Marshalls POV: Here i go again on my own

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*Felicity's Wolf Yazmin*

"It's been two weeks since we killed Felix. How can we not have any goddamned leads!" I seethed at my team leaders as then entered.
"Alpha, we are doing the best we can given the circumstances, there's no evidence linking anyone to the scene that's not already dead." They looked to the ground avoiding eye contact.
Marshall we have an issue.
I ignored him. "Look, I have paperwork to file and shit to get done. I don't want to see any of you until I have something NEW. Is that understood?" I commanded as they sulked back and nodded. "Excellent, leave me." I walk back to my computer waiting tests results of Graysons DNA test.
"Fuck dude." Lee busted into the office. "When I say we have a situation, we have a fucking situation dumb ass." I growled glaring at him for his tone.
"This better be good."
"Felicity woke up." I shot up out of my chair. And started running for the door.
"Wait, there's more." I paused looking at him.
"She's run away."
"What? Where could she have gone?"
"Nurse said she was very strange when she came through, mumbling incoherent words."
"Can you think of anywhere she could of gone."
"No but she went through your bag and grabbed clothes, can you pick her scent up so we can follow her?"
"No I can't her witch DNA makes her scentless." I stuttered panicking. I get her back and she freaking leaves again.
"Gather up every tracker we have. Get her parents and my dad in here!"

An hour passed and everyone finally arrived.
"I need information, Harper and Harold can you take ground at your house. I want two patrol officers around there house. Lee you and Margo scope out her own house, take Grayson with you. I want two officers patrolling the woods near her place too. Dad can you get ahold of Mark and Allen. Have them watch the gym. Jake, I need you here keeping an eye on the gym on the grounds. You two get groups out around the borders. I want eyes all over this town." I finished as everyone started leaving.
"Keep your mind links open at all times, any movement I want to know about it. Any one who doesn't answer I will personally drag myself down there and it will not be fun." I said as my warriors split up.
"Dad I need to know everything you know about white lighters." I looked at him as he sat down.
"Son, I don't know much. I just know small things I over heard your mother say to her girl friends."
"That's fine just tell me!" I tried my hardest to quite the animal scratching at my walls to be let out as my father stood up angrily with my tone. I relaxed as I sorrowfully looked up to my father "I can't lose her. Not again. I'm not- I'm not strong enough."
"You taking this out on me will not fix your situation. And use that done on me again boy, and you won't have to worry about your mate because I'll put you in the ground 'alpha'," My father spat as I coward slightly to his intense power radiating. "Now, I specifically remember them saying there wolves were huge, beautiful, and elegant. Unmated, there wolves are twice as large as an alphas, mated there wolves have the ability to choose there size according to situations and mates. There eyes have the power to mesmerize threats and they don't have to actually shift to shift. They can snap there fingers and change into wolf form, skipping all the bone crushing pain. Once she's mated you will be able to smell her but until then they are visually off the grid unless they choose otherwise. The world is at there command."
"That might help. Do you think she can shift?"
"Depends, she hasn't been in touch with her wolf in years according to her parents. I'm not sure if she still has her wolf of not." I sighed. We can only go so long without shifting before our wolves weaken. After longer they die off leaving us completely human.
"She has to still have her wolf! If she didn't I would be able to smell her!"
"Well it's not much but it's something. If she's in her wolf form she would be brown with bright green eyes and she would be huge. Inform the pack!"

We have a lead! She may have shifted into her wolf form! If this is the case I want everyone to pair up into groups of three. She's a white lighter, her wolf is going to be brown with bright green eyes and bigger then any wolf you have ever seen. She's unpredictable because she hasn't shifted in over five years. Everyone be on guard but under no circumstances will you cause harm to my mate! I'm on my way to the borders to help search. Jake and Lee meet me we will patrol the forest. Dad will sit with Margo."
"Thanks for asking, I'd love to sit with your best friends knocked up girl." I brushed him of running through the forest to meet up with Jake and Lee. This is going to be a long ass night.

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