Felicity POV: Baby Drama

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*photo of margo*

I started to wake up as my hesd was throbbing. I missed cheer all weekend, finally getting back to my dorm sunday evening around 8. I opened my eyes to see margo on the top bunk watching tv.
"Marg, what are you doing? How did you get in here?" I gasped out my voice burning with every syllable.
"You went missing all weekend without a word. I was worried sick. Cleo is out of town for the week and let me use a key. You didnt lock your bedroom door. What the hell happened to you? Your face looks worse the the time you fell off the tredmill." She exclaimed as i walked over to a mirror. I hadnt looked at myself all weekend but i could feel i didnt look good. Felix had his way with me all weekend and he enjoys very rough sex. I looked and saw a huge teddy bear with roses and a giant box on chocolates on my desk with a note.

"My beloved, i cherished the time we had this weekend. I love you my darling

I cringed. Im not one for romatic gestures never had been never will be. I through it in the trash and put the roses in water.
"Do you want this?" I asked margo holding up thr bear. I have an addiction to chocolate so shes not getting that.
"Hell yes!" She squeeled, she collects bears. "I dont have one this big!" I laughed at she took it and ran out to her own dorm downstairs. I went back to the bathroom and applied my makeup completely transforming my face to normal. I attended cosmetology school before this and took a makeup artistry class. I do it on the weekends for money at a local salon im almost famous for my hair and makeup work. I never have any openings. I grabbed my laptop since i have to post my poem for the day. I keep a note book on my full of hundreds of poems I've writted. I scroll through and read and commented on my classmates work. I read one about love written by jessekatsopolis45. They hit every nerve i had on the subject and i broke down crying for my throbbing body and head. I cant get away from Felix. He is everywhere. And hes huge, theres no fighting back. Im forever stuck with the shell of a man i once loved. This man is a monster.

Me: you have no idea how right you are.

I sighed as i pulled out my dark skinny jeand and pink speghetti strap blouse with some heeled booties on, brushed my hair letting it do whatever, and grabbed my bag for class.

"Okay class, i was a 3 page research paper on Chernobyl on my desk by Friday. Including details of the event itself and research on how its currently effecting people today! Class dismissed." Professor Zander exclaimed grabbing his suitcase and leaving. I walked out the classroom and to the union. I grabbed my chinese from the union food court and found a table. I pulled my laptop out and scrolled through my school notifications. Our school page was set up similar to facebook. You had your own profile with your schedule on it. Each class had its own page and you could comment, message, share work, and inbox people for questions. Mark, Allen, Margo and i have a shared group for cheer and other stuff.

Im almost done with my food when my video chat starts going off.

"Hi mom!"
"Hi sweet pea, Grayson just woke up from his nap so I figured I would call so you can see him for a bit. When are you coming to get him? He needs to be with his mother." My mother half asked and half scolded me. Grayson was my world. I had him right after my senior year, no one new I was pregnant except my parents and my doctors of course. I didnt gain much weight, maybe 10 pounds, and i never showed. The doctors had a term for it but i wasnt sure what it meant. I broke my hand in a tumbling routine and had to go to the ER. Thats when i found out i was pregnant. I was 21 when he was born. I was a senior at 20 because i got super sick at the age of 6 and missed 2 years of school until it passed. I was 8 in kindergarten. I stared at my precious little boy as he cooed and grabbed his feet. He was beautiful. He has my brown hair and green eyes. His skin is a very light brown. My bio mother was latina and my bio dad was pasty white. He got my golden brown skin tone.

"I have school completely paid off and i have 3 grand in a savings for an apartment. Im going to look at some this weekend and i should have a place within a week. Ill pick him up this weekend too and i have interviews with daycares." I replied. She nodded said she loved me and hung up. I was so excited to move. I blocked felix and he wont know where i live. I am also selling my car and getting a new one. And dying my hair. New me, less him.

I got home from cheer around 8pm and finished my homework around 9. I pulled my computer out and the blinging begun. 70 likes on my latest poem, 31 shares. 52 comments. 1 new message. Hmm

jessekatsopolis45: glad my work had an effect on you.
Me: you have no clue.
jessekatsopolis45: my dads making me find a relationship.

I laughed a little. So this is how this is gonna go is it? Pitty contest?

Me: my parents are dead, im adopted and currently in hiding from my exboyfriend who has kidnapped me, abused me, and put me down more times then i can count.

jessekatsopolis45: wow, touche. Im sorry bout all that. I dont know you, nor you me, but im here to listen if you need a free nonjudgemental ear. :)

Me: thanks i appreciate that. You go to school here? Or just online?

jessekatsopolis45: im online mostly. 1 class on campus but its only on the weekends. Oh and every wednesday night i take english on campus. You?

Me: yeah, im taking 5 courses during the week 1 on the weekend.

jessekatsopolis45: damn, you run a tight shift.

Me: please no cursing. I just am not to fond of it.

jessekatsopolis45: oh sorry. Wont happen again.

Me: thanks. I gotta go.

jessekatsopolis45: okay, have a great night. Talk to you later.

I closed my laptop. Suddenly feeling a burst of energy, I change into a sports bra and leggings, put a jacket on and take off for a late night run.

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