Felicity POV: Perfect Strangers

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"Mark, cant you just drop the pole dancing class thing?" I laughed as I took a drink out of my sonic cup. It was around 10 am, and he texted me asking to hangout. Now here we are in Sonics parking stall, eating our breakfast and talking.
"I just can believe you took classes without me!" He grumbled taking a huge bite of his burrito.
"Here why don't we sign up for the silks class? Its super relaxing and its fun. You'll be great!" He gave me a small smile and nodded I laughed at his puppy dog eyes. "Okay great, we will go sign up. Afterwards I have to go to the doctors to get this stick pulled out and a new one put in. Do you want to come or go home?" I took a drink looking at him as he froze.
"Ehhhhhhhh, I really don't wanna go home. Its lonely there. Ill chill with you. Just know, needles make me nauseous." I laughed.
"Noted." I started my car and we left for the gym to sign up for the class.

"Felicity, you didn't tell me this was going to be so boring." Mark groaned slouching in the chair next to me while we sat in the room waiting the nurse to come back.
"Its the doctors, what did you expect?" I laughed as he rolled his eyes and scrolled on his phone.
"Good morning! I'm Linsey, Doctor Reynolds RN, I'll be covering all the procedures up to the implant of the new Nexplanon. Did you enjoy having it? Any issues occur?"
"No issues at all. I enjoyed it, as it was very convenient."
"Good to hear!" She took my blood pressure, temperature, and heart rate and plugged it into the computer. "Okay, as you know before every birth control, i just need you to pee in this and put it inside the metal door of the bathroom. After that, the doctor will meet you back in here to put in the new stick." She chirped with a huge smile on her face. This lady was abnormally happy. I grabbed the cup and went to the bathroom. Marking my name on it and turning it in.
"Whats taking so long?" Mark groaned.
"You know, I think I would prefer if Grayson was here over you." He glared at me and i laughed throwing my coat at him. Its been about ten minutes, and usually the test only takes around 5. Just then, the door opened as the doctor walked in, the nurse following her with a cart.
"Hello Felicity! Its good to see you!" She smiled as she held her clip board to her chest. I smiled back at her. "Well I have some good and bad news. The bad news is, unfortunately we cannot put the Nexplanon implant in your arm today. The good news is, it seems you are pregnant!" I face went blank. I stared at Mark who stood up. Suddenly my vision began to blur and everything seemed to be spinning. Everything went black.

"Felicity? Felicity wake up." I blinked as I felt something cold on my forehead. Mark was standing next to me with a rag on my face petting my hair. I sat up and yawned.
"What happened?" I looked at him.
"Well, the doctor said your pregnant and you passed out. She went to get another ice pack and is coming back. She asked if i was the father and I said yes so she wouldn't try calling Marshall." I relaxed a bit that he covered for me. PREGNANT? The doctor came back in with a sonogram machine so she could check on the progress of the baby.
"Pregnant? Are you sure? How is that possible?" My breathing started to increase as i felt the panic starting to set back in. My sons almost 2, I hadn't planned on having any more kids until he was 4 or 5.
"Well, every form of birth control works differently, and not to mention medication, stress, illness, outside factors can effect how it works. There's no specific answer to how it happened, but according to your medical record, you have had quite the year so there's no telling. I'm sorry I dont have a definite answer on that." She put the jelly on my stomach and began her task.
"Okay, so far everything looks great, it looks like you are around 8 weeks pregnant, so not too far along. Oh!" She clicks and moves the screen around, motioning for the nurse. They mumbled something to each other and then she turned the screen towards me.
"So this is your baby," She started clicking on her screen and showing me my little blip. Then she pulls up another screen and I see the letters spelling out BABY B, "And here's a tiny surprise guest. Congratulations its twins!" She grinned as she took the photos and wiped the goo off my stomach. Im either going to hurl or pass out again. Just as i said that, the doctor picks up the trash can and I hurl in it.

We check out and I couldn't help stare into an empty void of my mind. I wasn't ready for another kid. Now we have TWO! I held the sonogram photos and the paper looking similar to Margos when she told me she was pregnant. I closed my car door and lost it. I covered my head in my arms and started crying.
"Felicity, sweet pea its going to be okay." Mark pulled me into his chest as I cried and he pet my hair, "Here, get over here, I'm driving." We swapped seats and he started the car, driving off towards my house. I stared out the window into the world contemplating every life decision I've made up to this point.
"Whats going on in that mind of yours?"
"I'm pregnant with twins, what do you think?" I groaned brushing my fingers through my hair.
"I take it back." He chuckled and glanced over at me "This was the best doctors appointment I have ever been to!" He shrieked making me smile in return. "How are you going to tell Marshall?"
"I cant tell him, at least not yet."
"Felicity, you have to tell him. He deserves to know even if you are angry with him."
"Its not that mark. We have this plan set in stone, if he finds out I'm pregnant he is going to lock me away and call off the plan. We cannot afford to give them time to plan out an attack on us. Its now or never."
"I still think you should tell him. What if something happens to you? He is going to be crushed if he finds out you put you and your babies in danger Annie." He had a point.
"I don't know." I sniffled back the tears that were threatening to escape.
"Well, whatever does happen i need you to know that i will be here for you." He smiled at me "And also, I am going to be a dad! I told the doctors i was and you cant take that from me!" He shrieked and i laughed, wiping my eyes from the tears that previously resided there.

We pulled into my driveway and i got out and walked into the house, Mark on my heels. I opened the door and Margo, Lee, and Marshalls eyes all landed on me. I felt the panic hit my face as all three of them looked at me confused. I put my head down and ran to my bedroom, slamming the door and locking it behind me. I stuffed my face in the pillow and cried until the darkness took over.

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