Chapter 13-Betheny

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Chapter 13


My mother came to my rooms with my father in tow. They both showed me the respect due to me now. I outranked them both. Even with their elevation, I was of higher account. I was glad that they knew this. My carrying the king's child put me higher still. Almost on par with the queen.

People flocked to me. They wanted my favor and to be in my presence. I never thought to be of such importance. I was glad I had agreed to this plan. Thinking back on how I had almost decided against it. Then where would I be? A lowly knight's daughter, serving the queen. Now, here I was. The king's child in my belly and aching to come out. With the king's love and favor and servants of my own. He had even given me a country estate.

My mother spoke first.

"How do you feel, Countess?"

"Perfectly fine. There is some pressure and occasional pain. But I am assured that is normal." I explained to her.

"That is good to hear." My father chimed in. "We would speak to you concerning things we have heard about court." He told me.

"Court gossip? Must we?" I asked, sitting and resting my folded hands on my protruding belly.

"We must. It is said that you carry on as if you were of higher standing than you are. That you refuse the queen and hold court instead. What good do you think can come of that?" my mother spoke.

"I have no desire to visit with her." I answered, shrugging my shoulders. "The king has not addressed it. Since he does not, why should I change course. It's his word I care for. No one else's." I informed them.

"Well, you should have a care for the queen. No matter that you carry his child. It may yet be a girl, or heaven forbid, die as her's did. Do not be so sure of yourself until that baby is in his christening robes. And even then, until he is old enough to hold a sword." My father warned me.

"I understand. But, I know he shall live. The king told me that he had a dream his son by me lived to be very tall. Are dreams not what the Lord sends you to confirm his will? That is what Jerrold and I think anyway." I answered without waiting for them to agree or not.

"You seem very sure of yourself. Much more so than the innocent and humble girl we brought to court to serve the queen. I imagine you will have to learn your lesson. And I pray it is not too harsh. Because I tell you this. The queen is still his first and true love. She is only a few years older than you and able to conceive. Which the whole court knows. He still goes to her often. If she delivers her husband an heir, boy or girl, you and that child may be banished under the guise of 'raising him in the country to be a gentleman'. Then where will you be? Countess?" she asked me.

"He has promised never to send me away." I told them both.

My father snickered.

"Does something amuse you father?" I asked.

"Yes. You being so naïve in the ways of the world still."

"What does that mean?" I spat out, insulted.

"It means.." My mother began. "That men make promises in the bedroom all the time. When the light of day peeks through and their wife wags her finger, they soon forget those promises and replace them with the will of the wife. Be mindful, child."

"Well, come my love. I think we have done what we can here. If there is anything that comes from this that is unfavorable, we only say we warned the lady." He said. helping my mother to stand.

They left my apartments having left my mind heavy. I needed to think. Maybe I had gone too far. I would pull back until the child is born. Once he comes and is healthy, I have nothing to fear. And no one who can compare to me. Not even the queen." I thought to myself.

The Queen's Plan (Pre-Order on Amazon) release date 2/19/19Where stories live. Discover now