Chapter 1

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                                                                                Her majesty

"Your majesty, you must push. One more time. I know this had been a hard labor, but you must push." My midwife coaxed me.

I was utterly exhausted. This labor had gone on for days. We were worried for the child. Could he survive such a brutal time. I barely did. I did as she instructed, my husband, the king, at my side.

"Push, my lady. Come. He is almost here. You are the strongest lady I know." He said to me.

My husband and king was one of the kindest in all of the kingdoms. It didn't mean that he was not deadly when it came to it. Many wars were won by him. Our own marriage was made to end a war that he was clearly winning. That had been almost eight years ago.

Now, here I was, twenty-four years old. My husband ten years older. And no heirs. I had been pregnant on several occasions. The first two ended in miscarriage. The last, a stillborn son.

When kings have no heirs, it is always seen as the fault of the queen. This was no different. My husband never blamed me. He made it treason for anyone else at court or beyond to do so. He cared for me in a manner that was grand and a marvel to those who watched. And yet, I had not given him an heir. Until tonight. I prayed as I pushed this last time. Prayed that the child was healthy and that he lived.

"Ahhhhhhh" I screamed as I felt the child leave my body. Taking the pain with him. There was no cry. I knew instantly the cause and screamed. The king was standing at the water pot where the child was cleaned and I could see the strength leave his shoulders. I knew that it was another stillborn. My pain was only eclipsed by my shame at not having been able to give him his heart's desire. And the kingdom's saving grace.

For a king without an heir was open to treason as others looked to sit upon the throne when he is called from here.

"OUT!!! EVERYONE OUT!!! BRING ME MY SON AND LEAVE US!!!" I screamed. My words carried my pain upon them. The midwife brought the child to me, wrapped in a purple and gold robe and placed him in my arms. Jerrold, my king came with me. We both kissed and rubbed on him. My tears would not stop, They wet the child's face as well as my own.

"I am no good. You shall put me away and take a wife who can give you an heir. My womb is broken. I shame you." I said through my tears. My strong and handsome husband looked to me and brought his face to mine.

"Torah, my love. You speak nonsense. Words that I will never heed. You are the love of my life. If we have no child, then there is none. My nephew is five and grows strong. He is my heir. He shall take the throne. I have he and my sister guarded fiercely. You are why Iwake every morning. Not the hope of an heir."

He then wrapped his arms around me and brought myself and our little, dark-skinned angel closer to him still.

"The prince needs a name to take to heaven with him." he told me.

"You do it. I can not name another child that I will never see grow. It shall kill me. Surely it shall." I wept.

"Then I should do it." He took the little body from my hands and kissed him. "Gideon" he whispered. "Prince Gideon, rest well. You will always be remembered." He whispered into the child's head. Causing me to weep more.

"I am sorry, Jerry. Please." I cried.

"Woman. I have told you. I do not blame you. The lord giveth and he taketh away. I trust his plan. You must as well." He bent and kissed my lips, rubbing my face and hair with his warm hands. "I love you. you must rest now. I will send your ladies in and give instructions for the prince. Remember, you are my queen always. Nothing shall separate us, but death. And then, only until you reach heaven and join me again."

I took his hand from my face and kissed it over and over. Nodding that I understood and that I loved him as well. He then walked out into my outer chambers where the doctors and the heralds were. My ladies came in to clean me and give me whatever medicine the doctor had for my pain and my sleep. I had been here before. It never got easier. Ever. Thank God I had the husband that I did. He almost made me believe that it would all be okay. But I knew that it would not. Not unless I saw to it.

The Queen's Plan (Pre-Order on Amazon) release date 2/19/19Where stories live. Discover now