Felicity POV: A Million Dreams

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"Good morning my handsome prince."
"Mama down." Grayson giggled as he wiggled for the floor. I put him down as he ran to the playground to play with his friends. Marshall linked me earlier saying he would meet us here, but its been like fourth five minutes and he's no where in sight.
"Hey girly!" I look over as Margo walks up to me parking her stroller next to us, i see Lee run out and start chasing Grayson around the playground.
"Hey, what are you guys doing here?" I laugh as Lee falls off the slide and Graysons face turns red from laughing so hard.
"Well Marshall had some things come up at the pack house and wanted me to tell you he would take you out to dinner to make up for it. I told him to try better then that and after some debating he put together a scavenger hunt so you can have fun with your day. Oh also, Lee and i are watching Gray for the day so here." She hands me a folded up piece of paper with a note in it. I roll my eyes at how extra she is and unfolded the paper
The malls always fun. When all else fails, go to the place to do your nails.
"Seriously Margo?"
"Oh i almost forgot! Here, he wanted me to give you this, some of the clues are costly." She hands me a debit card with Marshalls name on it. "Now go! If you dont go now ill leave you with your son and a newborn." Yikes! I spin on my heals and head to my car as i follow the first clue.

Once I arrive I arrive I walk straight into Nails for Days and they already had me inn for an appointment.
Marshall, this is too much are you serious?
Now now, you need to relax after all you've done for me. Its the least i can do. Now focus on yourself and ill see you at dinner.
I roll my eyes at apparently nothing according to the people doing my nails and looking at me like i was crazy. I chose to get shellac polish manicure on my real nails instead of acrylics. I'd been growing them out for quite some time. I finish with some wine red fingernails and navy blue toes as i go up front to pay.
"Thank you for coming Felicity, was everything to your liking?" the lady at the desk smiled as she swiped the card.
"Yes it was perfect thanks!"
"Your very welcome please some again! Oh and dont forget this!" She hands me another folded up piece of paper.
I can't wait to see you at dinner, go and find a dress thats a winner. (Formal wear ;) )
Wow. He is so not good at this. I chuckle at the note and tuck it back into my pocket.

I walk into the store and start looking around.
"Hey baby sis." Ugh you have got to be kidding me.
"Blake? What are you doing here?" I laugh as he spins me around in a hug.
"I was here with a girl I was on a date with. She was so incredibly boring, then i saw you said i had a family emergency and now we are in a dress shop?" He cocked an eyebrow questioning me as he looked around.
"Yeah Marshall had to deal with something at the pack house, so to make up for ditching me he is taking me out to dinner. But then Margo got ahold of him and now I'm on a scavenger hunt." We laughed together. "Since your hear will you spend it with me? I hate shopping alone and I will buy lunch! Actually Marshall will buy lunch." I laugh as i wiggle his card in the air.
"Deal!" We walk around and i start pulling dresses i think may look decent. Even Blake pulls off a couple from the racks. and we head back to the dressing room. The first one was a long Forrest green dress. It was off the shoulder with a slightly lower v cut. It was covered in sparkles and had a slit that came to about mid thigh.
"You look like a slutty disco ball. Veto." Blake spoke write as i walked out there so i laughed and turned right back around. The next one was a floor length navy blue mermaid that was also off the shoulder. It looked amazing on me if i must say. I walked out in it and did a spin on the mini runway the store had.
"Okay okay, not terrible. Definitely a contender, but to be sure go try something else." I rolled my eyes and went back to the dressing rooms, setting this one aside for maybe. I put on a sparkle filled gold tank strapped dress. It was fitted with a slit about mid thigh. It was V cut with a slight sheer covering the area around my ribs. It was gorgeous and this is the dress I'm getting whether Blake likes it or not. I grab the bottom and walk out to the main rim.
"Okay Blake. This is the dress i am getting weather you like it or not." I stuck my tongue out at him as he laughed at me.
"You look gorgeous little sis." I smiled at him.
"Now go over there find me a pair of gold heels to go with it in a size 7. I dont care which ones." He got up and walked over to the heels grabbing the first pair. They were six inch gold pumps. No sparkle or glam to the, just a metallic look to them. Simple, but they blended well with the sparkle of the dress. I took the shoes and dress off, got changed, and we went and paid for the outfit.
"Hello! Did you guys find everything alright?" The lady fluttered her eyes at Blake as i rolled mine.
"Yes we did thanks."
"I'm Glad! Oh and this was left for you." She handed me a folded up piece of paper "and this is for you." She tore off a piece of receipt paper, scribbling her number down and handing it to my brother. He winked feeding into her disgusting flirting. I pretended to gag as we walked out of the store.
"okay so where to next?" I unfolded the paper.
Would you look at the time, it needs to be 7. Meet me at the falls you'll look like heaven. (?)
I laughed out loud with this clue. Man i think this one was the worst one yet.
I looked at the clock and it was only 2 o'clock.
"Well it says meet him at the falls around 7 and its only two so lets grab a bite and then I need to go find underwear to wear under this." He groaned looking up.
"Do i have to?"
"Yes i had to endure the nasty flirting between you and that woman, you can tag along while i grab a bra. You will live." I laugh as we head to the food court.
We finally leave the mall around 4. Blake helps me put my bags into the car and i hug him as we part ways.
"Have fun on your date! Remember dont do anything I wouldn't!" He screamed from across the parking lot.
"You ate a piece of pizza off the restaurant floor! I think ill be fine!" I yell back laughing at him.

I decide to put my hair in a low updo, curling it and pinning it up in a cute messy bun. I put some long gold dangling earring in, and a couple gold bangles on my wrist. I then put on a natural Smokey eye, using brown tones to make my green eyes pop, a couple layers of mascara, and some nude lipstick. I look at the clock and it was 6:30. I through on some boots and headed out to my car, carrying the heels. I was not about to walk through the woods in heels to get to the falls. I pull up to an opening closest to the falls as i could get and started walking. Right when the ground turned to rock instead of grass i swapped my shoes and put my heels on. I walked out to the clearing in front of the falls and saw a tiny table set up with a read table cloth and lights surrounding it, some music playing in the back ground. I walked up to the table as i saw Marshall appear in a black suit with a matching bow tie. I froze as i took in his entire appearance. He looked amazing even combing his hair back slightly so it was a tad more contained other then its normal shaggy way.
"Wow. You look breath taking." He came over to me grabbing my hand and kissing my knuckles, sending a shiver down my spine. He looked good enough to eat. "Darling, you keep looking at me like that and I may not be able to finish dinner." He smirked as he led me to the table.
"This is amazing Marshall, You didn't have to do this." Just as i said that Lee walked out in a tux looking like a waiter. I looked at Marshall and he chuckled.
"I was going to order pizza, and he decided to cook and be the waiter." I chuckled and rolled my eyes.
"Good day Sir and Madam, today we have some red wine with some garlic bread as an appetizer. Enjoy!" He placed down the plates and poured the wine before walking away. I laughed and looked over at Marshall. His eyes never leaving me as he just sat there with a smile on his face. He's acting weird.
"Everything okay babe?" I looked at him as he snapped out of whatever realm he was in previously.
"Sorry its just you look amazing and i just got lost staring at you." He blushed! HE ACTUALLY BLUSHED. I giggled as i grab his hand, intertwining my fingers with his.
"I know the feeling. We've never really been on a fancy date. In fact, i think this is the fanciest date i have ever been on." I giggled as i felt myself blushing as his smile grew bigger.
"Is that a good thing? I'm hoping?"
"Yes of course. This is amazing and i love it. I love you." I smiled at him as he kissed my hand. Just then, Lee came out with dinner. He made some kind of pasta with words i didn't understand, but it was delicious. Marshall and i just sat there talking and enjoying each others company. Lee came back one final time and took the plates away.
"Marshall this was amazing, I'm gonna have to up my game for the next date we go on!" I laugh as he smiles.
"Before we end this, dance with me?" He stood up and grabbed a remote for his music box we paused earlier while we were talking. I smiled and grabbed his hand as he pressed play and the song A Million Dreams started playing from my favorite movie. I laughed as he drug me out to the rock area he covered in a red carpet and flower petals. It was so beautiful and amazing out here He twirled me around and held me close swaying to the music, i swear if it were possible i fell even more in love with him. Right as the song ended, Lee came out again with a camera.
"Ah and a photo to remember your evening by?" He asked is a dramatically fake Italian accent, causing me to laugh.
"Definitely!" I turn to the camera, feeling Marshall behind me and smile. Lee takes a few photos and i realize i no longer felt Marshall behind me. I turn around and see him down on one knee. OH MY GOD.
"Felicity Anne Monroe, I love you more then life itself. You are my greatest achievement and i want to love you and your son for the rest of our days. My soul mate, my other half, my best friend. Will you become my wife too?" To say i was shocked was an understatement. I knew something was up, but this was not on the list of potential things that resulted in. I covered my face with my hands so I wouldn't cry.
"YES. OH MY GOD YES!" I leaped on him crashing my lips with his. The ring was gorgeous!

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