.
"THIS IS OUR SONG" we both scream in unison and make our way to the dance floor leaving both men on there own at the bar. Suckers.

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