Chapter Twenty Four - Everyone Has Secrets

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   Going to the movies with Dad was a spontaneous, spur of the moment, type of outing. Both of us were looking for something to do and wanted to get out of the house for a couple hours. He and I went to see the newest action movie that was released into theaters last week. After the movie, we came home to find Mom, Katie and Mollie had gone out.

   Dad went upstairs to watch television and rest, recover, from a busy week of working. I wasn't tired enough to nap and I didn't feel like watching anything on TV or play video games. Since I am still grounded, I ended up walking over to the park; and now I am sitting on a bench trying to finish a Popsicle before it melts.

   I have visited this park more times in the past few months than I have in the last three years. Mollie loves coming here and playing on the playground. She loves going down the slide and being pushed in the swing. She also likes to hang out in the grass, a couple times she's even fallen asleep on a picnic blanket laid down on the grass. Katie and I used to come to this park a few times a week when we were younger. The two of us would stay at the park from sun-rise to sun-down . We'd buy ice-cream or Popsicles, more often than none we'd treat ourselves to both. The two of us would run around the park, climb and stay up in the trees, play games, and we'd talk. Really talk, confiding in and joke around with each other.

   There was a time where we didn't have a single secret between us. Thinking back now, it's hard to believe that those two closer than close siblings were Katie and I. When and why did those days end? If I had to make an educated guess, I'd say it was around four years ago. Katie didn't change but I did; and suddenly, she wasn't a person I felt I could confide in. She was still a child and I was a teenager dealing with issues she would not have been able to understand; and I didn't want her to.

   A whole school week has come and gone, and Linkon still hasn't popped back up . I am beginning to get really worried. The last time he'd had a "biking accident", he was out of school for only a few days; and when he did pop back up his arm was in a cast and he had a small head injury.

   I have called and texted Linkon several times in the last few days to see if he's okay. I am still waiting to hear from him.

   Another person who I haven't heard from in a while is Tyde, last I heard from her was a couple days after New Years Eve. She apologized for what happened but didn't offer up an explanation; and I didn't bother her for one.

   Aria has called me a few times in the last week. Our most recent conversation consisted of her asking if Mollie and I could visit next weekend. Her parents are going to be at a fundraising event practically the whole-day next Saturday. I didn't commit to bringing Mollie over, but I promised to try.

   Lately Mollie has been extremely cranky and a handful. She's thrown her schedule off quite a bit but refusing to go down for a nap when she's supposed to. Her lack of napping causes her to be extremely cranky and go to bed real early; but also wake up earlier in the morning and therefore messing up her schedule. If Mollie is in a good mood next Saturday, the two of us will visit Aria.

   I don't understand what's going on with Mollie. She is nearly a completely different baby, she went from being an easy-going and content baby to being a fussy b*tchy acting baby. Mom says that her behavior is completely normal for a teething infant and Mollie will be back to her usual self eventually. All I know for sure, is that if this doesn't pass soon, Mollie's new room will be in the hallway.

   Today is a perfect day to go to the park, the sky is clear and the weather is cool. Perhaps if Mollie isn't too fussy later today, I'll take her to the park. I watch as people pass by and look over to the children playing on the playground.

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