Felicity POV: We are family

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*her car*
"Is it safe to enter?" I look towards the living room from the kitchen where I was currently doing dishes.
"Yes your fine dummy." I laughed as Lee slowly opened the door with Jake following suit.
"Felicity Ann, I cant believe you right now. WITH MY BEST FRIEND? WARN ME NEXT TIME. TEXT ME, LEAVE A NOTE, SOCK ON THE DOOR, ANYTHING." He shrieked waving his arms in the air. Jake looking very confused.
"And you did him on the couch! We sit there! Well not anymore but we used to sit there!" I laughed throwing a sponge at him.
"Firstly you are being a drama queen, you told me you were staying at Margo's and you hooked up with her in my car so shut up. Second I didn't screw him on the couch we just made out there, And almost screwed there until your untimely walk in." He let out a dramatic sigh of relief. "But I did screw him on the floor of my room and in the shower."
"NO NO NO NO NO LALALALAALALALALALA I CANT HEAR YOU," He plugged his ears shouting. "On a side note, I doubt you screwed him, he most definitely screwed you. Your the woman." I scowled at him. Excuse me?
"I'm sorry? Oh no I most definitely screwed him. He him hawed around to long so I pushed him on the floor and had my way. He was amazing don't get me wrong. I'm just not the romance and tweedle dee around. You have sex with me, we have don't let me walk for a week sex." I can't believe he said because I was a woman I couldn't have my way with a man. "And if you don't leave me be I'm gonna shank you!" They both busted out laughing before leaving the house letting me clean again.

I was on my fifth lap around the campus gym when Margo caught up to me. Friday mornings, we run before class.
"Wow you in suctioned yourself from my cousin long enough to come running with me?" I tease her as we stop. She looked terrible. "Honey what's wrong?"
"Something happened." She broke down in tears balling her eyes out. As she fell into my arms.
"Oh sweet Margie, what happened?" She wailed in my arms. Sniffling she pulled her head up.
"I don't know how I could of been so stupid. I'm a good girl! I don't make mistakes. I don't mess up I push through ya know? I have a plan and I stick too it!" She sniffled wiping her runny nose. She was right she was literally super OCD organized. Even her life was planned out on her calendar.
"Honey everyone slips up every now or then. It's life sweet pea." I whipped her tears. "You will always be my perfect angel margs." She smiled handing me a folded up piece of paper from her pocket. I unfolded it opening its contents.

Washington Heights Family Clinic.
To whom it may concern, Margret Joe Ann Wilkes was seen on March 21st. Testing positive on her pregnancy test on that date.

"I'm pregnant Annie." She sniffled crying into her hands again.
"Oh sweet pea this is amazing! I'm gonna be an auntie?!" I clap looking at her as she wipes her tears and smiles.
"Yeah I guess you are. Doc says I can finish out the season with no tumbling and extra spots since seasons over in three weeks. I have to be careful not to injure the baby."
"Yes of course! Oh hunny I'm so happy for you!" I hugged her tightly as she giggled. Then her face fell flat. "What? What's wrong?"
"How the hell am I going to tell Lee?" She started to panic, "we used protection, and I'm on birth control. Doc said the medication I was prescribed when I had that stomachs issue canceled out my births control. Apparently I just have a really stubborn child." She groaned letting her head fall into her hands.
"Come over. I'll make dinner, call him to come over and say it's an emergency. Then you can tell him, however he reacts I'll be there." I kissed her forehead, the kiss glowing as it seemed into her forehead. That was super weird. She smiled and we left for the locker rooms to change for class.

I was finishing dishing up and setting the table as Margo paced in the living room biting her fingers.
"Calm down. It'll be fine. He should be here any minute babe." As if on cue a very concerned Lee bursts in the door, Marshall right behind him.
"What happened? I got your text and Marshall and I rushed over are you okay? Are you hurt? Where is Grayson?" Panic in his voice as he looked over setting eyes on Margo. She was wearing a red dress with black heels I let her use. I curled her hair and did her makeup in hopes of covering her tear streaks. I did a pretty good job. Hopefully it'll go better since she looks smoking hot.
"Graysons with mom, everything's fine."
"I- I actually had her text you I needed to talk to you Lee." His gaze softened immediately as he took her in his arms.
"I actually was just thinking about calling you. I have something to tell you too." She blinked, not expecting that answer.
"You do?" She cracked a half smile. Hmm this is not where I thought this was going.
"Look I'm super into you, and I just wanted to, uh" he scratched his head thinking of words. "I want you to be my girlfriend. I want to be official, you and me." He smiled resting his arm on the back of his neck nervously. Oh no. I saw the panic hit her face she sat down and held the paper from the clinic. Suddenly her face turned pitch white.
"I don't feel so good." She looked up at me.
"GRAB HER SHES GONNA FAINT!" I screeched as Lee jumped up barely catching Her before she hit the floor. I got her a cool towel and some water.
"Babygirl, you don't have to. I didn't mean to get you worked up like this." Lee said as he strolled her skin, that finally regained color. She took a large drink of water, looked at Lee and handed him the paper quickly looking away. He was instantly confused as he stood up unfolding the paper.
"Lee your going to want to sit down." Marshall rushed over next to him as Lees face went blank and he sat down. Margo's eyes started watering, she was moments away from losing it. Say something Lee, you have to say something, anything.
"You're- you're-you're..." answer better Lee answer better.
"I'm pregnant." She spat. Glaring at him. Damnit Lee. Marshall stared at me wide eyed. I shrugged. This was not how this was supposed to go. Margo shot up and left. Lee still stammering on the couch, his face white. Not even realizing Marshall now behind me.
"Go get Margo, I'm gonna try and fix..... this.." He said pointing to all of Lee. I agreed and walked out my front door. She was sitting on my porch, not even crying anymore. She just stared into the wind.
"He wanted to be with me," she laughed a angry hallow laugh, "did you see him? He couldn't even form words. He wanted to be with me, but when something came up, he clammed up. He couldn't even say anything to me. I don't need him, I have you. You and Grayson can teach me how to be a mom." She sighed laying her head on my shoulder.
"Honey, you also need to take into consideration you flipped that mans life upside down. You know before we went to the club and you met him, I new mark and Allen weren't coming." She looked at me.
"You did?"
"Yeah, Lee asked me to get you to go to the club, he was so into you and didn't think you'd accept if he asked you out since you've seen each other once." She smiled a little.
"Really?" I nodded.
"He's just as freaked out at you were this morning when you told me. This is new for both of you guys. You went from hooking up and having fun, to having a baby in a blink of an eye babe." She chuckled.
"I guess your right. I just was so scared he would be angry, or accuse me of cheating or something. There's this pull between us. It's like when he's here, everything's amazing. Perfect even. When he's gone, I just feel empty." She sighed. Man she's got it bad. She wiped her tears and stood up.
"I just need to man up and tell him how it's gonna be." She turned around to go back in right as Lee shoots out.
"Margo, I"
"Save it."She said lifting a hand to stop him from talking. Wow assertive Margo. This is new. "Look Leamos, I'm having this baby with or without you. I've been panicking all day thinking about how I was going to tell you and even though it wasn't perfect me you know. I don't want you to think you need to be here or you owe me anything. If you want in our lives I would love that but I'm not going to sit around waiting or hoping you come to your senses." She breathed heavily as she stood her ground. Lee blinked looking her straight in the eyes. Suddenly he runs to her as his lips collide with hers.
"Kitten, I'm not going anywhere ever. It's you and me in this for the long game. Nothing else. I will love you, and this baby till we are old and dead. You and me babygirl." She smiled a huge ear to ear smile as she giggled.
"You'll love me?" She questioned.
"You and only you. You don't have to love me yet, but there are things I'll explain to you so you understand my life and what I am. You were made for me margo. Yeah I freaked out a bit earlier. I've always wanted a family. And when I met you I knew one day I would want my family to be with you. I just was shocked at it being so soon. Do you know how?" He asked scratching his head.
"Apparently medication can affect birth control. I feel they should tell people this when prescribing it. Anyways, he said most likely I conceived at the end of January. You know, when we first hooked up. The condom must of failed, this was one stubborn child." She said chuckling. He smiled and tilted his head to the side.
"It probably is, but honey I don't think we used a condom that night. You kind of attacked me before I could get the damn thing on, and the car was so closed in and..."
"YOU CONCEIVED IN MY CAR?!" I yelled at Lee. Him and Margo's faces going blank.
"You hav no room to judge us now," Marshall chimed in laughing as Lee groaned. Margo looking confused. IM GONNA BE AN AUNTIE!

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