Chapter 20- His Majesty

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Chapter 20

His majesty

I ran down the hallway to the queen's chambers. People were running back and forth. I entered and she lie on the bed, in tears. The midwife checked her and the doctor stood by. Some blood was visible. Please lord, not another one, I thought. Though, she wasn't with child. Not that I knew of. No, that couldn't be it. I told myself. The scene just seemed eerily familiar.

"What is this!? What ails my wife. The queen?!" I yelled, walking towards her. I took her hand in mine as I waited for the answer.

The physician spoke. "The queen is dangerously close to losing the baby." He informed me. Turning to her, she could see the questions in my eyes.

"Go. I would speak to my wife." I said, ordering them all out.

They all filed out and stood in the next room. Closing the door to give us privacy.

"You did not tell me you were with child. Why not?" I asked her.

"I could not bear the look of disappointment. I thought to keep it until I could no longer hide."

I smiled widely. "You cannot keep such things from me, my love. No matter the reason. Is this why you would see her gone? Because you are with child?" I asked.

She nodded. I hugged her and told her that I loved her. Calling the mid-wife and physician back in, I sat on the bed to hear their news with her. My arm around her waist. My other hand in hers. My lips and face in her hair. Prayers on those same lips and my heart that all was well.

"The child lives. I asked about to see what may have brought this on. I have been watching the queen very closely during this time. She has done well. When I asked what your majesty had dined on, one of the servants says that she was asked to bring you cinnamon tea and cakes today. Is that true?" the physician asked.

"Yes. They were ordered for my supper with the lady Betheny and served when she arrived for a meeting she asked to have with me." she explained.

"Majesty. Cinnamon is deadly to the unborn child until the middle or end of the pregnancy. You, being close to four months were blessed. But now, we must be careful." He informed us.

"Thank you." I told him and the midwife. "Betheny was here?" I asked.

"Yes. While you were on your hunt."

"Did she know you were with child?" I asked. Suspicious. I knew that Betheny knew herbs. She told me of her time in the country and different uses for them. I didn't seek to alarm the queen, so I kept that to myself.

"I did not tell her. She could not have known." My wife assured me. "Noone but the physician, midwife and my lady."

"Well. We must be as careful as we can. You must start your lying in now. I will not risk your health or the health of the child." I told her.

I sat with her the whole night. Cautiously optimistic that this child would live. Once my wife was asleep, I went to Betheny. She ran to me and attempted to throw her arms around me. I stopped her. Her face was one of pain and embarrassment.

"Am I nothing to you now? I do not even warrant a proper greeting from the king and father of my sons." She asked sadly.

"Betheny. I am here to ask if you have heard the news." I inquired of her. Watching her closely for her answer.

"What news?" she asked.

"The queen is with child." I announced to her, all smiles.

The Queen's Plan (Pre-Order on Amazon) release date 2/19/19Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя