Marshalls POV: Alpha Duties

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*photo of luke*
"Hey dude," I look up seeing Lee strut into my office with a child strapped to his chest.
"Couple things. One whose child is that? Two do they know you have it? And three, the most important, why?!" I exclaimed laughing hysterically. Lee is a large burly man with shaggy hair, he looks absolutely hysterical with a tiny baby strapped to him. The child cooed and laughed at my laughter, causing me to laugh harder.
"Haha very funny. I moved and I'm nannying for a family member while they are working." He said giving the child his pacifier. "Have you heard From Luke? I sent him out to train our new warriors like four hours ago and he won't respond to my mind link." He said concerned as he pulled a chair up to his desk.
"I'll mind tap him and see what he is doing." I close my eyes as I scanned through the pack members until I land on look, are top warrior.
"Oh dear lord." I quickly open my eyes and shudder, "my eyes. Why." I put my head in my hands cringing.
"What! What did you see."
"He's in his room fucking his mate. Did you even go there to check?! I am never helping you again." I shudder as he bursts out laughing.
"Wait," Lee stops laughing zoning into his mind link. "Hey dude can you watch him, there's a disturbance on the perimeter and I can't take him with me. They need back up." He basically through the child at me before running out my balcony and jumping off, shifting in mid air. I look at the child who is looking at me with his bright green eyes. He smells eerily familiar, he coos and starts chewing on his hand.
"Hello, I'm Marshall nice to meet you." I say, shaking his tiny hand making him squeal and giggle. I smiled. "Your a pretty cute kid." Suddenly I was over come  with a terrible stench. Of course. I carried him around the house in search of a diaper bag. Or a maid to do this for me.
Lee, where the fuck is the diapers? He shit and it's rancid.
It should be in your office under the chair I sat in.
Of course. We get back to the office and boom, right in front of me was the diaper bag. Typical.  I changed the kid and gave him a bottle as he fell asleep. I laid a blanket down and put him on the blanket next to me.

Me: hey you have a kid right?
Cheerrlover: yes, why?
Me: I got stuck babysitting. Anything I should know? He's asleep right now. Can he be on his tummy? Or should he be on his back? Also he shit earlier and it was terrible, going all up his back. Is that normal?
Cheerrlover: OMG 😂😂 yes poop is normal, if he isn't eating solid food it's going to be nasty. And blow outs happen sometimes. He can be on his tummy as long as there are no pillows or blankets so he doesn't suffocate. Back is always fine. Just not too much or he will grow up with a flat head. Anything else?
Me: nope I think that covers it you are a lifesaver!
Cheerrlover: thanks I try haha

"Hey man, there were rogues on the east side territory. Nasty little shits, looked to be at the end stages before dying. Was he okay?" He whispered not wanting to wake the child.
"Yeah besides shitting all over himself, he ate then slept." He smiled picking the kid up and setting him in his car seat without waking him.
"Good. He must like you. I'll have you babysit more often."
"Lee can I ask you something? Would you hate me if I asked your cousin out? Like on a proper date?" He glared at me.
"Depends, you gonna do her and drop her?" I scowled as my wolf tried to growl at him.
"No, I wouldn't. I'm actually interested in her we talked a lot last night and I actually like her." He looked at me, then started chuckling.
"Well I cant promise she won't. She is a hard ass. Doesn't let people in often. Good luck." He chuckled leaving me dumb founded in my office. Well I think I got permission, and a challenge. I dig through my pockets looking for the receipt with her email. Nothing. I start to panic. I run to my car and dig through everything. Nothing. Fuck. Guess I have to just wait and hope I run into her again.

"Son," I look up to my dad in my office.
"Hey dad what's up." I got up and walked over to my filing cabinet getting him all the paperwork for the last too weeks he needed, and some for next week too. "Here is paperwork for the last two weeks, and up until the end of the month, organized and completed. The past ones have already been inputted, the rest is waiting your approval for some pack finances and a couple events the pack is interested in hosting this year. Well I am interested in hosting. I think we should get our pack alliances stronger. Rogues have been infiltrating the territory lately. We may need help, I have a feeling it's only going to get worse. I heard word from alpha Riddick, someone's been organizing an army using rogues and there abilities. They have been experimenting."
"Good, I like seeing your head in this. Any luck on the mate thing?" He collected the paper work, signing off some documents i needed, then looking at me for an answer. I sighed.
"Yeah. I think I found her. But she's complicated." I said scratching my head.
"Well, uncomplicated it." He chuckled, ruffing up my hair and leaving. If only it was that easy.
Luke, please head to my office I need to speak with you.
Yes alpha, on my way.
I pulled out my laptop, and began working on my homework for the week trying to get ahead since my schedules been busy.
"Alpha," Luke bowed entering the office. "You wanted to see me sir?"
"Yes, first please when you get back from assignments, inform me or the beta when you check out for the day. I'd rather not have to hack  your mind again to see you fucking your wife." I chuckle as he blushed, looking shocked.
"Yes sir, I apologize it left my mind."
"Good, second I want you to start training all the new warriors ASAP. As many as you can. I have word something large is coming and we need to be ready."
"Yes sir, I will send a link to the new recruits and begin training at 0530. Thank you sir" he stumbled out of the office. Ya know for being my best and highest rank warrior, he's very clumsy when off duty.

The Alphas White LighterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz